School Accountablity Committee
SAC Meeting Dec. 19, 2024 8:15-9:45
Tavelli School Accountability Committee
Legislative Foundation:
Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids Act of 2008 (SB 08-212) Aligned the public education system from preschool through postsecondary and workforce readiness.
Education Accountability Act of 2009 (SB 09-163) Flexibility waiver (2012) allowed for greater alignment of state and federal accountability systems.
Increasing Parent Engagement in Public Schools (SB 13-193)
SAC Membership:
SAC's will minimally consist of the following seven members:
Principal or Designee
One teacher
Three parents or legal guardians of students
One adult member of a school organization
One community member
Parents need to exceed the number of representatives of any other group.
Members of SAC shall annually select a parent/community member to serve as Chair or Co-Chair
Current Members of SAC:
Below are the 2024-25 members of the SAC. If you are interested in participating on the SAC Committee please reach out to Christine Hendricks at chendric@psdschools.org. This will be a two-year commitment.
Amanda Koncewicz- Parent (Term ends June 2025)
James Yearling-Parent (Term ends June 2025)
Molly Anderson- Parent (Term ends June 2025)
Anna Wright- Parent and PTO (Term ends June 2026)
Corinne Deuel-Gentile- Parent (Term ends June 2026)
Mark Goldstein-Community member (Term ends June 2026)
Evan Daldegan- Community member (Term ends June 2026)
Naomi Gomez-Teacher (on-going)
Deb Buggle- Interventionist (on-going)
Shirley Woods-Assistant Principal
Christine Hendricks-Principal
SAC Responsibilities
Make recommendations to their principal concerning priorities for spending school funds.
Make recommendations concerning the preparation of the school’s Unified Improvement Plan
Meet at least quarterly to discuss implementation of the school’s plan and other progress pertinent to the school’s goals
Publicize opportunities to serve on the SAC and solicit parents to do so. Assist in implementing the district’s parent engagement policy at the school and assist school personnel to increase parents’ engagement with teachers.
School Leader Responsibilities
Oversee that the academic programs offered by their school meet or exceed state and local performance expectations.
Play a key role in the creation, adoption, and implementation of the school’s Unified Improvement Plan
SAC makes recommendations; school leaders have ultimate responsibility and accountability for decision-making.
SAC Meeting Agenda:
SAC Meeting Agenda Dec. 19, 2024
SAC Meeting Minutes: