Raccoon News
Dec. 19, 2024
Winter Weather Info
Winter weather will be here soon, so it’s a good idea to have a plan for your family in case of school closings, early dismissals, or late starts.
Notices for school closings and early dismissals will be posted on the following websites, radio, and television stations. You can also hear a recorded message on the District Notification Line at 507-387-6046.
Other ways to track school closing delays/dismissals/closures:
● www.isd77.org ● katoinfo.com ● mankatofreepress.com ● southernminnesotanews.com ● keyc.com ● KEYC 12 - TV AND MANY MORE.
Click HERE for a copy of the Winter Weather Information.
Please note: Blue Earth Area Schools is a smaller school district south of us. When you hear or see this, IT IS NOT Mankato Area Public Schools. This is something that can be confusing because of the county in which we live.
Dec. 23-Jan 1........NO SCHOOL-Winter Break
2..........School Resumes
8..........Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30
14........PTO Meeting 5:30pm-6:30pm, Media Center (Childcare Provided!)
16........PTO GLOW PARTY! 5:30pm-7:00pm
20........NO SCHOOL
27........NO SCHOOL-Teacher Workday/End of Quarter 2
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285