The Patton Post
Friday, 4th October

- Principal's Message (NEW POST!)
- Parent Teacher Conferences (UPDATED POST!)
- Picture Day (UPDATED POST!)
- First Grade Family Night - Thank You (NEW POST!)
- 4th and 5th Grade Family Night (NEW POST!)
- Patton Spirit Squad (NEW POST!)
- Thomas Middle School - Spirit Squad Workshop (NEW POST!)
- PTA Reflections (UPDATED POST!)
- New Staff Members (2nd POST!)
- Notes from the Nurse (2nd POST!)
- Safety Drills (2nd POST!)
- Halloween (2nd POST!)
- 1st - 3rd Grade Fitness Club (Ongoing Post)
- Running Club (Ongoing Post!)
- Homework Club (Ongoing Post!)
- Join the PTA/ABC 25 Foundation (Ongoing Post)
- 2024-2025 Calendar (Ongoing Post)
- Dates to Know (Updated Post!)
Friday, October 4th
MAP results were emailed home from the District this week on Wednesday, October 2nd. Please reach out to Mrs. Hamilton (chamilton@sd25.org) if you did not receive these results.
I would like to thank Melisa Andrews and Tony Trester from our Traffic Team for organizing such an amazing National Walk to School Day on Wednesday! We were lucky to have so many members of our community there to give our Panthers a wonderful high five start to their day! We had our State Rep, Board Members, our Superintendent, members from the Arlington Heights Police Department and Hersey Huskies from the Soccer, Orchesis and Flag Football teams!
I cannot believe we are already in October! This is a busy month for us here at Patton with safety drills, school pictures, and Halloween so please take a moment to digest our special events coming in the next few weeks!
Picture Day will take place on the morning of Tuesday, October 8th.
Next Thursday, October 10th, we have our 4th and 5th Grade family night - I'm sure it will be a night filled with fun.
Have a great weekend!
Ellie Chin
On Sunday, October 6th at 7:00pm you will receive an email with the link to sign up for this year's Parent Teacher Conferences. This is always a meaningful opportunity to spend time with your child's classroom teacher and hear about how your child is progressing this year.
This fall, our Parent Teacher conferences will take place on Monday, November 4th. As in previous years, conferences will be 20 minutes in length. New this year, there will only be one day for conferences, November 4th, from 8:20 AM - 7:40 PM.
Each teacher will have enough time slots for each student to sign up for one time. If more than one person is attending the conference, please coordinate your schedules and plan to attend at the same time. Please sign up early if you have limited availability. For fourth and fifth grade families, please sign up for a conference with your classroom teacher. If you have specific questions for your child's math teacher, please reach out to them through email and they will be happy to connect with you.
Please note that school will NOT be in session during Parent/Teacher conferences and there will be no school the following day, Tuesday, November 5th, as Patton is a polling place for the General Election.
Make sure hair is styled, shirts are pressed and teeth are brushed on Tuesday, October 8th for Picture Day! Pictures will be taken in the morning.
What a fabulous First Grade Family Night we had last Friday night! Huge thanks to the parents that helped organize this event and to all the families that came out! I hope you all had a wonderful time!
4th & 5th GRADE FAMILY NIGHT - Thurs., October 10th (NEW POST!)
I hope to see many of you at this combined 4th and 5th Grade Family night next week! Our parent volunteers are creating an epic event for us! So exciting! The event will run from 6:30-7:30pm and will be held in the gym.
Calling all 4th Graders! Mrs. Gabianelli and Mrs. Boyle cannot wait to have you join them to learn some cheers and spread some Patton Panther spirit!!
This club will run over 8 sessions and there will be 3 performances. Signup will start on October 18th and the signup link will be shared in that week's Patton Post!
This workshop is open to any District 25 child who wishes to gain Poms and Cheer experience. Each participant will partner with a current TMS Poms or Cheer student athlete, learn technique and a routine, then perform the combination during halftime at a TMS Basketball game.
If you would like more information about this please click this link.
Looking for a way to showcase your child’s talents and artistic expression? Encourage your child to submit entries for this year’s national PTA Reflections program, with the theme: Accepting Imperfection.
Students can submit their completed works of art in one (or more) of the art categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Please read through these specific PTA reflections rules for each category submission.
All projects must be submitted to Patton’s main office by the end of school day on November 20th. Please fill out this student entry form to accompany each project. Feel free to reach out to Tina Shah (tinashah1@gmail.com) with any questions!
Our previous school psychologist, Drew Martin, will be supporting the Student Services Team at Westgate Elementary School this year. We are pleased to welcome two part-time staff members who will be joining Patton to fill this role.
Please welcome Mrs. Robin Sidell as the newest member of Patton’s Student Services team. Mrs. Sidell will collaborate closely with our staff to provide comprehensive support to students, ensuring their success both academically and emotionally. With a strong background in school social work, Mrs. Sidell is well-equipped to assist students in navigating social and emotional challenges, and fostering a positive and supportive environment. Additionally, Mrs. Sidell will be the 504 case manager for students with non-medical 504s.
We are also excited to welcome Dr. Dan Strissel to Patton! He will be joining our team as a school psychologist. Dr. Strissel brings with him a wealth of experience in supporting students and teams with in-depth evaluations. He has a strong background in school psychology and a passion for working with students, Dr. Strissel will be playing a key role in conducting assessments and providing insight into individual learning needs as a member of our Student Services Team.
Hearing and Vision Screenings
We will be begin administering the state-required vision and hearing screenings. Hearing screenings will occur for students in grades K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, new to the district, and those with IEPs. Vision screenings will occur for students in K and 2nd, new to the district, and those with IEPs. Please contact Sarah Klancnik (sklancnik@sd25.org) with any questions.
Student Health
Please continue to use THIS LINK or call the office at 847-398-4288 to report your child’s absence.
If your child is showing signs of illness including but not limited to, an elevated temperature (100.4 or higher), discharge from eyes or nose, uncontrolled bouts of coughing, an unidentified skin rash, vomiting and/or diarrhea, they should not come to school. All students must stay home for 24 hours after any vomiting or diarrhea. Children must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to school.
Required for all kindergarten and new students
The physical must be completed within a year of school start, dated on or after August 29, 2023
Parents must complete and sign the health history section
Immunizations Requirements must be met or include a MD approved schedule of administration
Failure to submit the form and have it reviewed by the School Nurse prior to the OCTOBER 15th deadline will result in your child being EXCLUDED from school
Required for all kindergarten and students new to the state of Illinois
The exam must be completed by a licensed eye doctor and dated on or after August 29, 2023
The official State of Illinois Eye Examination form is required - due date of October 15, 2024
If you have any questions, please reach out to the School Nurse, Sarah Klancnik, at sklancnik@sd25.org.
We have 2 more safety drills coming up in October.
On Wednesday, October 9th we will have our third and final Fire Drill. For this drill, the Arlington Heights Fire Department will be in attendance. Please do not be alarmed if you see fire trucks outside Patton on this day.
We will also have having a Bus Evacuation drill on Tuesday, October 22nd.
I have no doubt that these drills will be as successful as the drills we carried out at the beginning of the school year and I know our students will do a great job!
It’s hard to believe September is coming to an end! As October marches in, we wanted to share some information about Halloween costumes. I have had many students already share their costume ideas and there are definitely a lot of great ideas brewing!
We look forward to all of our panthers having fun and enjoying celebrating Halloween together at Patton. As a kindergarten through fifth-grade elementary school, we offer a friendly reminder that costumes that may be appropriate for older students and adults may frighten younger children. We are requesting your cooperation in selecting school-appropriate costumes that avoid violence, sharp objects, weapons (knife, gun, sword, etc.), dripping blood, gore, etc. Accessories such as brooms, pitchforks, scepters, wands, hockey sticks and baseball bats should not be brought to school. Please save these additional props for trick or treating. We do not want any of these special items to be lost, broken, or left behind at the end of the school day.
In the interest of safety, please be sure your child is able to walk and sit comfortably in his/her costume and is able to see where he/she is walking.
Weather permitting, we will do a parade outside in the neighborhood for families to view everyone’s costumes and celebrate with our students.
We usually draw a big crowd and students enjoy seeing their loved ones waving to them along the parade route. It typically takes about 20 minutes to walk our route so please plan accordingly based on the weather.
Check to see if your child’s costume is an appropriate length so that they will not trip over it. If teachers notice that a part of the costume is hindering your child from walking safely, they will instruct your child to leave that item (mask, prop, etc.) in the classroom during the parade. Please also ensure that your child is able to remove their costume independently in case they need to use the bathroom.
More specific information about the parade, class parties, and a google form regarding lunch plans will be shared as we get closer to Halloween.
1st-3rd GRADE FITNESS CLUB (Ongoing Post!)
Do you have energy to burn and want to get your body moving? Interested in FUN and FITNESS? If so, Join Fitness Club!
Fitness Club will meet on Wednesdays in October from 3:35-4:15. First meeting is October 2nd. (Enrollment limited to first 30 fitness fans!)
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success of this program. Please sign up if you can help.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
Questions: Jenna Apel jenna.apel@gmail.com
4th and 5th GRADE RUNNING CLUB (Ongoing POST!)
Are you interested in joining a club focused on FUN and FITNESS?
If so, join Running Club!
Running club meets on Mondays in October (10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28) from 3:35-4:30.
Each session will begin with a warm-up, 30 minutes of running at your own pace, strength & conditioning.
Huge thanks go to Mrs. Goumas for being the club sponsor again for this club!
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success as they provide a safe running path. Please sign up to volunteer for at least one session if possible.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
If your 4th or 5th grader is interested in taking part in running club this fall please sign up HERE
Once you sign up, more information about the club will be sent your way.
HOMEWORK CLUB - 4th and 5th Graders (Ongoing POST!)
4th and 5th Grade homework club provides a quiet space for students to complete assignments or read in a relaxing setting. Mr. Morkert will be available to answer questions and provide help when needed.
It is important that you note whether you will pick up your child or if they will walk home. Mr. Morkert will bring the kids to the front doors at 4:25pm. Please be there waiting at this time.
Please reach out if you have questions. (tmorkert@sd25.org)
This club will run on Thursdays, 3:35-4:40pm, starting on the 19th September.
If your child is interested, please SIGN UP HERE and be sure to enter your child's name when signing up!
If you haven’t joined the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year, please consider doing so! Annual PTA membership is only $12 and can easily be completed through the School District 25 Online store! Click here to Join the Patton PTA
As a Patton PTA member, you will be able to access the Patton Student DirectorySpot App, which provides you with access to other PTA members contact information. This app is useful for planning birthday parties, carpools, and playdates.
Patton School is not able to provide you with contact information for other families. If you would like to communicate with parents of children in your child's class, the only way to access their information is through the Directory Spot App. Please do note that this is a manual process, it is not automated upon joining PTA. As a result, there is a delay in receiving access to the Directory Spot App. Please plan accordingly if you have a fall birthday coming up!
Your PTA membership gives you discounts at different retailers (see www.pta.org/benefits for details). You are also a member of the National PTA, which advocates for the safety, education, and well-being of our children.
Questions? Please e-mail ahpattonptamembership@gmail.com
The ABC/25 Foundation is a non-for-profit organization founded in 1991 by a group of caring parents to give A Better Community for District 25, hence the name ABC/25 Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is “to foster innovation, creativity, and excellence for the children of District 25.” The foundation’s Board of Directors and committee is composed of district parents, local community leaders, and school administrators that volunteer their time to serve the students of District 25.
We invite you to join ABC/25 Foundation and make an impact on District 25 student learning. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide students with projects and programs that foster innovation, creativity, and excellence. Your donation supports teacher/staff grants, school membership incentive grants, and foundation events that all members receive priority access to.
Each year, the ABC/25 Foundation grants $2,500.00 to any AHSD25 school when 25% of the school’s families become members. If you have children at multiple schools, each school will get credit for your participation, so make sure to indicate if you have multiple schools when joining. The membership grant funds may be used at each school’s discretion. Past membership grant funds have been used to purchase, among other items: lighting and sound system updates, playground equipment, app subscriptions, digital books, and Chromebooks. You may have noticed some posters hanging up at our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. We have a poster maker that is well-used for many purposes that was purchased with funds from the ABC/25 Foundation membership grant.
Please consider joining HERE!
2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR (Ongoing Post!)
Should you want to print this calendar as well, please click HERE.
Tuesday, October 8th - School Picture Day
Wednesday, October 9th - Fire Drill
Thursday, October 10th - CAP Lockdown Drill
Thursday, October 10th - PTA Sponsored: 4th/5th Grade Family Night
Saturday, October 19th - PTA Sponsored: Progressive Tailgate (Adults Only)
Tuesday, October 22nd - Bus Evacuation Drill
Thursday, October 24th - PTA Sponsored: 2nd/3rd Grade Family Night
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton