Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Fuller Elementary
Arrival and Dismissal Overview
Arrival and Dismissal can be stressful for our students, staff and families. Please read the information below very carefully so that you are prepared prior to the first day.
We ask for grace during those first days. Please know we will continually look at our plans, and usually within a week things will move more quickly.
Parents are welcome to walk their child(ren) to class on the first three days of school only. After that, students will walk in the building independently and staff will be available to assist.
Students can begin arriving at school at 7:10 am. Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:10 am because they will be unattended.
Instruction will start at 7:40. Students arriving after 7:40am will be marked tardy. Excessive tardies can lead to truancy. Please plan to arrive early enough that your child is able to get to their classroom by 7:40.
Please email transportation changes to prior to 2PM each day. Students may not be checked out early after 2:30PM daily.
School ends at 3:15PM. Students will dismiss from the building at this time. Please be on time to pick up your child at the end of the day.
Walker Arrival
- Walkers should enter through the corresponding side doors of the school.
- Please use the crosswalk when walking from the parking lot to the building.
Walker Dismissal
- Walkers will be dismissed at the cross walks (North Side/Faro Rd. and Pan, South Side/Quicksilver Blvd)
- The front of the school is reserved for our buses. Do not park in this area.
- Staff will walk our PK-5th grade students to each crosswalk. Please wait for them on the opposite side of the crosswalk off school grounds.
- You must have the provided car tag when picking up your child as a walker. Without the tag, the student will meet the parent in the front office after the parent’s driver's license has been verified.
- K-1 students will not be allowed to walk home alone. If you would like your child to walk home with an older sibling, all teachers of your children need to be notified in writing as well as the front office (
- Walkers must utilize the crosswalks with crossing guards. Please remind your students of this safety rule if they are walking home alone.
- If you are driving to the school to pick up your student, you should be using the car line with the corresponding car tag.
Car Riders
Car Rider Arrival
The North car lanes (Pan/Faro) are for our Pre-K and Kinder students.
The South car lanes (Quicksilver) are for our 1st - 5th grade students.
For arrival, there will be one car lane open on the north side and the south side.
- Pull up all the way up, leaving no spaces between vehicles.
- Stay in your car at all times and refrain from cell phone usage.
- Please practice allowing your child to unbuckle and open their car door if they are a car rider.
Handicap parking spots are reserved for families with a state issued handicap placard. Please do not park or temporarily stop in those spots. If you do not have the placard, an AISD officer will issue a ticket.
Car Rider Dismissal
The North car lanes (Pan/Faro) are for our Pre-K and Kinder students.
The South car lanes (Quicksilver) are for our 1st - 5th grade students.
- Create two lines, side by side on the 1st - 5th grade side.
- Hold car sign up for staff to easily see your student's names
- Pull up all the way up, leaving no spaces between vehicles. Do not stop when you see your child; you will meet them at the cone they are called to.
- You must have the school provided car tag visible. Our staff will walk students to the car.
- Stay in your car at all times and refrain from cell phone usage.
Older siblings will join their Pre-K or Kinder sibling in the North car lanes.
The gym/front of the school reserved for our buses only.
Do not park in this area for arrival or dismissal.
No Parking Zones
Jackie Fuller Elementary
10825 Quicksilver Blvd
Aubrey, TX 76227