Late Start Reminder
Wednesday, February 5
As a reminder, tomorrow is a Late Start day at HES. On Late Start days, students are in attendance from 10:00-2:15 PM. Students will eat lunch at their regularly scheduled time, along with recess.
Our Arrival process will be the same, the only difference is the time it takes place. Please do not drop off students early, as there will not be supervision of students until 9:45 AM.
K-2 students can be dropped off in Zone 1 (back doors) beginning at 9:45, while 3-5 students (with younger siblings) can be dropped off in Zone 2 (front doors). K-2 students will still line up in the gym while our 3-5 students will line up on the blacktop.
Also, tomorrow is HSO"s Wacky Wednesday 'Color Day'. Students and staff can wear their favorite color and donate $1 to HSO.
Please reach out with any questions you may have.
Jen Nolan
Hampshire Elementary School Principal