Wolverine Weekly
Week of
Medinah Intermediate School
Address: 7N330 Medinah Rd., Medinah, IL 60157
Website: Medinah Intermediate School Website
Phone Number: 630-529-6105
Fax Number: 630-539-3812
Principal: Mrs. Natalie Czarnecki- nczarnecki@medinah11.org
Dean: Mr. Matt Boeing- mboeing@medinah11.org
School Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:25 p.m.
MySchoolBucks Parent Help Line: 855-832-5226
Week of December 16th-December 20th
Monday-12/16- B Day
Mistletoes-Wear slippers, holiday socks or silly mismatched socks 🧦
Tuesday-12/17- C Day
Holiday Color Battle- 3rd Grade wears RED 🔴, 4th Grade wears GREEN 🟢 & 5th Grade wears BLUE 🔵
Wednesday-12/18- D Day
Dress like a snowflake and wear white, silver or sparkles ⛄
Chicago Wolves Intramurals Field Trip 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Thursday- 12/19- A Day
Festive Sweater Day
Digital Author Visit with our One Book, One School author, Monica Roe 2:00-2:40pm -classes will get Candy canes for the virtual author visit 🍬
Medinah Strong or wear RED
Friday-12/20- B Day
Long Winter's Nap- Wear your pajamas today
Holiday Sing-a-long MIS 1:15pm
PTO winter room parties are from 2-3pm
Adaptive Sports Celebration Day 9:00-11:45
Congratulations to the recent Deans list Students!
Indoor vs Outdoor Recess (TEMPERATURE) SNOW RULES
Students will line up outside at arrival and enjoy outdoor recess when temperatures are 10 degrees or above (windchill). We also monitor the conditions of the blacktop when determining outdoor recess during the winter months. Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather with a warm coat, hat, and gloves. Students are able to play in the snow if they are dressed in snow boots, snow pants, winter coat, hat, and gloves.
🚨Lost and Found- Items will be donated if not claimed by 12/20 🚨
4th Grade STEM
Staff Secret Spirit Week- Did we fool the students???? 😂
Anything But a Cup Day
Anything But a Cup Day- Mrs. Sprinkle
Anything But a Cup Day- Mr. Leli, Mrs. Spencer, Miss Geraci
Band Concert
DMC Announcements
MIS Reminders
- Students can be dropped off at school any time after 8:20 am.
- Please make sure to label your child’s coats, sweatshirts, lunchboxes, etc. We want to be able to get them back to them when they are left in the lunchroom and outside.
- If you are coming into Medinah Intermediate, you MUST bring a valid driver's license or state ID card to the main office before entering into the building
- Send a note to school or email the office and your child’s teacher if…..
· He / She has any daily pick changes
· He / She is being picked up by someone other than who is on the pick-up list
· He / She is leaving school early
· As always if your child will be absent, please call the office-630-529-6105.
- Please call the office by 2:00 p.m. for any pickup changes. On Early Dismissal Days, please call before 12:30pm. On Half Day Dismissal please call before 10:30 a.m.
- When dropping off your child after the start of the school day or if picking them up before dismissal please scan the QR code with your phone located in the vestibule window for the Student Sign-In/Out Form
MIS Office Staff Contacts-Please email both secretaries 📬
Michelle Reyes-MIS Secretary & Shelly Sitarski-MIS Secretary
MIS Lunch and Recess Hours 2024-2025
3rd Grade
1st Recess- 11:20 a.m. -11:50 a.m.
1st Lunch-11:50 a.m. -12:10 p.m.
5th Grade
2nd Recess: 11:45 a.m. -12:15 p.m.
2nd Lunch-12:15 p.m. - 12:35 p.m.
4th Grade
3rd Recess: 12:10 p.m. -12:40 p.m.
3rd Lunch: 12:40 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
MIS Clubs/Extra Curriculars
Student Council- Friday before school- arrive at 8:00AM- Begins: Friday October 18th- Click here for schedule
Digital Media Club- Resuming December 2nd 2024
5th Grade Service Worker
5th Grade Choir- 11:45-12:15pm in Music Room
MIS Intramurals:
Wolverine-Tuesdays-3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m Click here for schedule
Wildcat-Thursdays-3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.(Early Dismissal Days on Thurs. 8 a.m.) Click here for schedule
5th Grade Basketball: Thursdays emails 8am-8:40am
Session 1: January 16th- January 30th- Break (6 weeks)
Session 2: Resumes April 10th- May 22nd
5th Grade STEM Club-Wednesdays 12/18- 3/5 (No Meeting 12/25 or 1/1)- Click here for schedule
MIS Band 2024-2025-Click Here
⛄Monday- 12/23 Thru Sunday 1/5/2025 Winter Break ⛄
Thursday 1/16:
Lake Park Choir Festival Field Trip:10:30-1:50pm
Early Dismissal 2pm, Please call the office by 12:30pm for any pick up changes
Monday 1/20:
Tuesday 1/21:
Medinah School District STEM Night at MMS See Details Here
Week of January 27th: Access Testing is starting
Friday 1/31:
Half Day 11:45am Dismissal- Please call the office by 10:30am for any pick up changes
Office Staff Contact Information:
Michelle Reyes- mireyes@medinah11.org
Shelly Sitarski- Secretary- misitarski@medinah11.org
Teacher Spotlight ⭐
🌟 Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Wilkes! 🌟
We are thrilled to shine this week’s spotlight on Ms. Wilkes, who has been a valuable addition to our school community this year!
Ms. Wilkes brings a passion for reading and works tirelessly to foster an inclusive environment where students grow into confident, lifelong readers. This week, her class celebrated a Reading Stamina Party, where students focused on building their stamina by diving into hard copy literature. Together, they set goals to continue improving their focus and love for reading.
Great job, Ms. Wilkes’ class! We are so excited to have Ms. Wilkes leading the way for our next wave of confident readers. Keep up the amazing work! 📚✨
💡 School Reminders
Healthy Snacks
Just a reminder please make sure your child brings a healthy snack every day. Examples could be fruit, granola bars, Made Goods, crackers, cheese sticks, etc……
Quest Lunch:
Lunch orders will always be due the Wednesday one week prior. Their student ID is located on the chromebook on the tech card. Please when ordering online with Quest you completely check out and make sure you receive an email confirmation-To Order and view menu- Click Here
My School Bucks:
District 11 has a new online fee payment system called My School Bucks (MSB)-Click Here
Parent MSB Help line: 855-832-5226
MSB is a user-friendly, online payment system with a single sign-on. You can create an account, add your student(s), and see ALL of your students in one account.
If you need your child's student ID it is located on their chromebook on the tech card or you can call the office at 630-529-6105.
First Student Bus:
If it is before or after school hours and had questions you can call First Student Bus at 847-352-7900.
Virtual Parent University
District 11 is excited to invite parents to an upcoming Virtual Parent University on Monday, January 7th, at 6:30 PM. This session will focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing a general overview of AI and its growing role in education.
The event will be presented by Eric Santos, who will guide parents through the basics of AI and discuss how it may shape learning experiences for students. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this rapidly evolving technology.
Click here to view the flyer and to sign-up for this engaging and informative session.