Norton Middle School
September 16 - September 20
Events This Week
Monday, 9/16
- Say Hello Week - Mismatched Monday (Wear Mismatched Socks)
- NMS Volleyball (Home), 5PM & 6:15PM
Tuesday, 9/17
- Say Hello Week - Tye Dye Tuesday
- First Impact Club, 2:35-3:30 (Mr. Davis's room)
Wednesday, 9/18
- Say Hello Week - Wacky Hair Wednesday
- Compact Field Day, (Barberton HS) , 12AM-12PM
- NMS Volleyball (Home), 5PM & 6:15PM
Thursday, 9/19
- Say Hello Week - Throw Back Thursday (Dress in your favorite 70's, 80's or 90's fashion).
- PALs - 12th period
- 5th graders should all bring their locks to practice combinations with their PALs.
- Locks are still for sale in the office: $7
Friday, 9/20
- Say Hello Week - Spirit Day Friday (Norton Panther Spirit wear)
Grade Level Updates
What is Say Hello Week?
Say Hello Week is a special event that encourages students to greet and include one another, helping to create a friendly and welcoming school environment. It’s a chance to make new connections and ensure no one feels left out. By simply saying "hello" and starting conversations, students can help build a positive community where everyone feels like they belong.
Please do not use the wrestling room parking lot (off Higgins) for drop-off or pick-up. Procedures for arrival and dismissal can be found here.
Book Fair
The week of 9/23, ELA teachers will be taking students to the Book Fair. Students can also purchase books during lunch/recess.
Lunch Menu
Pay School Fees and Lunch Accounts
Upcoming Dates
- 9/23-9/27 - NMS Book Fair
- 10/10 Conference Night
- Please contact your student's teacher(s) if you wish to schedule a conference
- 10/11 NEOEA Day - No School
- 10/14 Staff Development Day - No School for Students
- 10/15 Staff Development Day - No School for Students
- 10/16 Picture Retakes
- 10/17-10/18 Feed My Starving Children Service Project
- 10/30-11/1 - 8th Grade DC Trip
Trisha Snowden
Trisha is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters