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Titans' Times
Week-at-a-Glance (WAAG) for April 8-12, 2024
Celebrating the Easter Season!
Students and staff walked to St. Émile Parish for the Easter Celebration on Friday morning at the 9 am mass. We were blessed to gather as a school community and sing the praises of Alleluia; Christ has Risen. Thank you to Father Ambrose for reminding us that we are called to proclaim and be witnesses of Jesus' life. Out of darkness and despair comes light and hope in our Faith, and we should share this with others in how we live our lives daily, sharing our love with others. What a beautiful reminder for us all as we go through the Easter season. We were also blessed to be led in music ministry by Mr. Colin Loiselle, GSACRD Religion Consultant. It was great to have music played with a guitar for mass. It is always great to pray and celebrate together in the community at St. Émile Parish.
Many blessings for a wonderful week ahead,
Mrs. Kleparchuk & Mrs. Crowston
Week at a glance for April 8-12!
Monday, April 8:
- Great day of learning at Legal School!
- Grade 3's Science presentation on oral care & hygiene (1-2 pm )
Tuesday, April 9:
Pre-K & Kinder & Gr. 5 Science In-School Field Trip
Titans Block JH
Titans Block Elementary
Ice Cream $2 (Div. 2 & JH)
Wednesday, April 10:
Thursday, April 11:
Titans Spirit Wear
Ice Cream $2 (Div. 1 & JH)
- Badminton Meet JH @ Camila - Bus leaves at 12:15 - Returns at 5:30
- School Council at 6:15 pm
FOLSS at 7:15 pm
Friday, April 12:
No Kindergarten Classes
Jersey Day
Healthy Hunger Pizza Hut Hot Lunch *must be ordered by Sunday, April 7th.
Upcoming Events
- April 19 - PD Day/No School: Staff Faith Retreat
- April 17 - Milk & Cookies Day
Check out our monthly school calendar on the website.
Birthdays This Week at Legal School
Greyson H. (Gr. 5) - April 9
Ranger S. (Gr. 2) - April 11
Brandon M. (Gr. 7) - April 12
Avery T. (Gr. 7) - April 12
Parent Information
Hot Lunch - Healthy Hunger
Upcoming Hot Lunch Orders:
April 12th - Pizza Hut **Must be ordered by April 7th
May 24- Subway
June 7- McDonald’s
Sign in to Healthy Hunger to place your order.
**Make sure you place your order to receive hot lunch on the above dates!
Thank you to School Council for organizing this for our families!
FOLSS - Friends of Legal School Society Spring Fundraisers
FOLSS is on a mission to raise funds for a fantastic new inclusive playground at our school, and we need your help! A paper package went home in your child's backpack today with more information.
They're hosting a 50/50 Cash Raffle, with the draw happening live during the Family Dance on April 20, 2024 (you do not need to be present to win). They'd love for you to spread the word and share the QR code to make our fundraiser a success!
Attached, you'll discover a poster featuring a convenient QR code, allowing you to carry it and show it to friends and family so they can scan and support! For social media posts, you can kindly visit their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsoflegalschool), locate the
50/50 post, and share it with your network.
You're also invited to join us at the Family Dance on April 20, 2024 (registration form attached and paper copy sent home this week)! Get ready for awesome music, cool prizes, and a concession stand. In addition to the 50/50 draw, we're holding a Prize Raffle with some seriously cool prizes up for grabs on the night of the dance (must be present to buy tickets for this raffle). They are still collecting donations for the raffle of new items and have sent home a donation letter if you know anyone who can contribute please hand it out to them. Let's make these fundraisers and dance ones to remember!
Starting a Social Media Conversation - PARENT SESSION May 2nd
Thank you to School Council for arranging this important parent session to be held in May!!
The Parent Session bridges the gap between parent understanding and kids’ behaviour, and doing everything they can to start a positive social media conversation in homes. Participants will learn the scope of online activity of kids in grades 4 to 12, highlighting both the positive and negative. They’ll learn better questions to ask, and come away with tools to lean into conversations about social media use.
Tips and guidelines will be provided so parents can make choices that will protect their kids while allowing them to enjoy the positive aspects of social media. Since most kids have exposure to social media, whether through their own use or through the use of those around them, parents will be able to reinforce good choices at home and allow kids to feel more competent, supported, and confident in their social media use.
School Council & FOLSS Meetings April 11, 2024
Join the School Council and FOLSS for their monthly meetings. At the School Council meeting, the Spring Assurance results will be shared, and the Admin will ask for parents' feedback on strategies we can use in school assurance planning for the 2024-25 school year.
Keeping Your Door Open
Whether it’s not wanting to share toys, disagreements with parents, or resolving issues with friends, at every age children will be faced with situations that will bring out big emotions. There are often two sides to every story and the way we handle our emotions will be different from how our children cope with theirs because their brains are still learning how to deal with feelings while trying to make sense of the world around them.
Sometimes after children experience big emotions, they often need a bit of breathing room before we jump in to try and help sort through their feelings. Giving our children space while letting them know that we are there for them when they are ready to talk can sometimes be the best solution instead of trying to force conversation right away. Let's practice taking a step back and leaving the door open–literally and figuratively. We can do this by incorporating lines like “I can see you’re really upset right now and not ready to talk, I am here when you need me and feel ready.”
Next time your child is riding the emotional rollercoaster, remember to let them know that your door is always open and they can come to you whether it’s to make amends, seek advice, or to just talk it out.
Check out these strategies from Big Life Journal that can help kids navigate their way through big emotions:
Faith News
St. Emile Parish
Youth Group
We will have our second to last youth night for the
year on Friday, April 12th from 7-9:00 pm at the Legal
School gym. Don’t forget to bring a friend and a
toonie! Can’t wait to see you all there! If you have any
questions, please contact Samantha at samantha.beier@yahoo.ca or
Community Events and Programs
Legal School
Email: lsinfo@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.ls.gsacrd.ab.ca/
Location: 5122 46 Street, Legal, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-961-3791
Facebook: facebook.com/legalschool
Twitter: @LS_GSACRD