Hyatt's January - February Updates
Office Greetings
Dear Hyatt Elementary Families,
The New Year is off to a great start at Hyatt, and we are excited for what the second semester will bring! As always there are numerous events and updates occurring in our school community. Below are some helpful tidbits to keep you all informed and up to date. We have been getting a few calls concerning attendance, illness, and winter recess. Obviously, attendance is important as it is easier to maintain and expand our learning when we are present at school. If your child has been physically ill, had a fever, or similar symptoms, they should remain home for at least 24 hours until their symptoms improve without medication. Please send in a doctor's note when possible, as this is beneficial in situations where there are multiple days of absence. Another question we have been getting recently is, "At what temperature do you keep the children inside for recess?" When the "feels like" temperature is below zero we will keep the children inside, yes, this includes the wind chill. The long term forecast has temperatures averaging at or just below freezing, so we will definitely be enjoying lots of January fresh air!
We hope you find all of this information and the updates below helpful. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Mr. Strickert and Mrs. Carter
Every Child Every Day!
School Yearbooks
There is an opportunity to order yearbooks for those who are interested. You can either click on the link below or scan the QR Code. If you are interested, the cost is $13.50 per yearbook.
A Word from Officer Williams
Now that it seems that winter has finally arrived, families may want to take advantage of the many outdoor activities available in our area. Whether you are; walking the trails around town, skiing at Mt. Holly, sledding on the hill at Byram Park, or possibly ice fishing on one of the many lakes, please keep safety at the forefront. Avoid wet toes and hands, wear a helmet when applicable, and remember ice conditions are unpredictable. I want everyone to have fun being together and please do so safely.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- January 20th
There will be no school for students on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Teachers will be participating in professional development.
Report Cards - January 24th
Report cards will be visible and accessible to families through your ParentVue account beginning on Friday, January 24th. If you have problems accessing them, please let us know.
The Ned Show - Rescheduled Date
We were able to reschedule the Ned Show from December to the afternoon of January 27th. The presenters will focus on teaching resiliency, positive behaviors, and academic achievement, while showcasing their amazing yo-yo talents. There are still yo-yos available for those who are interested. We are excited to have them return to Hyatt!
Cupid's Carnival - February 7th
P.A.L.S. is sponsoring Cupid's Carnival on Friday, February 7th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM This family themed event includes games, inflatables, activities, a slice of pizza, a cookie, cotton candy, and a drink all for $15. Please be on the lookout for additional information and a flyer to be coming home soon with your child.
Spring Count Day is Wednesday, February 12th
President's Day
February News from our School Nurses
Health Safety
We are definitely in the cold and flu season; please remind your children the importance of washing their hands, trying to keep their hands off their faces, covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and not sharing their food with others. These are proven strategies to reducing the spread of illness. Remember, a child with a fever or who is physically ill must stay home for at least 24 hours and be symptom free without medication before returning to school.
Also, please remain cognizant of student allergies in your child’s classroom. Due to the severity of the reactions to some allergies we ask that all snacks, treats, are store purchased. If your child exhibits any symptom, you will be called to pick your child up from school.
Dress for the Weather
Popcorn Updates
SOAR Expectations
Upcoming Dates
1/17 End of First Semester
1/20 Teacher PD - No School for Students
2/7 Cupid's Carnival
2/12 Spring Count Day
2/14 Valentine's Day
2/17 No School - President's Day
3/9 Daylight Savings Time (Spring Ahead)
3/13 Half Day of School - Parent Teacher Conferences in the PM
3/14 Teacher PD Day - No School for Students
3/21 End of 3rd Marking Period
3/29-4/6 Spring Break
4/18 No School
4/21 3rd Grade MSTEP Testing Begins This Week
5/11 Mother's Day
5/23 SOAR Day!
5/26 No School - Memorial Day
6/6 Last Day of School - Half Day for Students and Teachers