Counseling Department Newsletter
November 2020
In this issue:
- Thursday Counseling Block Presentations
- College Guidance Network
- Google Post Tuesday
- Wachusett Wellness Newsletter
- Parents Supporting Parents
- Senior Info
Thursday Presentations
Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services and Wachusett High School have teamed up to offer two presentations to support sophomores and juniors during our Thursday counseling blocks (12:50-1:40pm).
For the sophomore class, they will be providing information on how to better balance home and school life, skills and tips to improve time management, as well as some basic self-care and stress management skills. Half of the sophomore class met with SYFS last week and the other half of the sophomores will be meeting this upcoming Thursday, 11/5.
For the junior class on 11/12, they will spend the entire presentation on learning more about self-care and how to create and follow personal self-care plans. This presentation will be optional.
When we go to our hybrid model, counselors will be meeting with students on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. Our first virtual Wednesday meeting is on 11/18. Counselors will be meeting with freshmen that day around transitioning into the high school during the hybrid model and to answer any questions our freshmen might have.
WRHS joins College Guidance Network!
We are thrilled to bring our families and students a new service offering going into the new school year. We have signed up our school to have access to College Guidance Network, a virtual programming network specializing in demystifying the college admissions process.
Take a closer look at the full schedule of programming and speakers on their programming page. You will also be able to view past presentations there as well.
First-Generation Students: Practical Tips for College Admissions
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Navigating the New Normal of Optional Testing
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Inside Admissions: How an Application is Reviewed
Wed, Dec 2 - Wed, Dec 9, 2020
Ask Us Anything: Admissions Experts Open Up
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Google Post Tuesday
WRHS Students: Please be sure to look at your counselor's google classroom!
FREE Virtual Resource for ALL Caretakers Parents Supporting Parents (PSP)
We recognize what a challenging time this is. There is still much uncertainty and many challenges as the school year begins in whatever form your school district has chosen (hybrid, remote, etc.). We know that parents and caretakers are under tremendous pressure! We also know that caretakers are creative, resilient problem-solvers. The BRYT Family Engagement Team invites you to participate in our weekly Parents Supporting Parents group where parents can get & receive support from each other.
Please join us every week for PARENTS SUPPORTING PARENTS. Simply click the link and join the Zoom meeting. All are welcome so please share with family and friends.
View the flyer HERE for dates/times!
The BRYT Network is also hosting another Parent Group. In this group you can expect…
To meet other parents who are managing the same stressors
To learn more about how to be proactive against the “winter blues”
To learn how to spot the signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder and what to do about it
To be validated and supported!
View the flyer HERE for dates/times!
Senior Info:
Apply for scholarships by visiting the school counseling website
Senior deadlines:
To submit transcript request for regular decision: Dec. 1st
College Admissions reps are hosting virtual visits! Be sure to register in Naviance!
Wachusett Regional High School
Location: 1401 Main Street, Holden, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 829-6771
Twitter: @CounselorsWRHS