The Haggard Herald
Week of Sept. 14-18
Haggard Middle School
Location: 2832 Parkhaven Drive, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-5400
Twitter: @HaggardEagles
Hot Topics
Staff Supervision Schedule (9/14-9/18)
UPDATED Bell Schedules
REVISED Assigned Lunch schedule below:
REVISED Co-Seat Bell Schedule (student/parent version):
REVISED Co-Seat Bell Schedule:
Fall Picture Day Sept. 14th
Fall Picture Day for staff and students will be Monday, September 14, 2020.
Social Studies will facilitate the Fall Picture Day and Science will facilitate Spring Picture Day. Please look for your students' picture packets in your mailbox tomorrow no later than the 3rd period Thursday.
The picture packets will be distributed during your 6th-period class, Thursday, September 10, 2020.
Parents are encouraged to purchase pictures online.
Face2Face - Picture Day details...
Start Time: 7:45 AM (Faculty)
Start Time: 8:30 AM (Students)
End Time: 3:30 PM
Set-Up Location: Library for 2 cameras - One way in and one way out
Students will rotate through the Social Studies classes.
Teachers will need:
1. To have rosters in hand and students should be in Alpha order, one class at a time. Mr. Savage will provide rotation instructions and schedules.
2. All Photographers will be practicing social distancing with students. Students will be instructed to remove and replace their masks. Teachers will need to monitor students for social distancing guidelines and relay information about students to photographers.
3. To remember that PTA will NOT be able to help due to district guidelines for entering the building.
Remote - Picture Day details...
Parents will choose their time to take pictures using signup genius. There will be 12 slots per 15 minutes.
Social distancing guidelines will be practiced during remote pictures as well.
Picture retake day will be November 16, 2020.
2019-20 Fall MAP Testing Window Change (Middle Schools)
To ensure that MAP testing occurs when teachers have reached a level of familiarity with all the technology platforms (i.e., Google Classroom, GoGuardian, and Chromebooks), and all technical prerequisites necessary for MAP testing (student devices, Wi-Fi, and hotspots) are operating smoothly, we are revising the MAP testing windows.
Grades 6, 7, and 8:
· Mathematics: Monday, September 21
· Reading: Monday, September 28
· Science: Monday, October 5
To guide early identification of academically vulnerable students in reading and math, these MAP assessments should be completed by October 5. If October 5 is used as a makeup test day for reading or math, MAP science assessments should be completed by Friday, October 9.
To support principals’ communication with parents regarding MAP testing we have provided these Sample Parent Letters:
· English
· Spanish
Training videos on remote MAP testing are available. If additional live training is needed, request your campus MAP testing coordinator to follow-up with ARPE. Resources for MAP testing are at
Links for MAP information:
Please view: Plano ISD District Testing Calendars
Please view: Remote MAP Testing Training Video
Please view: Plano ISD School@Home MAP Testing Guide for Teachers Secondary Version
Please send Parents: Plano ISD School@Home MAP Parent and Student Guide-English Version
Please view: Remote MAP Resources - Assessment, Research, and Program Evaluation Website
NEW Employee Handbook Receipt and Compensation Notice
A new District Employee Handbook is available to view here.
There are two documents for all employees to view and accept through the TEAMS Employee Service Center at The 2020-2021 Compensation, Supplemental Duties and/or Stipend Acknowledgment and the 2020-2021 Employee Handbook Receipt. You must view and then accept each document. The deadline for electronic acceptance is Friday, September 18, 2020. Step by step instructions can be found here. Please contact the Help Desk (ext. 28767 or if you need assistance with your login ID and password, or with any part of the acceptance process.
Entering Absences for Teachers
Teachers, when you enter an absence into the employee service center this year please make sure you include specific notes in the box “substitute special instructions” to help substitutes identify which environment you teach in (ex. School@Home or Face-to-Face or both). As always, please enter absences into the system as early as you know of them and try to pre-arrange a substitute when possible. Once a substitute accepts the job, please coordinate with them to provide the necessary information to set them up for success while you are out. Examples of what the special instructions could look like can be found HERE.
Clinic Referral Procedures for Students
This is a follow up to Michele Hoelzle's email to all staff. Below you will find the decision tree to follow whether or not to send a student to the clinic. For this year, some things will need to be handled in the classroom. For example:
· Small cuts, scrapes, and abrasions with little to no bleeding
· Wiggly baby tooth or lost tooth
· Chapped lips
· Minor nosebleeds
· Minor/old bug bites
· Needs a safety pin
· Glasses are broken
· Student who just arrived to school and wants to see nurse
· Single complaint of headache or stomach ache – see chart below.
Other complaints will need to be sent to the nurse:
· Headache or stomach ache that doesn’t improve with rest, water, snack, bathroom
· Possible fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, chills, draining eyes
· Deep cuts
· Head injuries
· Possible exposure to allergens
· Foreign body to eye or skin
· Moderate to severe nosebleed
· Diabetic care
· Student with history of seizures complaining of ”feeling weird” or sudden headache
· Any other major concerns
If you need to send a student to see me, please call MIchele first at x25409 and let her know you are sending a student who does not feel well. She will need to clear out any well students that may be in the clinic at the time. Send them with a pass including their name, what has been done in the classroom already, and their chief complaint. Either the triplicate or the green nurse passes can be used. She will be by your class on Tuesday to drop off the classroom care bag.
Below you will find the Decision Tree for determining if a student should be sent to the nurse.
MY EOP App Download
Curriculum & Instruction
Secondary Co-Seated Classrooms: Daily Lesson Planning
Certain courses have been identified for co-seating face-to-face students and @home students simultaneously. This support was designed for those specific teachers. The Co-Seating Support Website has been updated to include resources for teachers to use in collaborative team conversations as you plan daily lessons for students @home and face-to-face. For additional support, please reach out to your content area coordinator.
Posting Daily Lessons
There are a variety of reasons why a student might miss synchronous instruction from time to time, many of which may be beyond their control. In order for all students to have access to the content, learning resources and activities every day, teachers need to post access to this information in their Google Classroom. This link to the SAS Fall 2020: Instructional Expectations Manual will take you directly to guidance on posting lessons for secondary teachers. Elementary teacher information is included on page 14 in the EAS 2020: Instructional Expectations Manual.
Student Attendance Guidelines Update - Secondary Teachers Only
Please find an update to our attendance guidelines that have changed the requirement for secondary teachers to take attendance within the first 20 minutes of each period. Secondary teachers of F2F and synchronous learners and ASYNCHRONOUS attendance now can be completed by the end of the school day with the opportunity to reconcile the following school day.
- Attendance needs to be taken each day and period. Teachers must mark absent or present for each student, each day/period.
· Present = PSH for Synchronous/Asynchronous settings
· Present = PFF for Face-to-Face setting
· Absent = A (for secondary students)
· Absent = AUA (for elementary students)
2. Elementary attendance needs to be taken by 10:00am.
Secondary attendance needs to be taken for all classes by the end of the school day.
***Asynchronous attendance should be taken by END OF SCHOOL DAY and then reconciled the next school day.***
3. Attendance is ultimately teacher discretion, using these attendance guidelines.
4. Teachers can always edit attendance the following school day.
The ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES have been updated.
Secondary Instructional Expectations Manual - UPDATED
Updates have been made to the SAS Fall 2020: Secondary Instructional Expectations Manual. Updated sections are highlighted and linked in the table of contents. You must be logged into your PISD Google Account for access to this document.
· Assessment Guidance
· Grading Policy Adjustments
· Building an Academic Community
· Updated Secondary Re-Opening
HR Topics
Roles and Responsibilities for Campus Staff
Roles and responsibilities for campus staff, Teachers and Other Staff, have been developed to ensure everyone is clear on the expectations for the start of school and for anyone working in the remote setting.
- All staff will be expected back on campus on Tuesday, September 8, to finalize preparations for students on Wednesday, September 9. Contact Beth Brockman with any questions.
Rocky's Tech Corner
Click HERE to Sign into Webdesk (Sign in with your PISD log-in information.)
Google Classroom Expectations - With every child and parent in our district having to navigate Google Classroom (many for the first time), we all need to be delivering a consistent Google Classroom experience. This will mitigate confusion AND make it easier for potential, future substitutes with facilitating the learning on your behalf. Watch a short video that outlines the expectations for Google Classroom.
How to Use Google Classroom PL - PISD continues to add Google Classroom PL sessions to meet demand. Please note that the current offering (Getting Started with Google Classroom) is an introductory session. Not all teachers will need to attend this session. Intermediate and advanced sessions will be offered once the year begins. At this time, we want to make sure teachers needing this introductory/basics course receive the training necessary to start the school year. Additional sessions of this introductory course are now available, and more will be added as time permits.
Classroom Flex Microphone Hack!
This can be handy when we have students in the classroom and virtual because the teacher can walk around the room never losing good audio quality. Rocky can help hook it up if you want. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS TO DO IT YOURSELF.
The Flex microphone (classroom microphone) should be used as the preferred audio input source in every occasion where possible. Yes, there are microphones integrated into the workstations, webcams, and other devices; however, the FlexMic has been proven superior in most cases. Several advantages include: 1) Consistent audio quality that isn’t dependent on the built-in mic (quality suffers on some devices), 2) Teachers are able to move freely around the room without loss of audio quality since they are wearing the mic, 3) In co-seating situations, both remote and face-to-face learners benefit from the higher quality audio system.
Attendance and GoGuardian FIX!
Thanks to Lauren Easley, here is a brief video how to fix your GoGuardian account that will make attendance 8,000 times easier!!
Teacher/Faculty Pages on Campus Website (Action Required)
All Plano ISD teachers are expected to have a teacher information page on their campus websites. The minimum information required includes: (1) contact information; (2) schedule, including conference period and tutorials; and (3) link to course information, e.g., Google Classroom. Follow the easy steps at to learn how to populate and personalize your teacher page. Contact your campus webmaster for support as needed. As an example, please see the following page from Meadows Elementary School:
Teacher Resources
Virtual Staff Handbook
Haggard Staff Remind
You can also join by texting @eaglefam1 to 81010.
Spirit of the Teacher
Musical Motivation
Even on the toughest days just remember...
Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffett - "It's 5:00 Somewhere"
Just when you think you have everything planned out perfectly as a team.
"A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing." – Laura Ingalls Wilder