Shadowlawn Scoop
School Newsletter May 2024
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Message from Principal Eliason
Included in this month's newsletter are many important dates for end of year activities. Some grade level specific events may not be on this calendar so be on the lookout for information coming from your child's teacher. Every Thursday we send home our "Thursday Folders" with flyers, permission slips, and other important school communication. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.
We are so grateful for our SLE families and your dedication to supporting your child's education. Thank you for all you do, Shadowlawn is a special community.
Have a wonderful summer!
Important Dates
5/10: Kindergarten Muffins with Mom 8:30am
5/10: Kindergarten Roundup for Incoming Kinder Families 9:00-10:00 in Cafe
5/22: 5th Grade Field Trip to Headpinz
5/24: Kindergarten Moving Up Celebration 10:00 AM
5/24: Early Release Day - Dismissal at 12:05
5/27: No School - Closed for Memorial Day
5/28: PBIS Water Day
5/28: PreK End of Year Celebration for Families - 9:00 AM
5/29: 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony in MPR - 9:00 AM
5/30: Last Day of School & Early Release Day - Dismissal at 12:05
6/3: Last Day Office is Open
6/10: Quarter 4 Report Cards Available in CCPS Parent Portal
7/22: SLE Office reopens for 24-25 School Year
Remaining State Assessment Calendar:
5/14-16: Grades 3-5 Math Sate Assessment
5/21: Grade 5 Science State Assessment
5th Grade Moving Up Celebration Annoucement
Wellness Committee
Here are some opportunities to do something healthy this summer!
We've also attached some healthy recipes from the wellness committee at school. Hope you enjoy them! We have fresh garlic bruschetta and blueberry scones that you can easily make at home! Enjoy!
English Language Learners (ELL) Department
FREE Online Language Learning Programs!
Below you will find an attachment that includes two FREE Language Learning Programs: Mango and Duolingo. These programs are fun for the entire family. Click on the link and start your language journey.
Communication Corner
Around the School
Spelling Bee
Congratulations to the participants of the first annual Shadowlawn Spelling Bee!
Each participant in the school-wide bee won their classroom bee last month. Students have been working hard studying word lists in preparation for the bee and their performance was outstanding!
Congratulations to our top winners:
1st Place: Vanessa 5th Grade
2nd Place: Tyler 4th Grade
3rd Place: Chris 3rd Grade
Windstar Tennis Club Donation
Our generous neighbors at the Windstar Tennis Club held an equipment drive in honor of several of their members for Shadowlawn & Avalon. Along with some new sports equipment, they raised money to help support our student recreation clubs! Thank you, Windstar Tennis.
Pre-K has been working very hard on preparing for kindergarten. We have been working on letter recognition and letter sounds, counting and number recognition. We are very excited to show our parents how much we improved this year at our concert.
Our kindergarteners were busy making math counters, learning measurements using non standards units and participating in water day by completing their complementary chart. We also started our “ABC countdown” as we are coming close to the final days of the school year. So far, students had the opportunity to bring their favorite stuffed animal to school and play with bubbles. We are excited about the rest of the days of the ABC countdown.
First Grade
1st grade has been having loads of fun lately! We had a blast at the Naples zoo learning about all different kinds of animals and their habitats. We also celebrated meeting our math and reading WIG goals with a crazy glow party. And, don’t forget we had some flashlight fun where we read our decodable readers in the dark.
Second Grade
Second grade had a great time building fluency for our STAR progress monitoring assessments. Students filled their “tool box” with reading and math strategies.
Third Grade
Third grade had a terrific time visiting the Conservancy of Southwest Florida this month! The fun hands-on activities helped us learn more about the wildlife and vegetation that is a valuable part of our section of the state.
Fourth Grade
Fourth Graders reviewing for their ELA F.A.S.T. exam with life sized candy land...we love our school theme and are ready to rock this test!
5th Grade
Fifth grade got a taste of middle school life during their field trip to East Naples Middle School! Quickly after they returned to Shadowlawn to have the opportunity to meet with 14 different professionals to learn about the many career opportunities they can pursue! Busy day for our rising 6th graders!
Related Arts: PE
We are excited to be working on our beginners gymnastics unit. The students are very excited to be working on the gymnastics mats! We are practice rolls, flexibility, gymnastic leaps, as well as balance. The students will even be putting together their own routine in class!
Related Arts: Art
Congratulations are in order to 5th grader Olivia who's artwork was on display representing Shadowlawn at the annual Superintendent's Art Show!
Social Media & SLE Website
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, wenriv@collierschools.com or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.