Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Food for Thought
Week of July 19th - Recovery Phase 4! - Clay County Vaccination Rate is 35.6%
Monday - Senior Center begins to serve Meals on site AGAIN
Monday, 5PM - Special Council Meeting; 6PM - Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, 10:30-11:30 AM - Free Blood Pressure Checks @ ESCC
Wednesday, 7AM - Noon - Farmer's Market @ ESCC
Thursday, 6PM - MML Westgate Meeting, NKC
Upcoming Council Agenda
Key Project Updates
To Enhance the Quality for All...
Celebrating Work Anniversaries this week: Joe Spear, Water, MW3 - 40 years; Barb Eckles, Police Admininistrative Assistant - 28 years; Ronda McQuerrey, CC Building Monitor - 4 years.
Community Center gives compliments to fellow staff for great work. Quick action to medical incident in pool, growing Kids Fitness class, stepping in to give co-workers time off, trouble shooting tech issues, taking action when you see it needs to be done, for bringing safety & supervision to evening, being a solid go-to guy we can count on, taking care of details, for deep cleaning, & team-work. Terri's SNAPS go to Trish, Jacob, Starla, Bridgette, Jenn, Nakayla, Ronda, Debbie, Tammy, Emily, Gunnar, Sydney, David, JD, Darrien, Parker, Tyler, Rob, Shelley, John, Suzi, Parker, & Gannon. Also SNAPS to Wellness Cafe Team, Aquatics Team & Front Desk Staff.
Choose Your Attitude!
"ES Parks & Rec. has been a wonderful way to entertain my children over the summer. All of the activities from Art in the Park to Popsicle's on the Patio, Movies & Find it Friday's have become a family summer tradition for us. They look forward to all of it. They also participate in some of the TNT sports and that has been a fun way to introduce them at a young age. It is fun for the whole family & I brag to other people about how lucky our community is to have such a great resource." - Tiffany [Testimony found on ESPR website]
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752