Dublin High School
March 18 2024
From the Desk of Dr. Overstreet
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Dublin High School’s number one goal is high achievement and success for all students. We want our students to be globally competitive citizens. As our school year winds down, we are focusing on finishing strong. What does this mean? Our classroom instruction is of paramount importance during these last few weeks. We want our students to achieve at levels of proficiency or above during the administration of the Georgia Milestones testing and with our End-of-Pathway assessments. In order for us to support our students with these goals in mind, we are tightening up our expectations.
Beginning Monday, March 18, 2024, all cell phones, headphones, earbuds, etc. will not be allowed to be used in any area of the school. They have become a distraction to learning within our classrooms, and we will be enforcing our cell phone policy for the remainder of the year. Our cell phone policy states:
Cell phones, earbuds, headphones and electronic devices ARE NOT TO BE USED at school during the
instructional school day and change of classes. Cell phones must be turned off and kept OUT OF
SIGHT at all times. Cell phones should be kept in book bags or purses. Cell phone accessories
(headphones, chargers, etc) are to be kept in book bags or purses as well. The use of cell phones while on school buses is strictly prohibited unless an emergency situation arises and students have
permission from the bus driver. Violations of this policy will usually result in the following disciplinary
● First Offense: Confiscated phones will be held for 3 school days. A phone may be
picked up from an administrator after 2:30 at the conclusion of the 3 days.
● Second Offense: Confiscated phone will be held for 5 school days. A phone may
be picked up from an administrator after 2:30 at the conclusion of the 5 days.
● Third Offense: Confiscated phone will be held for 10 school days. A phone may be
picked up from an administrator after 2:30 at the conclusion of the 10 days.
During the day if you need to reach your child, please call 478-353-8040, and we will be happy to help.
We are committed to preparing our students for college and career readiness. Part of doing this involves how we present ourselves to the public. We want to build habits in our students of dressing for the job or career they want to have. Our dress code states that students are not to wear hats, hoodies, scarves, blankets, slides, slippers, etc.
We need your help. Please remind your child of our expectations and remind them of the
importance of finishing the school year strong. You are our best partners, and together we can help
our students grow and achieve.
Thank you for your support,
Michael Overstreet
Attention Rising 9th Graders!
Attention Dublin Middle School & Irish Gifted Academy 8th Grade Families! As your child prepares for the next stage in their educational journey, we’re excited to share that Dublin High School is providing you with TWO MORE OPPORTUNITIES to learn more about the campus.
Dr. Overstreet, Mr. Cordy & the DHS staff invite you to join us for our Rising 9th Grade Parent Information Night on Tuesday, March 19th and the high school’s Rising 9th Grade Campus Tour Bash set for Friday, March 22nd.
This will be your chance to hear from a panel of experts - including students, teachers ad parents - about their experiences at DHS. Plus, current Dublin High Schoolers will share what a day in their shoes looks like. You’ll also learn more about the course selection process, advanced courses, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, dual enrollment, the Accelerated Career Diploma Program, the various pathways that make up our Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy, and more!
Endless possibilities await our alumni, so come learn more about how we ensure EVERY graduate is college, career, military and life ready!
Irish Princess Night Out!
What a magical Irish Princess Night Out! Hosted by Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy’s FBLA, our princesses graced the red carpet, where they were welcomed by our charming courtiers, ready to make them feel like true royalty! From the enchanting Princess Pampering Station to the delightful Cupcake Kingdom and the Royal Dance Party, every moment was filled with joy and wonder. Check out these enchanting snapshots capturing the essence of this unforgettable evening!
Senior Mock Interviews
We are brimming with gratitude for all the esteemed organizations that took part in our “Shamrock the Mock” interviews at Dublin High School today. Your expertise has been instrumental in guiding our senior class and various Career Academy pathways.
During this event, each interviewer used a comprehensive rubric to assess our students on introduction, appearance, poise, voice, and preparation. Your professional feedback has not only given our students a real-world experience but has also honored their hard work with the recognition it deserves.
Congratulations to the students who excelled in their mock interviews! Your outstanding performance has earned you an ice cream social to celebrate, as well as the opportunity to bolster your grades with four 100’s to use in your classes.
A big shout-out to:
• Carl Vinson VA Medical Center
• Morris Bank
• Ryland Environmental
• Georgia Power Company
• Dinex Emission, Inc.
• Ascenso
• Ameris Bank
• Dublin City Schools
• Leviathan Corporate Services
• Oconee Fall Line Technical College
• Farmers Home Furniture
• Arcilla Mining & Land Co. LLC
Your participation is a true testament to the strength and support of our community. Together, we are nurturing the next generation of Dublin Laurens County’s workforce.
Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy
(Bishop Nicholson )
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Senior Mock Interviews
Community Business Leaders - Thank You!
13WMAZ News Story on the Mock Interviews!
- Tuesday, March 19th: Dublin High School's Rising 9th Grade Information Night at 5:00 PM in the Dublin High School Auditorium
- Friday, March 22nd: Dublin High School's Rising 9th Grade Campus Tour Bash at 8:30 AM
- Friday, March 22nd: Dublin High School Soccer HOME vs. Jefferson County {Varsity Girls at 5:30 PM; Varsity Boys at 7:00 PM}
- Saturday, March 23rd: Dublin City School's Baby Irish Class Reunion
- 12th Graders: Dr. Anthony Jaroy Stuckey University Scholarship - Seniors who plan to attend a 4 year university (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Dr. Anthony Jaroy Stuckey Technical Scholarship - Seniors who plan to attend a 2 year technical college (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Laurens-Dublin Retired Educators Association - For seniors who want to major in Education (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 11th & 12th Graders: Thurgood Marshall College Fund (Multiple Scholarships) - Deadline March 8, 2024
- Destiney & CJ Memorial Scholarship Deadline April 1st
- Joel Sanders Jr. Memorial Scholarship Deadline April 22nd
- 2024 Hazel M. Pooler Scholarship, Deadline to Apply: Monday, April 15, 2022
- 12th Graders: Destiney & CJ Memorial Scholarship (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information) - April 1, 2024
- 12th Graders: Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship - April 15, 2023
- 12th Graders: 2024 Sandy Mazur / Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship - Deadline: April 30, 2024
- 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- 16 to 18 Year Olds: Pilot Club Scholarship Pageant (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga