Cougar Weekly
September 14-18, 2020
Progress reports go home this week!
Notes about this week:
- Happy week 5 of learning! Let's make each day of this week count! We will send home progress reports on Wednesday; in-person learners will take them home and we will mail them to virtual learners.
- Safety Drills will happen soon - we will send an email soon with reminders and details.
- Welcoming F2F learners! Each day we are welcoming additional F2F learners. Please know that if a parent wants to change their child's learning location, they must fill out a form. Forms can be found on our CP website or in the front office; APs will call each parent and set up the entry date. At that time, they will discuss dismissal details and let teachers know about the entry date.
- We will soon put out information to our virtual learners about "School Supply" distribution.
- MONEY was found in the hallway this weekend... was it a lot? A little? Come and see me if it might be yours! :)
This week:
September 14
FACULTY MEETING - 3:15, cafeteria - we will train on SLO and Professional Goals for TTESS.
- Students will continue to be allowed in the building for breakfast or to sit in the hallway beginning at 7:00 AM.
- Have you published your Monday Coursework?
- Universal Screening window continues
- PLC-planning
- Progress Reports go home
- CPI training after school 3:00-5:00 for teachers who are due (see Frankie if you have questions)
- Of course, CPI training means we ALL need to wear JEANS and a TEAM t-shirt... :)
- Jeans and CP shirt!
- Please post your Week 6 Weekly Learning Progression Chart in your ATT Folder
A look ahead:
- Through Oct 2- Universal Screening window continues
- September 21: After School special - 3:15-3:45 , Do The Math training
- Setpember 22: (tentative) - Title One Parent Awareness session, zoom - 3:30 PM
- September 28: SBDM/CEAC meeting at 3:15 in cafeteria
- September 30 SLO and Professional Goal submitted to appraiser
- October 2,5, 9 - BOY conferences for TTESS (scheduled by appraiser)
- October 5: Faculty meeting
- October 8: Tentative - Open House/Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting, ESL/GT/Dyslexia Night-Zoom
- October 9: PD day/no school for students
- October 12: Holiday
- October 16: Early Release/End of 1st 9 weeks/T-TESS Exempt Agreement form signature due in Eduphoria
- October 21: Report cards go home
- October 26: SBDM/CEAC meeting in cafeteria
- October 25-30: Red Ribbon Week
- October 30: Free Food Day