Beckman High School Resources
Welcome to Beckman High School!
Contact Your Counselor!
Role of your Counselor
You counselor can help you with:
Schedule changes
College and career advising
Social and emotional support
Concerns with school matters
And so much more! Go visit your counselor and introduce yourself!
All sports are by season requiring a tryout and athletic medical clearance.
The Athletic Clearance process is a completely online process. All student clearances are housed online at: www.athleticclearance.com
All athletes must be cleared EACH school year.
NEW athletes need to sign-up and create an Athletic Clearance account at www.athleticclearance.com
Need Help?
- Brain Fuse - free online resource with live tutoring, study skills tips, career assessments, writing assistance. Create free account https://www.brainfuse.com/highed/helpNow.asp?a_id=DF6C3E1A&ss=&r=
- Brighter Minds: Student led at Beckman HS (in person tutoring https://brighterminds.carrd.co/
- Khan Academy - free online videos/ any subject, create free learner account https://www.khanacademy.org/
Need Help With Translation?
Translation Resources: Google Translate (Phone App): packed with great features including the ability to translate text among 133 languages, translate text in images by simply pointing the camera of your device, translate taken or imported photos, instant translation of bilingual conversations, draw text characters instead of typing, star and save translated words and phrases, and much more.
Let's Get Involved!
Beckman High School has a philosophy of the 4 A's (Academics, Activities, Athletics, and the Arts) that educates students in the field of being well rounded. Participation in clubs is a great way for students to meet new friends, get extracurricular experience in various fields, and have great opportunities on our campus. Come get involved!
In order to communicate with club presidents, Beckman Clubs staff uses Remind 101 to send out updates, information, and other important information in addition to email.
This year, there are all new forms for clubs to get approval for events, activities, and fundraisers. There are also new minutes and calendars forms. Contact us at bhsclubs@gmail.com if you need help with any of these new forms!
The Inter-Club Council will serve as a governing body of all chartered and recognized clubs on Beckman’s campus, working as one cohesive group to ensure the betterment of Beckman High School and the greater community.
How to Contact Your Teacher
Teacher Emails
Please contact your teacher directly if you have questions about your grade or concerns about the class.
If you have to miss school, please make sure your parents/guardians call the attendance office
24-Hour Attendance Line
714-734-2900 , then press "1"
Graduation Requirements
At the high school level there are two requirements you should be aware of: Graduation Requirements and Admission to a university requirements. University admission requirements are called A-G requirements. Please see the image below.
Beckman 24-25 Grading Periods
Link Cru Orientation
Each year, Beckman High School hosts a very memorable, impactful and FUN welcome event for our incoming 9th grade students called Freshmen Link Cru Orientation.
Make-up 9th Grade Orientation / New Student Orientation (NSO)
This event is for all students who did not attend our Link Cru Freshmen Orientation on Tuesday, July 30th
This event is mainly for ALL NEW 9th-12th graders who are new to our campus
Students will be in grade level specific groups as our Link Cru leaders lead them in games, activities, etc.
Free Pizza will be funded & provided
Tuesday August 27th during Lunch in our BHS GYM
Please sign-up below if you're interested in attending this event and we will send you more information.
Make-up Orientation/New Student Orientation Sign-up Link:
Freshmen Link Cru Orientation is a chance to:
- Meet other Beckman students
- Have fun & create memories
- Get a personalized tour of our entire school
- Receive guidance & mentorship on navigating high school
- Hear about all that our school has to offer to get involved