Ms. Steinberg's Weekly News
Week of October 31st, 2016
Language Arts
In Language Arts our word study words focused on the -sh and -th blend. We learned about sequencing and did various sequencing activities throughout the week. Students finished up their spooky story projects. They are amazing! Watch them on Seesaw if you have not already. We also wrote friendly letters. We will be delivering them Monday!
In Math we wrapped up the subtraction unit and took the test. Students did very well on the test! A letter was sent home about First in Math. We use First in Math during school and, with the username and password attached to the First in Math letter, you can have your child play at home too. If you have any additional questions about it please let me know.
Social Studies
This week we learned about the election process. We read Can I Vote? which taught us about the voting process. We talked about what it means to vote and why it is so important to vote. Students wrote why they would make a good president. Their response is posted on our classroom bulletin board. Next time you're in the room, check it out! We read Grace for President then participated in a class election-Grace vs. Thomas (book characters)! Students had fun acting out the voting process! We also read Duck for President and used the corresponding Scholastic News to learn more about voting! We are excited for the school-wide mock election this Tuesday during school! Students filled out their voter registration cards already!
-No school this Friday 11/11. PDD for teachers
-The Thanksgiving Feast is 11/22. First grade will participate from 12:30-1:30
-The Polar Express night is 12/7 from 5:30 to 7:30
-The school-wide Sleepover is 12/16 from 6:30PM to 8:30AM