The Weekly What's Up
January 20, 2025
Weekly Calendar
Mon, Jan 20 - No School
Tues, Jan 21 - 12:30 chorus
7:00 Board of Ed meeting
Wed, Jan 22 - 3:30 1st grade game club
Thurs, Jan 23 - 3:30 Young Rembrandts
3:30 German Club
Fri, Jan 24 - 8:00 Team Leaders
MAP and Fastbridge reports
All students should be coming home with the results of their winter reading and math benchmark testing results.
If your child is in Kindergarten, first, or second grade they took the Fastbridge benchmark.
Understanding the Family Report
Your child recently took a FastBridge assessment in math and in reading.
As a district we use multiple data points to monitor your child’s progress. FastBridge is one of those assessments.
If you have specific questions or concerns about this assessment, or about how your child is performing overall please contact your child’s teacher.
How to read this report:
Box 1: An explanation of the assessments that your child took
Box 2: Shows how your child performed on the assessments indicated
Box 3: Shows how your child compares to other students nationally who took this same assessment
Box 4: Shows how your child’s scores have changed over time.
If your child’s scores fall within the gray banded area your child is performing within the average range.
Again, if you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher
If your child is in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade they took the NWEA MAP benchmark assessment.
MAP Growth is a computer-adaptive test. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. This type of assessment challenges top performers without overwhelming students whose skills are below grade level. MAP Growth begins with a question at each student’s grade level and adjusts the level of difficulty based on individual performance. What it measures MAP Growth uses a RIT scale to accurately measure what students know, regardless of their grade level. It also measures growth over time, allowing you to track your child’s progress throughout the school year and across multiple years. Once your child completes a MAP Growth test, they receive a RIT score. The RIT scale precisely measures student performance, regardless of whether they’re performing on, above, or below grade level Find more family resources at
Your child’s RIT score RIT scores have the same meaning across grade levels. If a fourth-grade student and an eighth-grade student have the same RIT score in reading, then they are testing at the same level in that subject. This stable scale allows teachers to accurately measure each student’s academic growth throughout the school year and over time. You can use your child’s RIT score to help them meet their goals. Teachers can use the scores to identify learning areas that their class should focus on, as well as monitor the growth of individual students.
PTO Corner
January 31, 6:30 pm: Pizza Bingo night! Join us for a family fun night of bingo, raffles, and pizza! Order your pizza ahead of time and pick up at the event. Order forms sent home with students, also see attached flyer. Orders are due by January 24th. If you can help out at the event (provide baked goods, set up, concession sales, raffle tickets, clean up, etc.), please sign up here: Central Pizza Bingo Volunteer SignUp
March 7: Cultural Night
Come join us for a celebration of cultures from around the world - see the attached flyer! We are looking for families and students to showcase your heritage - please sign up here: Central Cultural Night Participation
Red Bucket Collection
This month, second grade is collecting items for the self-help pantry. Please see flyer for needed items.
January 28: Des Plaines Theater - all ages music show - See Flyer for details
Save the Date:
February 4, 6:30 pm: PTO Meeting
February 6, 5-7 pm: Get Air Fundraiser
February 24: Wendy's Dine & Share
We have several events coming up. Our calendar is linked to the website. We also have highlights for the rest of the year here.
We are asking all families to update their emergency contact information.
You should have received a letter from the district. Here is a copy.
The D62 Education Foundation is hosting its second "Battle of the Pizzas" on Sunday, February 23 from 2:00-4:00pm at the Danube Swabian Center, 625 Seegers Road in Des Plaines.
Bring your family and appetite so you can sample pizzas from area restaurants. Vote for your favorite slice. Participating restaurants include last year's winner, Little Angelo’s, and four additional pizza restaurants! See if Little Angelo's will maintain their title or if a new pizzeria will be voted the best!
Tickets cost $10. Advance registration is required. Click here to register:
D62 Trivia Night is Friday March 14 - Adult Only to be held at the Frisbee Senior Center, 52 E Northwest Hwy in Des Plaines. Doors open at 6:00pm and trivia starts at 7:00pm.
This event is very popular and limited to the first 160 participants. Tickets are $25 each. You can pay as an individual or buy a table of 10.
Teams are encouraged to have a theme and decorate their tables. Prizes are given for the best table theme/costumes and for the overall trivia winners. Come beat the defending champs!
People are encouraged to bring food and drinks to share with their tables.
Click here to reserve your spot:
3rd Grade Students are being asked to participate
The Illinois Department of Health is asking 3rd grade students to participate in a dental health survey and screening. Check your student's folder for the survey.
Young Rembrandts
The next session of Young Rembrandts is starting on February 20th and runs until May 29th. Classes are provided by an outside organization. They take place in the art room on Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30.
For more information refer to their flyer.
Quote of the Week
“Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself.” —Chinese proverb