North Hancock Elementary
Week of August 26th
Welcome Back Hornets!
Hornet Family,
We could not have asked for a greater return to school this week! Our students are excited, our faculty is energized, and we have a great year ahead of us!
Dr. Bryant
Upcoming Events
9/2: No School- Labor Day
9/10-9/20: Fall Map Testing
9/16-9/20: Book Fair
9/17: Curriculum Night 5:30pm
9/19: SBDM Meeting 3:30pm
9/23: Fall Picture Day
10/4: Walk-A-Ton
10/7-10/11: Fall Break
Transportation Changes
Transportation changes can be made with a handwritten note and sent in with your student daily or an email can be sent to Mrs. Case. Transportation changes need to be sent and turned in to the school by 12:00pm.
Shannon Case-
**Due to safety reasons we will NOT take any transportation changes over the phone!
Car Tags
Students will need new car tags this school year. If you haven't picked up your child's new car tag please do so ASAP. If you need a car tag sent home please contact the school and let us know and we will send the car tags home with your student.
**Previous year car tags will NOT work
**Car tags must be visible and in your vehicle to pick up any student in the car line.
North Hancock's school day is 8:00am-2:55pm. Any student dropped off after 8:00am or checked out before 2:55pm will be considered tardy. Student drop off begins at 7:15am-8:00am and car line runs from 2:55pm-3:10pm daily.
**If an adult is not present at drop off you MUST walk your child into the building and check-in.
In the event your child is going to be absent please let the school know. You can either call the school, (270)927-7900 or email
Doctor excuses can be turned in when your child returns to school or you may email the excuse to Shannon Case.