Fighting Scot News
March 2025
Good Afternoon Highland Families!
Dear Highland Families,
March is a busy month as students prepare for OST (state) and AP testing, spring activities, and important school events. We’re proud of their hard work and appreciate your continued support.
Check out this newsletter for key updates and upcoming events. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.
Go Scots!
Chad Carpenter
Principal, Highland High School
MARCH 11th
- All JUNIORS will be taking the ACT @ 7:30am. Juniors are automatically registered for this ACT and there is no fee.
- All SOPHOMORES will be taking the Pre ACT @ 7:30am. Sophomores are automatically registered for this Pre ACT and there is no fee.
- SENIORS will be participating in a day of Job Shadowing/ College Visits or Community Service.
- All FRESHMAN are encouraged to participate in job shadowing or community service on this day.
- Buses will run on a normal schedule.
February Students of the Month:
These students were rewarded for their work in and out of the classroom. Great job!
James Stevens nominated by Mr. Wendt, Raven Bump nominated by Ms. Palmer, Adam Dean nominated by Mrs. Robertson, Kenley Brown nominated by Mr. Smith, Molly Jones nominated by Mr. Lannom, Georgia Gantz nominated by Ms. Miller, Evalie Hickman nominated by Commander Sachleben, and Mia Diamond nominated by Ms. Simms.
Highland’s Prom will be held on Saturday, May 3rd, from 8–11 PM at the Medallion Club (5000 Club Dr., Westerville). This event is for Juniors and Seniors. Students may bring a guest, but guests must be at least a sophomore and cannot be 20 or older. Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria on April 2nd and 3rd during lunch periods for $40 each. If a student wants to bring a guest from another school, a completed out-of-school guest form is required before purchasing tickets. This form will be emailed to students and will be available in the office at a later date. Stay tuned for more information! If you have any questions, please reach out to Miss Manning (elena_m@hlsd.us).
Free Breakfast for Students on Testing Days
Dear Students,
I’m pleased to share that free breakfast will be available to all students on designated testing days this semester, thanks to the generous support of our Board of Education, which has agreed to cover the cost. We know how important it is to start the day with a good meal, especially during exams, and we want to support you in every way possible.
Testing Dates with Free Breakfast:
- March 11 – ACT & Pre-ACT (Sophomores & Juniors)
- April 21 – ELA II
- April 24 – Biology
- April 29 – Algebra/History
- April 30 – Geometry/Government
- May 6 – AP U.S. Government
- May 7 – AP English Literature
- May 12 – AP Calculus A/B & B/C
- May 13 – AP Environmental Science
- May 14 – AP Physics C: Mechanics
If you’re scheduled to test on any of these days, be sure to take advantage of the free breakfast to fuel your mind and body. We greatly appreciate the BOE’s commitment to supporting our students during these important assessments. More details will be shared as we get closer to each date.
Best of luck with your testing, and let’s finish the year strong!
2025 Testing Dates:
Testing Dates:
March 11th – ACT (All juniors) & Pre-ACT (All sophomores)
March 11th will be a “testing day” at Highland High School. There will be no classes. Only students who are testing will need to attend school. Students will be released upon the completion of the testing.
All JUNIORS will be taking the ACT @ 7:30am. Juniors are automatically registered for this ACT and there is no fee.
All SOPHOMORES will be taking the Pre ACT @ 7:30am. Sophomores are automatically registered for this Pre ACT and there is no fee.
All SENIORS will be participating in a day of Job Shadowing or College Visits, or Community Service (The students are responsible to set this up on their own).
All FRESHMAN will be participating in a day of Job Shadowing or College Visits, or Community Service (The students are responsible to set this up on their own).
***Buses will run on a normal schedule for the district.
Ohio State Tests (OST): (3-hour delay schedule- see below)
Mon, April 21st - ELA II
Thurs, April 24th - Biology
Tues, April 29th - Algebra & History
Wed, April 30th - Geometry & Govt
AP Test Dates: (Normal School Day)
Tues, May 6th @ 12:00 - US Govt
Wed, May 7th @ 8:00 - English Literature
Mon, May 12th @ 8:00 - Calc A/B & B/C
Tues, May 13th @ 12:00 - Environmental Science
Wed, May 14th @ 12:00 - Physics C: Mechanics
Colors for the State of the State Address
The Highland High School NJROTC Color Guard will be presenting colors at the annual State of the State Address on Wednesday March 12th. The address will be shown live on the Ohio Channel(PBS) starting at 12:00 noon. The cadets participating are Seniors Lorelai Myers, Elliot Fisher, David Blake and junior Shilynn Humphfrey. The cadets will get a chance to meet the governor and other dignitaries.
Reformatory Field Trip:
Highland High School students visited The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio on February 24th. Students in English and Art classes toured the historic Reformatory to learn about the rich history, architecture styles and thought provoking issues and stories that surround this historic Ohio building that has also been the setting of movies and music videos.
Highland Youth and Government:
The Highland Youth and Government group had an amazing 2 days learning about the state government and getting hands-on experience in the state house. Kat was the head lobbyist and added new things to the program that will be used for years to come. Darrian was a Lobbyist who gave his opinion on many youth bills that were presented in committee. Bailey and Alexa did a great job in the media group of creating videos and putting on a press conference. If any parents or students want to learn more about Youth and Government, reach out to adviser Mrs. Stecker.
Congrats to Kat Loeffler for her being the only student to represent Ohio in Washington D.C. for the YMCA to talk about YMCA and Youth Issues with Ohio Members of Congress. She even met the CEO of the YMCA Susan McCormick.
Clayton Davidson will represent Highland at Catalyst Awards
We are excited to announce that Clayton Davidson will represent Highland High School at the 34th Annual Catalyst for Positive Change Awards on Friday, April 11, 2025, at COSI. This event recognizes outstanding juniors and seniors from Central Ohio who have made a meaningful impact through community service. In addition to celebrating these exceptional students, the event will introduce the Catalyst for Positive Change Inspiration Award, honoring entrepreneur Claire Coder, CEO of Aunt Flow. Congratulations to Clayton on this well-deserved recognition!
Business Professionals of America:
BPA Regional Competition Results – Students Moving on to State!
Congratulations to our Business Professionals of America (BPA) students on their outstanding performances at regionals! Several students are advancing to the state competition, and we are incredibly proud of all who participated.
Special recognition goes to:
✅ Podcast Production Team, who competed against career center students despite limited resources.
✅ Caiden Daugherty, who earned a near-perfect score in his math competition.
✅ Toby Rogers & Faith Harris, who excelled in the challenging Extemporaneous Speech event, securing two of the top three spots.
✅ Four Esports teams advancing to the National BPA competition!
Beyond placements, nearly 100 students competed professionally against 700+ competitors, demonstrating dedication and hard work.
Congratulations to all!
District 6 Extemporaneous Public Speaking Career Development Event
Recently Grant Jennings took first place at the District 6 Extemporaneous Public Speaking Career Development Event, putting him in the top 20 in Ohio. He had to draw a topic on-sight then research and prepare a 4-6 minute speech in 30 minutes. This qualified him to compete at the State Competition in Marysville.
Important Senior Dates!
March 10-11 – BPA Leadership Conference
March 10 - Frosh Vision/ Hearing Screenings
March 11 – Testing & Career Exploration Day
- Juniors: ACT
- Sophomores: Pre-ACT
- Freshmen & Seniors: Job Shadow, College Visit, or Community Service
March 12 - Frosh Vision/ Hearing Screenings
March 13 – Early Release @ 11:50 AM (Parent-Teacher Conferences)
March 14 – No School (Staff PD)
March 19 – Home Base Schedule
March 19 – Naz Job Fair
March 19 – Ohio Statewide Tornado Drill (9:50 AM)
March 20 – FFA Banquet (6:00 PM)
March 21 – End of 3rd Grading Period
March 21 – Fire Drill (4th Period)
March 24-28 – Spring Break
2024-2025 School Calendar
Senior Exams:
Underclassman 2nd Sem. Exams:
OhioHealth Grief Support Groups:
Drivers Education Information
Contact Us:
- High School Phone : 419-768-3101
- Address: 1300 St Rt 314, Marengo OH 43334
- Facebook: Highland High School-Marengo, Ohio
- Twitter: Highland High School_Marengo@highlandmarengo
- Instagram: Highlandhighschool_marengo
- High School Web Page: https://highland.k12.oh.us/schools/high-school/