Coulston Elementary School
Comet Connection Newsletter
Notes from the Coulston Office November 10 , 2024
This Week at Coulston
Christmas Assistance
As the Holiday season approaches, we here at Coulston want to ensure that every family has access to resources needed in order to make the Holidays special for them and their children. Please feel free to contact me with any questions: (317) 398-3185 or cmreed@shelbycs.org.
This form must be completed by Friday, November 22, 2024 in order to receive assistance. This form is to gain information about families interested in receiving Christmas/Holiday Assistance for the 2024 Holiday Season. Please click on the link below and complete it before November 22, 2024.
Coulston Elementary Christmas/Holiday Assistance Form
SCS Healthy Food Policy
Parents, just a reminder that students are provided with a free breakfast each morning. Items such as Starbucks, Dunkin, McDonald’s etc are not allowed. We are seeing more of this with our car riders in the mornings. Please make sure if you are providing this breakfast for your child, that they finish eating it before they enter the building.
Also, just a reminder that water bottles can ONLY have water. Please make sure that your child does NOT bring Gatorade, juice, soda, tea, etc in their water bottles. Thanks so much for your help with this! It is greatly appreciated.
Ilearn Checkpoint 1-Parent Report
We have wrapped up our Checkpoint 1 Ilearn Assessment. Teachers sent home the parent report on Friday. Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions. Below is a link for more information in regards to the assessment or results.
Parent Ilearn Information Spanish
Background Check Information
Parents just a reminder if you want to volunteer at school, please call the office to get information on how to submit/apply for the limited and extended background checks. You can reach the school at 317.398.3185.
Veterans Day Program
Veterans Day Program on November 11
Mrs. Epple and the 4th-grade classes will be presenting our Veterans Day Program on Monday, November 11th, at 8:30 a.m. in the Coulston Gym. We invite all 4th-grade families, as well as veterans from our Coulston families to join us.
Parking will be available in the front parking area, the bus lot, and in the rear of the school. You can enter the building at the flagpole door. We are excited to honor and celebrate all the Veterans who have served or are currently serving our country! We look forward to seeing you. We are asking everyone to wear red/white/blue in honor of our Veterans!
Transportation Change Reminders
Please see the information from the student hand book in regards to transportation changes. This is located on page 21 of the student handbook.
PTO News
Our PTO meeting for November has been changed to Monday, November 18th at 5:30 in the library. All are welcome to come and hear about the upcoming events, such as the Santa Shop and the January Fundraiser. We hope to see you there.
Yearbook Order Form
The Salvation Army of Shelbyville 2024 Christmas Assistance Sign-Up
Open Now Through November 15th!
If you have children ages 0-14 living in your home and you would benefit from assistance this holiday season, now is the time to apply!
Please remember:
One application per household (even if more than one family lives at the same address).
Applications made after November 15th will be placed on a waiting list.
Upcoming events:
8-Fall Picture Retakes
11-Fourth Grade Veteran’s Day Program at 8:30
18-Spell Bowl Competition
18-PTO Meeting in the Library at 5:30
27-29-Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2-13-Pantry Pals Pie The Guy Fundraiser begins
6-Community Christmas Parade at 7:00
9-13-Santa Shop Week
9-Second Grade Christmas Program at 6:00
16-20-Christmas Spirit Week
20-Christmas Parties
20-End of the 2nd Grading Period
Dec. 23-Jan. 3-Christmas Break
Free and Reduced Application
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Coulston Elementary School
Phone: (317) 398-3185
Fax: (317) 392-5721
Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:30pm
121 N Knightstown Road
Shelbyville, IN 46176