Hawk News
May 23, 2024
Party in the Park
Thank you everyone that attend Party in the Park. It was a blast and the weather was perfect! If you enjoyed the food, please see the list of vendors:
Food vendors:
Bah Kunda Kitchen - puff puffs (like a donut hole)
ADong - spring rolls
Gursha - sambusas
Joppa Experience - Mac & Cheese
Najah Grocery - somali malawa (like a crepe with chocolate syrup)
Taste of Soul - fried chicken
Deise (mom of Viviana) chicken and rice
Hot Tamale - enchiladas
Fareway - popsicles
Costco - plates and forks
Roosevelt Soccer - soccer nets and managing games
Culture ALL - cultural activities
Des Moines Parks and Rec - renting the park and an info table
Metro Rentals
Mr. Gillaspey
Congratulation to Mr. Gillaspey on 35 years of teaching! He will be retiring at the end of this school year. He plans to enjoy his time outdoors, baking, and not having a schedule.๐
Lost and Found
We need your HELP! Please check out lost and found when you're at Hanawalt. We have so many lost items and we want them to be found.
Notes from Hanawalt's School Nurse
1. School Medication:
All school medication needs to be picked up by the deadline or parent/guardian has provided permission for the medication to be sent home on the student's last day of school.
The deadline for medication to be picked up by parent is no later than 11:40 am on Wednesday, May 29th.
If your student will not be at school on the last day, please let us know and make arrangements for their medication by the last day that they are at school.
I have been contacting all parents of students who have medication in the Health Office. If you have not already done so, please return my call or email and let me know if you are wanting your student's medication sent home on the last day of school or if you are planning on picking up the medication.
2. Next School Year Medication:
If your student has a school medication (inhaler, Epi-pen, daily medications, etc.), please make arrangements to drop off that medication and required documentation prior to the first day of school.
3. Friendly Reminder about Head Lice:
Parents are the key to looking for and treating head lice. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) advises parents to spend 15 minutes each week on each of their children carefully looking for head lice or nits. It should be assumed that head lice are in the community and schools at all times. For this reason, head lice notes are not sent home due to confidentiality issues as recommended by IDPH. Please teach your children NOT to share hats, scarves, brushes combs, and hair fasteners. Please also remind them to be aware of each individual's personal bubble. If your child has head lice, we ask that you treat them as soon as possible to limit the spread to others. Head lice do not live โoffโ the body, nor do they jump or fly. The head lice must maintain a constant warm temperature and only travels to a new body by direct contact. At home, only ordinary cleaning, vacuuming, washing in hot water, and drying in high heat are needed along with vigorous hair combing and treatments. If you have questions regarding treatment, you can call your pediatrician or call me at school, and I will pass along the information to you. This is a helpful guide online: https://idph.iowa.gov/CADE/Disease-Information/HeadLice
Iowa HHS provides high quality programs and services that protect and improve the health and resiliency of individuals, families, and communities.
Thank you for your help. Wishing you a wonderful summer and exceptional 2024-2025 school year!
In Health,
Becky Lause, School Nurse
Hanawalt Community
Hanawalt 2023 - 2024 Yearbook
A HUGE thank you to the Hanawalt Community for purchasing a yearbook for all students. Students will be receiving a yearbook Tuesday, May 28th.
Book Fair
Thank you for supporting Hanawalt by purchasing books at our book fairs this year! Together we raised $6,170 in Scholastic dollars! Profits were used to purchase books for students, classrooms and the media center.
Have You Taken the Clubs End-of-Year Survey?
Hanawalt Families,
The Soaring Hawks After School Enrichment Clubs Committee would like your feedback. Whether your student participated in a club or not, please take the following short survey:
Soaring Hawks After School Enrichment Clubs
As the year winds to a close, we would like to recognize and thank all of the Hanawalt parents who generously volunteered their time and energy to lead one or more of the Soaring Hawks After School Enrichment Clubs:
Kent Smith, McKenzie Glazebrook, Meghan Gavin, Sara Harrington, Molly Gill, Austin Gill, Niki Hinton, Luis Montoya, Josh Espinosa, Hillary Fieldsend, Molly Stagner, Mike Glazebrook, Savan Thongvanh, Fannie Kalis, and Kurt Sparks.
And thank you to the following families who volunteered to provide rides home, making clubs accessible to more Hanawalt kids:
Boardman Family, Camerona Family, Carroll Family, Castillo Family, Cooley Family, Cronin Family, Darrington Family, De Wall Family, Gavin Family, Gerlock Family, Glazebrook Family, Harrington Family, Jackson Family, Krantz Family, Larsen Family, McFarland Family, Montoya-Hinton Family, Nelson-Kirby Family, Ogle Family, Shay-Overholser Family, Shields Family, Smith Family, Sparks Family, Watkins Family, and Yelegar Family
Hanawalt Golf Fundraiser
Join us Friday, September 27th for our third annual Hanawalt Golf Fundraiser benefiting Hanawalt Elementary! All proceeds go to the PTA, which pays for field trips, t-shirts for every kid, community-building events, clubs, etc.! The 4-person scramble includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch, tee prizes, and a swag bag. Check-in is at 8:00 am with a 9:00 am shotgun start.
With the following Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/annual-hanawalt-hawks-golf-fundraiser-registration-874529389947?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Upcoming Dates
27: No School
29: 5th Grade Graduation @ 9:30 am and Last Day of School
Hanawalt Elementary
Email: jolene.liebl@dmschools.org
Website: hanawalt.dmschools.org
Location: 225 56th Street, Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: 515-242-8411