December Parent Newsletter
Manvel Public School 2024
Team Manvel!
December- Assertive
Tuesday, November 12th-December 5th- Student Council/Salvation Army Food Drive & Angel Tree(see flyer)
Tuesday, December 3rd- "Bake it Better"- 4th & 7th Grade
Friday, December 6th- Monthly Assembly-6th Grade
Monday, December 9th-2nd-5th Winter Concert- 2:00 & 6:30
Tuesday, December 10th- "Bake it Better"- 5th & 8th Grade
Friday, December 13th ~ Kindergarten Class to Santa's Village; 1:30-2:30 pm
Saturday, December 14th- "Sox for Kids" Auction-6:00 in Thompson
Monday, December 16th-5th-8th Band & Choir Winter Concert- 2:00 & 6:30
Wednesday, December 18th ~ Preschool Family Holiday Party @ 10:00 & 2:00
Thursday, December 19th- 7th Grade Frost Fire Ski Trip
Friday, December 20th- Last Day of school for 2024
Saturday, December 21st- Shop for "Sox for Kids"
Thursday, January 2nd ~ School resumes for 2025
Bus Students:
All students who ride a bus to school must have coats, caps, mittens/gloves, and appropriate shoes/boots. This is a safety issue now that the weather is getting cold. Although the buses are warmed and ready when students board them, the cool down quickly when doors open, and if a bus should ever stall, we want the students to remain safe and comfortable.
School Fundraiser:
We will officially have our Kickoff for this new fundraising opportunity for our school in January, but felt we would share before the holiday shopping season!
Students of the Month
Staff of the Month
Sox For Kids
Sox for Kids is a charitable organization that collects funds to take eligible children Christmas shopping. Manvel has about 40 children that participate. Please consider donating money to this worthy cause.You can help meet the needs of our children by...
1. Donate to Sox For Kids when you consider your charitable contributions this holiday season. It is important that the Manvel community does its part by financially supporting the program. Please send donations to Dr. Wheeler at Manvel School, 801 Oldham Avenue, Manvel, N.D. 58256 and he will forward them to Sox for Kids.
2. Attending the fundraising auction on Saturday, December 16th, beginning at 6:00 PM in Thompson, N.D.
Thank you for your donations for children in need this Holiday!
Holiday Concerts at MPS
You and your family are invited to attend our holiday concerts at MPS this year. Families may attend either the afternoon performance or the evening. Special thanks to Mr. Black and the students for all the work they have put into these performances! All students should wear a white shirt, with black pants or skirt.