Evergreen Update
We are in this together
Good evening Evergreen Families,
We hope you and your families are well. As we embark upon our new learning structure, we wanted to provide some additional resources to help. If you haven’t seen the amazing video challenge our Music department put together please check it out:Learning Schedule:
Reading Time Resources
AR=Accelerated Reading Books https://www.everettsd.org/Page/7219
I-Ready Ready Resources
Instructional Time Resources
On the last two days of school all students, each period, accessed their email, went to their class specific online platforms, and they completed this one page-resource guide. If your student was absent and/or if they lost their resource, we have attached a blank copy for your reference.
If a student cannot remember what platform (Evergreen Website, Canvas, or Google Classroom) their teacher is using, please click here a LINK
How to access their student’s online learning. Here are quick tutorials for how to do that!
How to access their student’s online learning continued
To access Canvas, go to https://www.everettsd.org/domain/2152 and select the Canvas tile. Then log in with your normal student log-in.)
To access a Google Classroom, go to http://clasroom.google.com and login to class with the class code (codes are listed on teacher Evergreen Webpages)
Technology Supports for Families: https://www.everettsd.org/Page/32723
Common Questions:
Q: I am 8th grader and I am wanting to know about registration for high school!
A: We turned in all of our forms from our counselors. All requests for courses have been entered in the system.
Everett High School: will send out information later in the spring to confirm, if you have questions: https://www.everettsd.org/Page/32640
- Cascade High School: For more information https://www.everettsd.org/Page/34222
Be safe and stay healthy
Michele Waddel
Principal of Evergreen Middle School
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