Welcome Back to School
Kingsland School, August 15, 2024
2024-2025 School Year Focus: Being Courageous
To ensure every Kingsland School student is given a sense of belonging in their pursuit of high academic achievement in order to succeed in the post-secondary path of their choice.
School Contact Info
Principal: Missy Dean missy.dean@orendaeducation.org
Registrar: Crystal Serda crystal.serda@orendaeducation.org
(325) 388-0020
Meet Our New Staff
Kay Hall, Kindergarten
Tori Sloan, 3rd and 4th grades
Brian Smith, High School
Chasity Cartwright, 5th and 6th grade English and Social Studies
Matt Lyttle, PE and Art for grade K-8
Brittney Bell, 5th and 6th grade math and science
Terri Schexnayder, Lunch Monitor
Jeannette Gegogeine, 7th and 8th math and science
Sarah Ferguson, Educational Aide
Kingsland School Calendar
Please check our school calendar for events, student holidays, and more. We do NOT follow Llano ISD's calendar!!!!
First Day of School, 2024-2025
Parent Family Engagement Newsletter
LINK to Newsletter
This newsletter brings helpful tips on the benefits of family engagement, helping your teen through breakups, ways to enhance family relationships, summer meal programs, preventing summer slide and helping your kids through educational transitions such as moving from elementary to intermediate or middle school.
These topics and more are explored next school year in the 21st Volume! Share your favorite topics on social media and tag @PFETexas in your posts!
Kingsland School
Email: ks.principal@orendaeducation.org
Website: https://www.kingslandschooltx.org/
Location: 2112 Ranch Road 1431, Kingsland, TX, USA
Phone: 325-388-0020