2024 SEHS Junior/Senior Resources
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I'M POSSIBLE!"

Welcome, Juniors and Seniors and those who support them!
We hope you find this newsletter useful.
And yes, we know it's long! But informative! Feel free to consume it in small bites.
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a) Information for SENIORS
Welcome to your Senior Year!
Seniors! Find important information about your graduation status, applying to college, the Senior Interview, Junior Project completion, and more on this informative webpage assembled by the SEHS counselors. (Also accessible via https://sehs.4j.lane.edu - (refresh page if needed) - STUDENTS - Class Pages - Class of 2025 - Senior Year Counseling Information)
Senior Planning Timeline
Get your ducks in a row with this Senior Planning Timeline 2024-25. It details many must-know dates for the school year.
Applying to 4-Year Colleges from SEHS
College Application Guide
Seniors! Find essential information and tips to smoothly navigate South's specific college application process in this 5-minute video slide presentation by SEHS post-graduate planning specialist, Leann Hollenbeak.
b) 5 Senior Project Options (1 required for graduation)
1) The Senior Experience
Classic (non-IHS) South students who are not on a CTE or CAM pathway complete the Extended Application graduation requirement by undertaking a Senior Experience. The Senior Experience involves completing 10 hours of college- or career-preparation activities and creating a poster or slideshow about the activities to present at a Senior Experience Showcase. Review the Senior Experience newsletter for more information.
2) The IHS Pathway to Graduation
3) Career and Technical Education at SEHS
4) Career and Technical Education through 4J
5) IOP Outdoor Leadership CAM
The IOP Outdoor Leadership CAM (Career-Aligned Mastery) allows seniors to complete their Extended Application graduation requirement by helping design and oversee activities in the Integrated Outdoor Program course. This course combines English and physical education with a focus on the natural world and includes many outdoor activities. Visit our IOP CAM brochure for more information.
c) Information for JUNIORS
Welcome to your Junior Year!
Juniors! Find important information about graduation requirements, college admissions expectations, the Junior Interview, Junior Project completion, and more on this informative webpage assembled by the SEHS counselors. (Also accessible via https://sehs.4j.lane.edu - (refresh page if needed) - STUDENTS - Class Pages - Class of 2026 - Junior Year Info Class of 2026)
Junior Essentials for the Class of 2026
Juniors! Find important information about credit requirements, recommended activities, post-grad planning, and more in this 13-minute video slide presentation by SEHS counselor, Juli McGlinsky.
Checklist for the Junior Year
College-bound Juniors, use this checklist to be sure you don't miss something important as you prepare for next year!
d) Adulting
Money Management
Juniors and Seniors, learn how to get the most out of your hard-earned money with this 58-minute video slide presentation on budgeting, saving, avoiding debt, investing, and using credit by Nate Taylor, lead asset-building specialist with Dev Northwest. For more information about Dev Northwest's youth programming, instead of contacting Nate, please reach out to Youth Asset Building Specialist, Abby James (541-799-4047, <abby.james@devnw.org>).
Resume Building
A resume is a summary of your personal data, your educational background and training, your business or professional experience and qualifications, and your achievement highlights.
Tools for Creating a Resume:
https://www.canva.com/ - search resume template
https://getschooled.com/ - search resume template
High School Credit for Paid Work
South students who are employed in the community may earn elective credit through 4J's Work Experience program. This experience must be paid work and may occur at a public, private, or non-profit organization. Contact SEHS post-graduate planning specialist, Leann Hollenbeak, in the College and Career Center for details (<hollenbeak_l@4j.lane.edu>, 541-790-8012).
Job Search Tools:
Get Schooled App
Get Schooled offers a one-stop-shop of free, student-friendly college and career tools, articles, videos, and more! We recommend it for both job and college prep.
e) 4 Ways to Earn College Credit in High School
1) Lane Community College's College Now Program
LCC Credit for College Now Courses
Receiving LCC credit is not automatic. Students need to register for the courses through LCC. College Now course teachers assist with registration within each CN class.
Do keep in mind that LCC credits earned through College Now count towards the Oregon Promise Grant's 90-credit maximum.
South's College Now options
Find classes here in these subjects:
- Child Development/Education
- Computers
- French
- Graphic Design
- Math
- Spanish
SEHS College Now Liaison
Leann Hollenbeak
Email: hollenbeak_l@4j.lane.edu
Location: College and Career Center
Phone: 541-790-8012
2) Advanced Placement Courses
Advanced Placement and College
Which AP courses are offered at South?
South Eugene High School Curriculum Guide 2024-25
The Advanced Placement Program at SEHS
A Broader View of College Readiness
3) The University of Oregon's Duck Link Program
4) Eugene International High School (IHS) International Baccalaureate Program
The IB program, for juniors and seniors enrolled in IHS, allows students to earn credit or advanced standing at many colleges and universities. Eugene IHS students may choose to pursue the full IB Diploma with exams in 6 subjects or take tests in individual subjects. Students earning a minimum score on an IB test can earn college credit, similar to earning Advanced Placement college credit. (Additionally, students earning the full IB Diploma may be eligible for IB Diploma scholarships.)
f) 5 Career-Prep Options in High School
1) Career and Technical Education at SEHS
2) Career and Technical Education through 4J
3) Elevate
Elevate is a program run by Connected Lane County that offers a wide variety of mostly free career-connected opportunities for students including job shadows, internships, hiring fairs, and more. Connected Lane County's calendar of events and activities
4) Career Prep for SEHS Students
Find here a list of local activities for students who would like to gain experience in specific career fields: Career Prep for SEHS Students.
5) Student Volunteering for SEHS Students
Find here a list of local organizations that invite help from student volunteers: Student Volunteering for SEHS Students.
g) What's After Graduation? 5 Possibilities
1) I'm Bound for College...
Finding a College that Fits
Learn tips for finding the right college with this 25-minute video slide presentation by SEHS College and Career Center coordinator, Lori Sauter.
Selective College Admission
Read about applying to selective colleges in this short article, Applying Sideways, by MIT alum, Chris Peterson.
Financial-Aid Tips
Learn about paying for college by listening to the 2024 SEHS Financial Aid Night webinar, an 84-minute recording featuring UO and Lane CC financial aid counselors. (Begin at 2:32 where actual event starts.)
Then gather a few Financial Aid Tips from the SEHS College & Career Center.
Oregon Goes to College
This website has many excellent resources to help with college planning, including quite a few in Spanish.
Headed to LCC?
Headed to a 4-Year College?
The U of O's SAIL program offers incoming juniors and seniors free one-week summer programs on the University of Oregon campus. Students take mini-classes from faculty members and also dig into college admissions, scholarships, careers, and financial-aid. Participants must come from households with low income.
BONUS! Participants with financial need have the chance to apply for scholarships once they're seniors, including a 1-year room and board scholarship for the U of O, a rarity!
2) I'm Bound for Vocational School...
Where should I go to school?
Trade School Vs. College - How They Compare, an 11-minute video by Practical Wisdom - Interesting Ideas
Should I attend a for-profit school?
6 Pros and Cons of For-Profit Colleges, a 4/17/23 article written by BestColleges staff writers
What Can I Earn?
Top 10 In-Demand Trade Jobs, a 6-minute video by Indeed Career Guide
3) I'm Bound for a Gap Year...
Gap Year 101
Answering Your Questions About the Gap Year Option, a 31-minute video by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
2021 Gap Year Crash Course
Career Exploration: Internships, Work Experience & Resume Building, a 53-minute video by USA Gap Year Fairs
Work Exchange Abroad
Tools for a Gap Year on a Budget, an article by Colin Murchison for Go Overseas
Northwest Youth Corps
Northwest Youth Corps offers a challenging education and job-training experience. Programs include residential conservation crews, community wildfire protection crews, an internship program for college-aged participants, and a fully accredited high school, among others.
Rotary Youth Exchange
All Hands and Hearts
4) I'm Bound for the Military...
- Should I Join the Military?, an article by Kathy Staples for Peterson's. Be aware that Peterson's tries to sell you an online ASVAB test prep program at the end. South is not intending to endorse this program.
- Deciding Which Military Service to Join, an article by Steward Smith for liveaboutdotcom
- Expectations and Advice for Meeting the Military Recruiter, an article by Rod Powers for liveaboutdotcom
- U.S. Military Contracts and Enlistment Incentives, an article by
Rod Powers for liveaboutdotcom - Joining the Military, a webpage from the Oregon Goes to College site. "There are several pathways to the military that include college: using tuition benefits after enlisting, joining ROTC while in college, or attending a military school."
5) I'm Bound for On-The-Job Training...
- Elevate Hiring Fair, annual spring event for Lane County high school seniors seeking a full- or part-time, entry-level career job
- High-Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty, While High School Grads Line Up For University, an article and radio broadcast by Ashley Gross and Jon Marcus for NPR Ed
- You don't need a bachelor's degree to land a high-paying job, an article and radio broadcast by Elissa Nadworny for NPR
- Pathways to the Trades, suggestions from Oregon Goes to College
- Apprenticeships: What You Need to Know, a 41-minute video from Oregon Goes to College. Intended for educators but very useful to students. Most useful info is shared between 1:40 and 21:00. Notes, links, and resources referenced in presentation can be found here.
- Become an apprentice: Learn about the basic qualifications for apprenticeship programs and how to apply for most programs a webpage from the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
- Accessing Union Apprenticeships, a website with a mission of "working to align Oregon and Washington union building trades with the K-12 and post-secondary systems, CTE and STEM initiatives, and current investments of the workforce development system"
- Oregon Apprenticeship, a website of resources supporting registered Oregon apprenticeships
- LCC Industrial Trades, Technologies, Transportation, and Apprenticeship, information about the automotive, aviation, manufacturing, construction, drafting, welding, and electrical trades programs at Lane
- Improving Your Qualifications (for an electrical or other apprenticeship), a webpage from the NECA/IBEW Electrical Training Center
h) South Resources
SEHS Counseling Team and Community Resources
Wellness Supports at SEHS
Academic Support for SEHS Students
i) Questions?
Email the College and Career Center staff (Lori Sauter <sauter_l@4j.lane.edu> or Leann Hollenbeak <hollenbeak_l@4j.lane,edu>), or reach out to your counselor, and we'll help you find the information you need.