Westwood Intermediate/Middle School

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September 4, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
The first day of school went great! It was wonderful to see the students faces light up when they saw friends and classmates they may not have seen this summer. Students are familiarizing themselves with new schedules, lunch times, and being aware of their bus stop on the way home. Buses may arrive a little late this first week. You can track buses using the MyStop app.
Spring Lake Park High School invites younger members of our Panther Community to attend events and support our teams!
- Intermediate and middle school students can attend high school athletic contests with a supervising adult.
- All school rules extend to high school events. For example, running around, throwing objects, using profanity, and physical contact with others is not permitted.
- Supervising adults will be contacted if students violate school rules and violators will be asked to leave.
- Backpacks, bags, skateboards, balls, etc. are not permitted at events.
- Entrance Gates do not open until 45 minutes prior to the start of each event.
Thank you and Go Panthers! We are off to a wonderful start to the school year!
Tom Larson
Attendance Matters!
Regular attendance is key to student success. Missing just two days a month can negatively affect progress, especially in reading and long-term goals like high school graduation. We know there are times a student will need to be absent. Our goal is to work with parents and guardians to help their children have consistent – and on-time –attendance. Let’s work together to keep our students learning!
Is your student under the weather? Visit the Attendance & Absences page to find helpful tips of when to keep them home and when to send them to school. This page also has resources if you or your student need additional help.
Need to report an absence?
- Call your school's attendance line 763.600.5309 OR
- Report an absence through Campus Parent Portal
- Log in to Campus Parent Portal
- On the main menu (on the left), click on MORE
- Check the box by your student’s name.
- Complete the form.
- Select the Absent Type and Start Date and End Date and the number of days your student will be absent.
- Enter Comments to inform the school office of any details.
- Click SUBMIT
Safety and security update: 2024-2025
Spring Lake Park Schools is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students and staff. We have a comprehensive safety plan that includes a layered approach with prevention, protection, and emergency response measures. Along with neighboring districts and local law enforcement, we have adopted the “I Love You Guys” Foundation Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for responding to incidents.
Throughout the school year, each building will complete 11 required safety drills. The drills cover a variety of scenarios including evacuation, shelter and lockdown.
All drills conducted with students are scheduled and pre-announced to students and staff. For lockdown drills specifically, parents will be notified at least 24 hours in advance of the drill and may choose to have their student not participate. To opt your student out of a lockdown drill, notify the school’s main office by the start of the day the drill is scheduled to allow time for accommodations to be made.
Learn more about our approach to Safety and Security at SLP including the Standard Response Protocol.
- Saturday, September 14 - "Start your Engines" Community Event, Spring Lake Park High School, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- Monday, September 16
- Fundraiser kick-off
- Grupo de Padres Hispanohablantes de SLP reunion, 5 p.m., Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School
- Thursday, September 19
- Curriculum Preview and Presentation
- Picture Day
- Friday, September 20 - PTO Family Night
- September 23-27 - Homecoming Week
- Friday, September 27 - Homecoming Football Game, Panther Stadium, 7 p.m.
- Monday, September 30 - PTO Meeting at 6 p.m., Westwood Den
- Wednesday, October 2 - Live on 65: After Hours Big Band – Buy tickets
October 3-4 - No school
PTO invites you to save the date for two upcoming events!
Family Kindness Night, Westwood's cafeteria, September 20 from 6-8 p.m.
- At this event, get ready to complete projects for the community such as placemats, tie blankets, kindness kit assembly, and a greeting card creation will be available. Prize drawings, collection of bikes4kids donations, and food/beverages available for purchase. An adult must attend with students, this is not a drop off event. If you are able to help volunteer at a table, sign up on BAND .
Westwood families at Feed My Starving, September 21,
- Volunteer to pack food at Feed My Starving Children located at 401 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433. There are three time slots to choose from, and you can attend more than one. Adults must attend with students, and children must be at least 5 years old. READ ALL policies here.
Click here to reserve your family's spot(s) now!
- 9:30-11:15 a.m. (45 spots): join code VBYN7Y
- 5-6:30 p.m. (100 spots): join code DD4LGL
- 7-8:30 p.m. (100 spots): join code 78V16L
First day photos: Smiles, fist bumps, possibilities
A new year has begun for students at Spring Lake Park Schools, and we’re loving all the first day vibes. The first day photo album captures all the energy, excitement – and yes, nerves – of the first day of school. There were plenty of smiles, fist bumps and hugs as students began a new year with endless possibilities ahead.
These first days of school are focused on creating a strong Panther community. There’s a lot of time spent getting to know each other, building relationships and learning important routines. Strong foundations set the tone for the year ahead. Check out the story and first day photo album.
Panther Store Kick-Off Sale!
Now through September 6, save 20% off Panther Gear at the store and online with code 24Kickoff. Drop by the Panther Store, located at Spring Lake Park High School tomorrow, Thursday, September 5 from 4-8 p.m.
Live on 65 - After Hours Big Band on Oct. 2
Back by popular demand, After Hours Big Band is returning to the Fine Arts Center Stage on Wednesday, October 2 at 7 p.m. This ain’t your grand-pappy’s jazz band and it’s not a run-of-the-mill concert series either - the band brings with them Reed Grimm (of American Idol and Shoeless Revolution) and a collection of familiar songs from Disney to The Beatles and beyond.
Once called the "Best Big Band in the entire Twin Cities" by bassist's mother, the band will blaze through a performance that will have you clapping along, laughing, and moving to the beat. It’s a perfect way to kick off the Live on 65 season and not a performance to be missed. Grab your tickets today.
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