News from the Prairie
Missing Work Reports
Missing work reports are now being emailed to parents/guardians on a weekly basis. These reports will come from Mrs. Ball’s Infinite Campus account, but all questions regarding missing assignments or assessments should be directed to the teacher in which the assignment was given.
IXL Program
This year, all students at Prairie Winds have access to a program called IXL. IXL is an online learning platform that offers personalized practice in both math and ELA standards. It adapts to each student's skill level, providing immediate feedback and tracking of progress.
Beginning in February, students will have additional time set aside in their Advisory and study hall classes to work on their individual learning pathways. These pathways have been updated recently, using NWEA testing data to further fine tune the learning opportunities for each student. Using IXL as a tool will not only help our students prepare to be successful on this year’s MCAs, but will also help to continue their progress towards proficiency in grade-level standards.
Students who are in band, choir, or orchestra that do not have a study hall are encouraged to spend approximately 20 minutes per day at home working in their IXL pathways.
Spring Conferences
Spring Conferences will be held February 27th and March 3rd from 4-8pm. Sign up information will be sent out to families in mid-February. Our goal is to have 90% parent/guardian participation. Help us reach our goal by signing up to meet with at least one teacher!
As is becoming our tradition, the Scholastic Book Fair will be here for both nights of conferences, located in room B107.
Help us Reach our Academic Goals
This year we are trying to increase our MCA Reading and Math Achievement Results from 45% Proficient to 60% Proficient as a school. We know we can make this happen if we put our efforts toward creating a safe and welcoming environment as well as an environment that is focused on high achievement in all academic areas. Please connect with your students to make sure they are completing all of their assignments. Talk to them about the importance of giving their best effort. Like we always say to our students ¨no one has ever regretted doing their best¨. Our teachers are committed to teaching the appropriate standards that will help our students be successful. When the MCA Assessment happens in April, we will be ready. We want to celebrate our academic achievements at Prairie Winds. Please talk to your students about doing their best the next few months and on their assessments so we can give ourselves a chance to reach this goal! We can do this!
MCAs are quickly approaching! Daily attendance during testing helps avoid additional pressure and allows students to follow the testing schedule as smoothly as possible. When planning future doctor/orthodontist/therapy appointments, if possible, please avoid the testing windows provided below:
MCA Reading: April 7th-10th (6-8th grade)
MCA Math: April 21st-24th (6-8th grade)
MCA Science: April 30th-May 2nd (8th grade only)
Spring Dances
6th Grade- Friday, February 21st 5:30-7:30
7th-8th Grade- Friday, February 28th 5:30-7:30
Weather Related Information
Snow and flu season are just around the corner! In preparation, here are two important resources that are available on the ISD77 website for your review:
Flu Information for Families - provides influenza information
Weather Related Information - includes details on where to find out about weather related closings and late starts. Please note the NEW MAPS Helpline: 507-387-6046.
Please contact the school for any questions.