Warrior Weekly February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025

Did you buy a rose for a friend? Valentine's Day is this FRIDAY!🥰
Challenge Question, WARRIORS!
What do you need from US to be the best YOU?😁
Tuesday February 11- Wear ORANGE! Here is WHY!
Motivational Monday for Warriors!- No pierdo, yo gano o yo aprendo...
Let's celebrate the LEGACY!
Cheer Tryouts at ABBOTT MS!
Informational Meeting Feb 11- Library 4-4:45 pm
Washington DC TRIP - Spring Break 2026!
Abbott is taking a trip to Washington D.C.! We are hosting a second informational meeting next month for families interested in learning more.
The informational meeting will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2024 from 6pm-7pm in the Abbott Middle School library. You can RSVP here if you are interested in attending the informational meeting. Parents and 7th graders are encouraged to attend if interested. Please enter through Door #1.
The proposed dates for travel are March 30-April 1, 2026.
The estimated cost per student is $2140.00.
You can view our tentative itinerary here.
We need a minimum of 10 students enrolled for the trip to happen. We currently have 6 students enrolled.
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
In this info session, we’ll talk about:
- How this opportunity will benefit your student
- What we’ll see and do on our trip
- Everything that’s included in this experience
- How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
- How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
There are limited spots on this trip (we will only take the first 20 students to enroll), so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Please reach out with any questions.
You can RSVP here.
Silva Eggers
Abbott Middle School
Gifted Science Teacher
General Ed Science Teacher
Make sure your Advisory has you focused on MyPath, Character
Strong, tracking your academic and attendance data,
and learning about your fellow Warriors!
FUNDRAISERS for AMS! Sponsored by PTO!
MyPath started in Advisory 3 weeks ago! CHARGED Chromebooks are mandatory!
Warriors, we have a lot of work to do! Check out this cool Warrior WORK!
Robotics FUN!
Check out these Warriors that completed lessons
AND 30 minutes of Reading work last week!
Congrats Ehrlich's 7th Grade Advisory! MORE POPCORN PLEASE!
Keeping Students Healthy While Supporting Attendance
We want to remind you how important it is for students to be in school every day to support their learning. However, we also understand that illnesses are more common during this time of year, and it’s important to prioritize your child’s health. Currently, our country is experiencing a significant uptick in viral illnesses, including Influenza, COVID-19, RSV, and Norovirus. This has led to the term “quad-demic” being coined to describe the simultaneous spread of multiple viral infections. Click here for a complete Quad-demic Update.
If your child is sick, please keep them home to rest and recover. This helps protect other students and staff while ensuring your child is ready to return to school. To help, please refer to this “When To Keep Your Child Home” guide for deciding when to keep your child home.
Thank you for working with us to make Every Minute Matter!
Mantener a los estudiantes saludables mientras se apoya la asistencia
Queremos recordarles lo importante que es que los estudiantes estén en la escuela todos los días para apoyar su aprendizaje. Sin embargo, también entendemos que las enfermedades son más comunes durante esta época del año y es importante priorizar la salud de su hijo(a). Actualmente, nuestro país está experimentando un aumento significativo de enfermedades virales, como la gripe, el COVID-19, el virus respiratorio sincitial (RSV, por sus siglas en inglés) y el norovirus. Esto ha hecho que se utilice el término “cuadremia” para describir la propagación simultánea de múltiples infecciones virales. Haga clic aqui para un informe completo sobre la cuadremia.
Si su hijo(a) está enfermo, manténgalo en casa para que descanse y se recupere. Esto ayuda a proteger a otros estudiantes y al personal mientras garantiza que su hijo(a) esté listo para regresar a la escuela. Para ayudar, consulte esta guía "Cuándo mantener a su hijo(s) en casa" para decidir si su su hijo(s) debe quedarse en casa.
¡Gracias por trabajar con nosotros para hacer que cada minuto importe!
Call main office for questions regarding any charge or Chromebook
issues. They are mandatory in classes/advisory after the new year.
- Vacation days are UNEXCUSED! Please try to schedule your family vacations around the school schedule!
-The main office, upon seeing your child's number of absences, may require a doctor's note to excuse any further absences. ATTENDANCE is the main reason why AMS gets its rating from the STATE OF ILLINOIS! Help us help YOU get your kiddos to school!
-If you do NOT want to have to come to school to pick up your child's phone or Airpods, know that our rules state they can not have them out at all. Upon the 2nd incident, YOU will have to come and get these items. Technology contracts also follow for further incidents.
Please relay the importance of arriving on time, listening to staff directives, respecting others in their hallways and classrooms as well as respecting their school materials.
8th Grade INFO ONLY!
Here is the link to the list of High School electives in ENGLISH.
Here is the link to the list of High School electives in SPANISH.
We hope you CHOSE WISELY! It is very hard to get any schedules changed!!! Your choices determine hiring of teachers, space, amount of sections offered, programs offered or removed!
PARENTS! TECH INFRACTIONS #2 and beyond require parent pickup of the devices!
-3 minutes is more than enough time to get to classes and lunch at AMS!
- Running in the halls is dangerous, teachers have directed to refer students to administration if it is a habit.
- ID's are expected to be WORN! The DRESS CODE is followed and students have been asked to change or call home for more school appropriate clothes. YOUR HOODS must stay down on your hoodies. There will be more reminders every day from staff!
-Playfighting will be treated as FIGHTING. This is a hands free zone.
- Do you want to be able to keep your phones, headphones/Beats and Airpods? Keep them put away. Semester 2 did not start you over on your tech violation count!
-Sharing lockers and giving out the combo are very dangerous things! You are responsible for the contents of your school owned/regulated lockers and are subject to search at any point with reason or during random searches. Do not allow others to put things in your lockers. Your belongings will be confiscated and out back into your locker if found to be sharing.
The rules are not changing for 2nd semester! We did not wipe 1st semester clean. The count of infractions will continue!
Interested in BINGO Nights? No Cook Nights? Special Events for our Warriors?
Parent Teacher Organization Meeting at AMS: We need YOU PARENTS AND GUARDIANS!!
Scan the QR code below to be in our PTO and be an AMS Volunteer!
What is PTO?
PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) We are here for you. It's your time to make it fun. Parents involvement are indeed impactful, your involvement creates a great moral environment and contributes to making your child's school adaptation easier. It also strengthens and encourages positive relationship development with the principal, assistant principal, teachers, advisors, staff and their peers. You are a powerful tool- you are impactful. Students that are aware of their parents involvement in school activities demonstrate higher self-esteem, better behavior, better social skills and even demonstrate improvement in their grades.
We love our parents and we would love to have you participate. We believe involvement is influential not just for your child or children, but for the entire student body as a whole. We are a community- a family. The organization is an great way for a group of parents, teachers, staff, and alumni to form a community with freedom to socialize come up with events and have fun. This would be one of our motivating factor, building together a sense of belonging, encouraging joy and laughter and at the same time making a difference in our community. We belong together! Let us work together to support our Abbott students help create exciting memories. Your opinion, ideas, and creativity are welcomed. We would love for you to be part of our family. We are here for you.
- Korin Stocker, Bernice Berry, Julia Kelly, Michelle Dufek (PTO Board)
Go to our website for this week's events and activities!
Warriors and Families-
- Please call your student in at 847-888-5165 for any partial or full day absences. 15 minutes absent equal to a half day absence! Even this short of absences hurts our data and funding! Please get your kiddos to school ON TIME! For all attendance matters like this one, please see the Back to School Night Presentation Link below or call the main office for questions! We want to help you get your kids to school!
-Every Minute Matters and count toward chronic absenteeism and truancy! This is hurting our kids in the preparation efforts for high school and beyond!
-Do they have a fever? Are they vomiting or something similar? Is there a need for a urgent care clinic/ER visit? Is there any other extreme medical issue that a school nurse is not equipped to handle? If your answer is no, they can most likely come to school! Got questions? Call us!
-Kane County Regional Office of Education is helping up curb our attendance issue and if we solve this, we feel MANY of our obstacles will be OVERCOME! Help us get your kids to school!
Thank you!
AMS Administrative Team
#ALLIN... Go Go Warriors!
Chromebooks! They have to be at school EVERY DAY!
- When a teacher asks to produce them in class, they need to have it there with them. If they do not they will be sent to the office for us to investigate where it is.
- You may be charged ($300) for the Chromebook in your student fees for LOST CHROMEBOOK UNTIL YOU CAN SHOW US THE COMPUTER THAT WAS ASSIGNED TO YOU/YOUR CHILD. Charges CAN be removed and payment plans can be made to pay any fees before the end of the school year.
- If it is broken in any way, we need to fix it before the end of October. Please do NOT avoid showing us these Chromebook issues. They take time to repair. It will eventually be needing to be turned in and additional charges will apply if you allow the breakage to worsen.
- They should NOT be letting their friends use their Chromebook. you are responsible for the Chromebook that was assigned to your child.
🤩🤩BE ALL IN AT ABBOTT and help us !🤩🤩make sure your child is ready to LEARN!!!
Continuous Improvement Plan for Abbott Middle School!
BE SAFE! Reporting to Administration & Random Searches
How to Report Rumors of Safety Concerns to Abbott Middle School
At Abbott Middle School, the safety and well-being of our students and staff should always be our top priorities. During the school week we are often made aware of rumors circulating among students that have caused unnecessary fear and concern. We take all student/staff/parent reports seriously, and each is investigated thoroughly (in collaboration with local authorities if ever needed). While any situation is swiftly resolved, the spread of unfounded rumors distracts from our focus on learning and teaching. These rumors can also cause undue stress for you as staff, students and families, as well as divert valuable time and resources away from the classroom. We need the support of the entire school community to prevent further escalation of any of these concerns by SWIFTLY AND DIRECTLY REPORTING WHAT YOU HEAR TO ADMINISTRATION AT AMS.
We ask all staff, students and families to refrain from spreading rumors. Misinformation can be harmful and only serves to create more anxiety and confusion. Instead, we encourage you to report any concerns directly to the school administration so we can address them appropriately and immediately. Direct communication by way of calling the main office to speak to Mrs. Reyes, Mr. Smith, Detective Sproles, (SRO) or any of our office staff so that we may keep the focus on learning and the safety of all staff and students.
Random Searches- Why we must have them...
School Safety Measures
As part of our commitment to ensuring a safe learning environment, ABBOTT MS will be conducting random, non-invasive searches throughout the school year in accordance with board policy and law. These searches are a proactive step towards maintaining safety and fostering an environment where learning can thrive without disruptions. They will be carried out by trained school personnel, in a manner that respects the privacy of all students. We assure you that these measures are standard safety procedures and not in response to any specific incident or concern. If a student refuses to participate in the random search, the school administration will follow the necessary steps in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Should you have any questions, please contact the school's main office.
FALSE THREATS/ANY THREAT to school safety come with consequences.
BE TIMELY! If you know something that could harm a WARRIOR, LET ADMIN KNOW!
Here is the Bell Schedule for your information as well!
U-46 Student Code of Conduct & Restorative Practices
Online and Social Media Resource
Teen Vaping: What You Need to Know
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elginAMS
Student Handbook- Even if you do not read it, you are still responsible for everything in it!
HERE IS THE LINK to all the important info from Back to School Night including Title I funding information for AMS!! Take the time to see how hard we work at Abbott Middle School!
Changes in the Student Handbook will include keeping our students safe in the hallways during passing periods and at the beginning/end of the day. This includes interventions we will have for our students if they cannot pass through the hallways safely. Chasing, hitting, play-fighting, and running are unsafe and we would love to make sure our Warriors are displaying safe behaviors in our halls! Furthermore- If your child's cafeteria lunch period is one of the more crowded periods, there is a possibility that he or she may have assigned seats. This is for us to prioritize safety for all students and staff.
SEE THE POLICIES that we are enforcing in the STUDENT HANDBOOK LINKED HERE /Spanish Version! Here is the Bell Schedule for your information as well!
Please visit our Abbott Website for this week's activities and events!
STUDENT DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: Posted on the screen in the hallways every day!
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elginAMS