Mote Bulldog Bulletin 4
September 27, 2024- October 3, 2024
Vision: Anna P. Mote Elementary will prepare our students to make positive contributions to society by being culturally responsive and civically conscious critical thinkers.
- Mission: To provide a family-oriented school community where all members are committed to the academic, social, and emotional growth for all students.
- School's Core Values:
- Give Respect, Be Responsible, Cooperate with Others, Welcome Diversity, Learn with a Growth Mindset
Upcoming Events
Monday September 30- C Day
Tuesday October 1- D Day
Wednesday October 2- A Day, Kindergarten Dental Screening, Let Me Run Practice
Thursday October 3- Schools Closed/Offices Open
Friday October 4- B Day
Monday October 7- C Day, Let Me Run Practice
Tuesday October 8- D Day, Bus Evacuation Drills, 6pm PTA meeting
Wednesday October 9- A Day, Let Me Run Practice
Thursday October 10- B Day
Friday October 11- Inservice Day- No School for Students
Staff Spotlight
Holly Barshay is a special education teacher serving students in grade K-4. She has also taught third grade and first grade here at Mote. Prior to coming to Mote, Mrs. Barshay worked in the finance industry and Preschool. Mrs. Barshay finds it most rewarding making connections and watching students make growth from year to year. Outside of school, Mrs. Barshay loves being a mom, reading, walking her dog, doing yoga, and working out. A fun fact about Mrs. Barshay is that she loves to travel and she has hiked halfway down the Grand Canyon.
Great Things Happening At Mote
Open House
Open House
Thank you to all the families who came to Open House. Here is the presentation from Open House.
Volunteering at Mote
If you are interested in volunteering at Mote or attending field trips, please use the links below to complete the necessary paperwork. Then call the front office to let them know the paperwork has been completed and accepted.
Congratulations to Kristin Nye and Angela Johnson, school counselors from Mote, for earning Delaware's Sapphire Award for Excellence in School Counseling!
Universal Screener for Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning
The SocialEmotionalBehavior screening window is opened from 9/30-10/18. Please see the parent letters below.
SAEBRS Parent Letter (English)
SAEBRS Parent Letter (Spanish)
Student Data Cards (formerly known as Emergency Cards)
Thank you to the families for turning in the Student Data Cards. If you have not turned one in for your child, please do so as soon as possible so we are prepared in the event of an emergency. If you are in need of another one, please reach out to your child's teacher or to the front office.
Thank you!
Join Us for the Red Clay Consolidated School District College Fair!
The Red Clay Consolidated School District is thrilled to host our highly anticipated College Fair on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at Alexis I. du Pont High School! This exciting event is your gateway to discovering a wide range of educational opportunities that can shape your path forward. Over 50+ colleges, universities, military, and vocational schools will be present. Whether you're a student eager to explore your college options or a parent ready to support your child's journey, this event offers a unique opportunity to connect with top colleges, discover scholarships, and get personalized advice.
Our College Fair is a must-attend event for middle and high school students, families, and community members eager to explore post-secondary options. Visit our website for more details.
Recurring information
Kindergarten Families only
All kindergarten students will receive Oral Health Screenings here at school on Oct. 2. This is free for families. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, there is an OPT out form attached. Opt out forms need to be completed by this Friday September 27. Please also email our nurse, Sheri.Conrad@redclay.k12.de.us if you complete an opt out form or need help with the form.
Morning Carline-Update
Thank you to everyone who is following our car line procedures. Car Line is going very smoothly and students are getting into a nice routine!
Please use our car line in the morning. We are happy to help your child get out of the car. It is much safer for your child and our staff members to use the car line instead of crossing at the crosswalk. If you must park and walk your student to the door, please exit via the carline. We cannot have cars leaving using the one way entrance. It creates a safety issue. Also, please enter our complex at a cautious speed.
Please do not get out of your car in the car line. If your child is having trouble getting out of the car, our staff can assist. If it does require you getting out of the car, please pull up past our car line so as not to block the other cars from unloading and leaving.
Thank you for your support!
Early Dismissals
If your child requires an early dismissal, please send in a note in the morning indicating the time. We close down the office for dismissals between 3:15-4:00.
You must have an id to sign out your child from the office.
We will not call students to the office until you arrive for the early dismissal. This maximizes their instructional time before they leave.
Process for Concerns
It is inevitable that throughout the year, your child will come home upset about something. We ask that you use the following process to deal with the situation.
1. Understand that there are two sides to every story. Your child is sharing the story from his/her perspective.
2. Ask your child for more information. Empower them to handle this situation on their own (if they are able).
3. Speak directly with the teacher for clarification and to problem solve. Share your concerns without blame. It will allow you and the teacher to talk through the situation and reach an agreed upon solution.
4. If the situation is not resolved after speaking with the teacher, please reach out to administration for support.
Birthday Celebrations
We do not allow for families to send in items for a birthday celebration. Each teacher has a method to celebrate student birthdays in the classroom. The exception is if you choose to send in a small non food item that your child can pass out to each person at the end of the day. Please do not send birthday invitations in to school with your child for him/her to pass out unless there is one for every student in the class. For more information, please see the flier below.
Mote Elementary School
Email: lauren.young@redclay.k12.de.us
Website: https://www.redclayschools.com/mote
Location: 2110 Edwards Avenue, Wilmington, DE, USA
Phone: 302-992-5565
Facebook: facebook.com/MoteBulldogs
Twitter: @motebulldogs