Superintendent's Update
October 2018
Welcome Fall
Dates To Remember
Check the website for more events!!!!
October 22-25 Red Ribbon Week
October 26 No School
November 12 Veterans Day
November 22-23 Thanksgiving Break
December 3 No School Staff Development
December 20 End of 2nd Quarter
Osage Co. R-I District Mission
Our mission is to provide the highest quality educational opportunities to prepare our students to develop his/her capabilities to the highest degree for the privileges and responsibilities of a useful life in a democratic society and changing world.
The Osage R-1 School District believes that:
· We must give each student the opportunity to discover and develop his or her creative abilities.
· We must help students learn to think.
· We must maintain discipline, emphasize fundamentals, and motivate students to be life-long learners and guide habits and attitudes.
· We must give students the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the greater thinking, writing, arts, science, history, and languages of the world.
· We must give each student the fundamental knowledge of the economic facts of life. How to cope with them through an understanding of how natural resources and human effort supply the needs of mankind. Provide work skills so that they may support themselves.
Athletic Dates
Check the website for more details.
October 27 Cross Country District Meet
October 29-Nov 2 JHB Bland Basketball Tournament
November 3 Cross Country State Meet
November 16 Varsity Basketball Season Begins
Don't Press Send
People also believe consequences do not exist for what we text or post online, and that we might not be responsible for what happens next. That statement is absolutely not true. People can be held responsible for what they text or post. If your message causes disruption or harm, you can be held accountable. People cannot continue to believe they can say whatever they want without some form of repercussion.
I don't think treating people with decency is too difficult for any of us. I think we have the ability to find solutions to problems without added division. I think we can be accepting of many different people with many different perspectives. I hope we find a way to show students that path and to help others.
We many not see these issues everyday, as we have many great people here. Hopefully our students will be setting the right example as they go out into the world.