White Oak Middle School

Message from Principal Mayes
🍁 Attitude of Gratitude 🍁
Dear Warrior Nation,
As we enter the month of December and embrace the spirit of gratitude, I want to take a moment to reflect on how truly fortunate we are to be part of this vibrant school community. It has been a wonderful fall semester, and I am deeply thankful for the unwavering support of our students, families, faculty, and staff. Your dedication, hard work, and commitment to our school make all the difference, and we are grateful for each and every one of you.
As we look ahead, it's hard to believe the holiday season is nearly upon us. We encourage our students to have fun dressing up on the 3 themed days in December found below. While this time of year often brings a sense of excitement and joy, it's also an important time for focus as our students prepare for their final exams. I encourage everyone to use the coming weeks to prioritize study time, take care of your well-being, and support one another through this busy period.
Let’s continue to foster an atmosphere of kindness and respect as we finish out the year strong. Together, we will make this holiday season one of warmth, reflection, and achievement.
Thank you once again for all that you do, and I wish you a peaceful and rewarding end to the semester. Here’s to a wonderful holiday season ahead! We hope to see you all at the NCISD Annual Christmas Parade on Tuesday in Valley Ranch! Stay tuned for Award Ceremonies in January and a busy spring semester.
Grateful for You, 🖤💛
Principal Mayes
Reminder from the Assistant Principals
Athletic and Afterschool Event Requirements
Athletic events are a privilege in middle school. We love to see our Warrior fans. All spectators must go home after school and return backpack free. Warriors must stay in the building and be a respectful fan. Students need to make sure their ride picks them up within 15 minutes of the game ending. If they are not picked up in a timely manner, it could result in being banned from the rest of the season's games.
According the NCISD Student Code of Conduct:
Designs and/or notches in hair are prohibited (p.110). Students in violation will have 24 hours to remove the design or notch. If not removed, consequences will be issued in accordance with the NCISD Student Code of Conduct.
Tardies - Per the WOMS Tardy Policy please talk to your student/s and encourage them to arrive on time to all classes. Per pg. 36, A student who is tardy to school or to class may be assigned disciplinary action in accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct.
Lightspeed, Tardy Sweeps, and Searches
Please reiterate to your Warriors that anything they type, search or do on their chromebook that is inappropriate sends us the Lightspeed alert. This happens both at school and at home. Consequences will be followed by the code of conduct.
Please make sure your Warriors arrive to class on time. Daily tardy sweeps do occur. Every minute counts!
Continued random searches will occur upon entry as a safety measure as outlined in the student conduct of conduct.
Message from the Counselors
Mindset of the Month-Live to Give
Our 7 Mindset for the month of December is Live to Give. The easiest and quickest way to feel better and become happier is to help someone. Amazingly, we have also learned that the best way to get things you want into your life is to start giving. When you do this, you create value with your life and get good things in return. To start or expand the flow of abundance into your life, simply start making a difference every day in every little way you can.
👓Looking Ahead👓
🎓 Scholar Warriors🎓
WOMS Tutorial Schedule
Warrior Norms
Vaping continues to be a challenge for all schools in the region and state. Changes in legislation last year require a MANDATORY DAEP PLACEMENT if a student:
Sells, gives, or delivers to another person or possesses or uses an e-cigarette or similar vape device per our NCISD code of conduct.
We ask you have conversations with your student about vaping and the subsequent disciplinary actions that will result if a student uses
or is in possession of a vape while on school grounds.
Change of Transportation Change/Need to Get Contact Your Warrior?
Please send an email NO LATER than 2:00 PM if you need a message passed to your Warrior or change of transportation. We only accept changes of transportation via email. Please email: WOMSparents@newcaneyisd.org
You will receive a confirmation reply if received. If a message or change is sent from a parent after 2:00 PM, the message will not be delivered to your Warrior.
Report any concerns using our safe school anonymous reporting form.
Proud to be part of New Caney ISD
Email: cmayes@newcaneyisd.org
Website: https://woms.newcaneyisd.org/
Location: 24161 Briar Berry Ln, Porter, TX 77365
Phone: (281) 577-8800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhiteOakMS
Instagram: WhiteOakMS
Twitter: @WhiteOak_MS