Fayette Central Flyer
November 2019
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
It seems the fall weather is definitely upon us. Please help students come dressed for the weather. We know that fall weather in Connersville can be really warm one day and very chilly the next. Our students do not wear their outwear all day in their classrooms so they may need to bring a sweater or sweatshirt they can put on if they get chilly. Please let us know if you know of any of our students that do not have coats, hats, or gloves to wear this fall or winter.
We have some important dates coming up. November 5 is our picture retake day for any student who was absent on our first picture day. If your child's pictures were not acceptable they can bring their packet back and have them retaken on retake day.
Next, on November 8 we will have two important events. At 8:30 AM we will be celebrating our grandparents and "adopted" grandparents with special activities in each classroom. If you have more than one classroom to visit you will have time to do so. Then at 10:00 AM we will have our Veterans Day Program in the gym. We would welcome everyone to attend this special program. If you or any family members have served in any of the branches of the military we would like to honor them. Please send in their photograph. We will return it after Veterans Day.
Following Veterans Day on November 8 we will be celebrating American Education Week the week of November 18-22. Our Annual Book Fair will be that week as well. Books and Breakfast for Moms will be the morning of November 19 from 7:00 AM -9:00 AM. Then on Thursday we will welcome Dads for Breakfast and Books from 7:00 - 9:00 AM. If students' parents are not available for either event they may bring a special person to celebrate with.
We also have two new things for Fayette Central coming up in November. We will begin Dyslexia screening for our kindergarten through second grade students. This will be done grade by grade and will take place in our computer lab. We will also have our first active shooter drill. This drill will be much like the lock down drills we have had in the past. Just like we have regular fire and other emergency drills we want our students prepared for any emergency so they will know what to do to be safe. We will be sending home more information prior to having our first active shooter drill and have been giving our students age appropriate information so they understand the purpose of each drill we have.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Mrs. Faulkenberg's Fifth Grade News
Mrs. Faulkenberg’s Grade 5 class says, “Welcome November”! We are making our goals and setting our sights on new learning. Our class is learning and working together and learning about Indiana’s new Computer Science Standards. We are learning to write and debug computer code, use mathematical logic and problem solve to make computers do what we want. Students will use these skills to create new video games and to program controls for robotic toys- Ollies and Spheros. In November, we are learning about the Early European colonists in North America and how economics and trade helped establish new governments. We are field tripping to Civic Hall in Richmond on November 18 to see a Science Magic show and reading and writing about our heroes and the many things we have to be thankful for. Several students will play a special part in the school-wide program to honor Veterans and we will celebrate American Education Week with special reading opportunities and guest speakers. Students are participating in The Great American Read by discussing stories they choose in Book Clubs and connecting with readers in other grade 5 classrooms across the United States. There is always someone in class sharing or helping another student, showing kindness and common sense. So Welcome November we are Happy, Safe and Learning All the Time!
Mrs. Miller's Third Grade News
What a wonderful group of third grade students in Room 27! In Social Studies, our community history unit came to a close with a field trip to the Fayette County Historical Museum. Our local museum does a great job preserving items of historical value for the community to enjoy. Some of our students have gone to the museum again since our field trip to show their families what they have learned. In the classroom, students have been working hard to memorize their multiplication facts, write narrative stories, read nonfiction text, and expand their vocabulary. Our upcoming science unit will be all about the physics of sound. Students will learn about the properties of sound and be able to distinguish and describe various sounds. These third graders are working very hard in the classroom while also learning to be kind, respectful, and responsible citizens of Fayette Central!
Upcoming Events
November 5 Picture Retakes
November 8- 8:30 AM- Grandparents Day
November 8 10:00 AM- Veterans Day
November 19- Books and Breakfast with Moms and Special People- 7:00 -9:00 AM
November 21- Books and Breakfast with Dads and Special People- 7:00 - 9:00 AM
November 26- Primary Thanksgiving Feast
November 26- P.T.O 6:00 PM
November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break