Eagle Eye Newsletter
April 26th Edition
May at a Glance 📆
We've made it to May! GMAS testing is in the books and we couldn't be more proud of our students for their effort! Be sure to thank your teachers next week during Teacher Appreciation Week for preparing your students to be their absolute best for the test! Please be sure to stay on top of all things Taylor by reading newsletters, Friday Folder information, ParentSquare messages and teacher/staff emails.
- Week of May 6th - 10th - Teacher Appreciation Week
- Wednesday, May 15th - Top Golf Family Night
- Friday, May 17th - 5th Grade Celebration
- Monday, May 20th - Class Parties - K, 1 & 2
- Tuesday, May 21st - Class Parties - 3 & 4
- Wednesday, May 22nd - 5th Grade Walk and Events Day
- Wednesday, May 22nd - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
5th Grade Celebration Events
Attention 5th Grade Families
Please join us for a celebration of the
Taylor Elementary Class of 2024
Friday, May 17, 2024
12Stone Church
6:00 pm
Our 5th Grade Walk will be held Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 9:00am
A Note from Mrs. Lovejoy in the Media Center
Friday, May 3rd, we were lucky enough to have the GCPS Book Mobile come out and visit us! With the support of our school PTA and Admin team every single student got to board the bus and pick a free book! We felt like this was a great way to kick off the idea of sailing into summer with a good book...and sparking the goal of continuing to read through the summer!
We will kick off our Summer Reading Program on May 23rd, the first day of summer for students! More information to come!
Speaking of the Book Mobile, the main reason for the 5K Saturday is to raise money so we can continue putting books in the hands of kids! It is not too late to sign up!!! We will be coming around to neighborhoods and complexes over the summer with our Book Mobiles and/ a new Book Mobile van too! Hope to see you Saturday morning...the theme is STAR Wars...May the 4th be With You!
Please Return All Library Books
All library books need to be returned to the Media Center by May 17th. If your student has received a notice of an outstanding library book, your help in locating them is greatly appreciated.
From the Clinic...
Parents of students with medications at school will need to pick up the medication prior to the end of the school year. If we do not receive instructions from you before the end of the school year, we will dispose of the medications accordingly. Please remember students are not allowed to transport medication. You can reach the clinic at 770-338-4683 for any questions or concerns.
Bragging on our Staff!
Congratulations Mr. Lucas Findlay!
Thank you to Horace Mann for selecting Mr. Findlay's grant to include animals in the classroom! This month there are praying mantis insects, ladybugs, and butterflies hatching in Mr. Findlay's room. There is also a hydroponic grow station, a chia pet, fish, snails, and a tiny freshwater lobster. We would like to say thank you to Horace Mann for helping to provide learning opportunities for our students!
Please use the link below to find out what is new in STEM!
PTA News
Wow! Only 24 days left of school! We still have a few things left on the PTA event calendar.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week - May 6th - May 10th, 2024
Yearbook Delivery Day!
Friday, May 10th
Top Golf Family Night
- Ticket sales for only $20 for 2 hours!
- Flyer coming home soon!
PTA Executive Board Nominations
It's that time of year again! PTA Board Nominations are OPEN!
PLEASE let us know! We are always looking to add to our team!
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Nomination Committee Chair - Alesia Baker - alesia.baker@ketaylorpta.com
Collins Hill Summer Baseball Camp
Calling all future baseball stars! ⚾️☀️
**Looking to level up your game this summer? ** Our baseball camp is the perfect place for young players in grades K-8 to learn from the best and have a BLAST!
Camp Details:
Dates: June 10th - June 13th
Time: 9:00 AM - Noon Daily
Location: Collins Hill High School Baseball field
What's Included:
Expert Instruction: Learn valuable baseball fundamentals from our experienced coaches. ⚾️
Fun & Games: Master your skills through engaging drills and exciting baseball-related games! ⚾️
Camp Shirt: Take home a cool camp shirt to commemorate your experience! (Who doesn't love free swag? ) *** Must register by 5/20 to be guaranteed a shirt***
High School Player Interaction: Get to play and work out with our talented high school baseball players.
Spots are limited! Register now at ➡️ https://forms.gle/2kKRrVoAJUqaSWeJ6
CHAA 2024 Eagles Cheerleading
Georgia DOE Special Education Parent Survey
Does your child receive special education services and have an individualized education plan? If so, please participate in the 2024 Annual Parent Involvement Survey for Georgia Families Raising a Student with a Disability. Each year, the Georgia Department of Education asks parents to participate in the survey as part of the state’s Annual Performance Report to the United States Department of Education. Your feedback on the survey also helps our school district better partner with you to help your child be successful. You are receiving this request as the parent/guardian of a student receiving services in Gwinnett County.
The survey is available online in English and Spanish and can be accessed on the Georgia Department of Education website. You may use the following direct link to access the survey.
FY24 Parent Survey (gadoe.org)
The survey will be available through May 31, 2024.
Thank you for your continued support of our school and our programs.
Times to Remember
Please remember, our school arrival times have changed a bit. Student arrival begins at 8:15 and the car rider doors close at 8:35 am. Our late bell rings at 8:40 am. If your child will be eating breakfast at school, please arrive in time to eat and return to class by 8:40. Taylor Elementary arrival and dismissal times are listed below.
8:15 am - Car Rider Doors Open
8:35 am - Car Rider Doors Close
8:40 am - Late Bell
8:50 am - Start of School Day
2:45 pm – Last Student Check Out
3:20 pm - Dismissal Begins
3:40 pm - Car Rider Doors Close