Barclay Bulletin
September 27, 2020
Health Updates
Student Drop Off and Pick-Up
Our arrival time begins at 8:45.
Our dismissal time begins at 2:57.
I'm very happy with our progress on the afternoon pick-up. We have been finishing our student release by 3:15 most days since we've begun our vehicle lines. Brockport security has been fantastic in their support in our parking lot. Here are a few things to consider with our afternoon dismissal:
- We typically can fit 13 vehicles in the first wave. Students in this wave are highlighted in yellow on our pick-up list in the cafeteria. When they enter the cafeteria they find their teacher's name and have a seat unless they see their names highlighted in yellow. If they are highlighted in yellow they will stand up and be walked out to your vehicles where our staff will look for the pick-up pal match.
- The remaining vehicles are called in and we highlight those students in orange. Students in the cafeteria will be ready to dismiss when they see their name highlighted in orange. There is a bit of a delay with this process as we determine which vehicles have continued up to the sidewalk. If you are in the holding loop, please be prepared to pull your vehicle up as far as you can go in the line, it will help speed the dismissal process for all families.
- Students cannot always see their classroom on our list in the cafeteria, but we have added a helper with a laptop who will also be able to check with students when they are standing to verify that they have been highlighted on the list.
We release about 54 students each day through our tiny lot. Keep up the fantastic work with this part of our school day. If you have students in all three buildings, the preferred order of pick-up is Ginther, Barclay, then Hill due to our new release times this year. Remember to bring pick up pal cards with you. If you need a replacement set, you may contact our main office but note that your first pick-up pal cards will no longer be valid after we issue a new set.
Barclay Elementary School
Location: 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY, USA
Phone: 585-637-1840
Twitter: @BCSDBarclay