December 11, 2023
Franklin Pierce High School Community Newsletter
Location: 11002 18th Avenue East, Tacoma, WA 98445, USA
Phone: (253)298-3800
Twitter: @FPHScards
Name: Nick Watkins
My Role at FPHS: Science Teacher
Favorite Hobbies: Woodworking, hiking, basketball (Watching and playing)
Favorite Book: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Favorite Quote: “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” — Jack Handey
Name: Richard O’Flaherty
My Role at FPHS: Civics and United States History Teacher
Favorite Hobbies: Reading, Camping, and Traveling
Favorite Book: With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln
Favorite Songs: Limelight by Rush and Fight the Good Fight by Triumph
The application for college financial aid is right around the corner. FAFSA/WASFA opens on December 31. Usually, we would offer in person assistance as soon as the program goes live, but we will be on winter break. Stay tuned for upcoming dates where you can get assistance filling out the FAFSA/WASFA. A few things we suggest you complete before the application goes live are:
- Set up your user ID at least 4 days before filling out the application (it takes a few days to process, and this step can be completed NOW): Parents need their own FSA ID:
- Unsure if you complete the FAFSA or WASFA? Here is a quick way to find out:
- You will be using your taxes from 2022 to fill out the application for the 2024/2025 school year
- Send the application to all the colleges your student is considering. Once you submit the application it cannot be corrected or edited until the end of February
Franklin Pierce Schools is delighted to announce that Seed Teachers, offered in partnership with Degrees of Change and Pacific Lutheran University, is coming to our district!
Seed Teachers offers graduating seniors a cohort-based, debt-free path to their college degree and teacher certification-all leading to a high-impact job back in your home community. Seed Teachers allows cohorts of students to obtain scholarships to earn a degree at PLU with mentoring and paid work experience at Franklin Pierce Schools throughout their college career. When program participants have completed their degree, they are guaranteed interviews at Franklin Pierce Schools to be hired as full-time staff.
Interested in learning more about Seed Teachers? Click here! The deadline to apply is January 15.
Please consider nominating a student to participate in this program. An encouraging nudge from a caring adult can go a long way!
Hey Seniors!
A friendly reminder from the FPHS Yearbook Staff....Send your SENIOR PORTRAITS to the Yearbook as soon as possible! If you took Senior Photos this year and would like them to appear in the yearbook (replacing your school photo) now is your chance. These must be high quality photos and school appropriate - including no mirror pics, selfies, or distracting filters. They must be clear, close-up and only have the senior in the photo.
Send your photo files to or talk to Ms. Rice in 801 - a yearbook staff member will get back to you if your photo doesn't meet standards.