Canvas News
PLCs & Canvas
Some Curriculum Leads are also supporting their PLCs Canvas integration by building blueprint courses and common homepages (see teacher spotlight below for more info). As we continue to add our curriculum standards into Canvas, you will have the ability to create rubrics tied to your outcomes and provide students with feedback specific to those standards. This data will also be able to guide your PLC work to better support those students that need a differentiated path.
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Teacher Spotlight
Sarah Petersen & Rebecca Abraham, Visual Arts & World Languages Curriculum Leads
Sarah has worked with her Elementary Art PLC to develop common grade level units and rubrics. This Canvas page is used by teachers to easily access shared resources. The Art Challenges for Students page was developed by Christie Engelbert and Sarah to provide extended opportunities for students to use outside of the scheduled classroom time. Both projects are a work in progress, as the PLC continues to grow and learn.
Rebecca and the Elementary Spanish Team created blueprint courses in Canvas for each of their grade levels. Blueprint courses are master courses that can be associated with your student courses and will sync curriculum to any course associated with it. This helps to easily share assessments and resources for all units and guarantee consistency throughout the program. Each teacher still has the ability to edit their individual student courses. The PLC has very limited time to meet as a group, so Canvas streamlines their collaboration process.
If you want to learn more about how you can use Canvas as a PLC, reach out to Carrie, the Online Learning Coordinator.
Elementary Art Common Units
Art Challenges for Students
Elementary Spanish Blueprint Courses
Want to learn more about Canvas?
Carrie Jacobs
Email: jacobsc@wdmcs.org
Website: http://www.wdmcs.org
Location: 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515)633-5159
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thetiedyedteacher/
Twitter: @tiedyedteacher