The Panda Post
January 31, 2024
Glenview District 34
1333 Greenwood Road
Glenview, IL 60026
Main Office (847)998-5055
Absence Calls/Health Office (847)657-2494
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, February 5
PTA Meeting on Zoom from 6:00pm - 7:00pm
**Zoom link will be shared closer to date
Monday, February 10 - Friday, February 14
Valentine's Spirit Week (flier below)
Monday, February 17
District Closed - No School (Presidents Day)
Tuesday, February 18
Board of Education Meeting @7:30pm
Friday, February 28
Family-Teacher Conferences - No School
SAVE THE DATES: Spring Music Program for 1st & 2nd Grade
Thursday, March 13, 9:30am: Hochman, Carlin, Mirande, Sulak
Thursday, March 13, 1:30pm: Marsh, Cottrell, Bratko, Davies
Friday, March 14, 9:30am: Borkowski, Malamis, Howard
Friday, March 14, 1:30pm: Humpal, Yadava, McIntyre
**see below for detailed information
Message From The Principal
Westbrook Families,
It has been refreshing this week to have some warmer temperatures and the ability to go outside for recess! We always try out best to have students outdoors for recess as we know the benefits of gross motor movements and fresh air! Here at Westbrook and across the district, we monitor temperatures closely while also looking at playground conditions to determine if outdoor recess is possible. If the "feels like" temperature during the 12:00-1:00 time is 10 degrees Fahrenheit or above, students will be outdoors for recess. If the "feels like" temperature is 9 degrees or below, students will be indoors. Playground conditions also play a determining factor to ensure student safety at recess. If the playground is extremely icy or we are unable to clear snow in time for recess, we may also stay indoors due to safety concerns. Thank you for your cooperation in making sure that students are prepared for recess!
We are also looking forward to our Valentine's Day celebrations here at Westbrook. We will be having a spirit week for the entire week of February 10-14. Please see more information below regarding out spirit week. A big thank you to our PTA for sponsoring our Valentine's Day parties as well. As a friendly reminder to all parents, please do not attach any candy or food items to Valentine's day cards. Thanks again for your cooperation!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Spring Music Program For 1st and 2nd Grade Students
Westbrook School Proudly Presents: Music Tells A Story
We are excited for our spring music program, “Music Tells A Story.” Every 1st and 2nd grade student will sing and each child will also have one of the following roles: a speaking part, a dancing performance, or playing a musical instrument. All of these roles – and all of our students! – are extremely important in making the show a success. Mark your calendars for your child’s show!
Thursday, March 13, 9:30am: Hochman, Carlin, Mirande, Sulak
Thursday, March 13, 1:30pm: Marsh, Cottrell, Bratko, Davies
Friday, March 14, 9:30am: Borkowski, Malamis, Howard
Friday, March 14, 1:30pm: Humpal, Yadava, McIntyre
We want to share a few details:
All performances will be held in the front gym at Westbrook School.
Parking in our lot in a designated space may be challenging. We encourage you to carpool, and park in the empty lot across the street if needed.
Students may wear formal but comfortable clothing for this performance.
Each performance will last about 40 minutes.
Each student will be able to have two guests attend their scheduled performance.
The safety and security of all of our students and staff at Westbrook are our priority, and we ask for your help by following District 34 safety and security protocols that require each guest to have their photo ID processed through our security system before being admitted into Westbrook.
To avoid lines in the front office and the greatest enjoyment of the show, we highly recommend that each guest who will attend the show stop by the main office or call the main office at 847-998-5055 as soon as possible before the week of the show to pre check-in with their photo ID. The best times to call the main office are during 9:00am-11:00am and 1:00pm-3:00pm daily.
Thank you for your help!
Mrs. Karin Meister
Westbrook Music Teacher
Mr. Patrick Hoeft
Dental health is an important part of a child’s overall health – we love to see our students’ healthy smiles!
This spring, District 34 is bringing Orland Park Dental Services (OPDS) to our schools to provide dental exams to any of our students who need them. As a reminder, the State of Illinois requires students in grades K, 2, and 6 to submit proof of a dental exam – but these in-school appointments with OPDS are open to any and all students! They provide dental services to children on public aid as well as those with private dental insurance.
The exams are provided by caring, licensed dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants with state-of-the-art portable dental equipment. OPDS has been providing in-school dental services since 1999 and their healthcare professionals ensure a clean, safe, and comfortable environment within the schools.
Parents and guardians who complete the consent form do not have to join their child at the appointment (but you are welcome to come in). If you have questions or need assistance, contact District Nurse Shari Stadler.
There are still slots open especially for preschool parents to join the Valentine classroom parties. Please check your child's party schedule and sign up below. ALL parents must be signed up to come into the school ahead of time. Your RSVP is your "TICKET" into the school.
Lost & Found
Our lost & found is overflowing. Do any of these items belong to your child? Stop by anytime at the front office.
District 34 Important Forms and Information
2024-2025 District 34 Calendar
Click Here for the following forms:
Authorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication
Bus Rider Reminders
Cell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form
Dental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades)
Dental Exam Waiver
District Policies/Handbook Info
Eye Exam Form
Eye Exam Waiver
Food Guidelines
Health Examination Form
Westbrook School
Matt Zidron - Assistant Director of Preschool and Student Services
Martha Rode - Assistant Principal of Student Services
Website: https://wb.glenview34.org/
Location: 1333 Greenwood Road, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-657-2491