January 2025 Update
Post Falls School District Newsletter
A Few PFSD Winter Activities
1st graders writing sentences
Winter craft nights
Redesign of the NVHS clothing closet from the Coeur Group
Buses return at sunset
Lunchtime winter games at PFHS
For every 5 pounds of food donated at PFHS, classes earned a heart
Superintendent's Message
Happy Winter Post Falls Families,
The new year means our fundamental levy will expire at the end of June. Post Falls School District will ask patrons to renew our levy on May 20th. What you may not know is that 7.4% of district operational costs are not funded by our state. This is because in order for school districts in Idaho to receive 100% of their operational funding, every student in the district would need to be present 100% of the time. I think we can all agree 100% attendance is impossible.
This replacement levy makes up 11.4% of the district's general fund budget. When one considers the state does not give us 7.4%, it should be clear that the Post Falls School District is extremely conservative. We only ask patrons for what we absolutely need. Historically, 19% of our parents vote which means fewer than 1,000 people are determining the programming for nearly 6,000 students.
If you are interested in learning more about Idaho's funding formula, please reach out. I am happy to answer any questions and explain why this levy is fundamental to everything we do!
~ Dena Naccarato, Superintendent
Mark your calendars: Supplemental Levy Election May 20, 2025
May 20th marks an important election for the nearly 6,000 students in our district. The total levy ask is a renewal of our current $5,958,551 per year for two years. This fundamental levy addresses the following programs:
- Extracurricular activities
- Kootenai Technical Education Campus (KTEC)
- Competitive salaries for teachers and support staff (bus drivers, paraprofessionals, custodians and other student support staff)
- Safety, security and nursing
Let your voice be heard! Did you know only 19% of PFSD parents voted in the 2023 supplemental levy election?
Extracurricular activities
Nursing Services
KTEC Certified Nursing Assistant Program
Welcome, Officer Duce!
Post Falls Police Officer Cody Duce has returned to Post Falls School District as the newest member of the School Resource Officer team. Officer Duce spends his days working with all seven elementary schools.
Here's a message from Officer Duce:
Hello, for those who don’t know who I am, I’m Officer Duce with the Post Falls Police Department. I have served the city of Post Falls for over 6 years. I served as the School Resource Officer for 3 years at Post Falls Middle School, followed by 2 years at Post Falls High School. I returned to Patrol for just over a year serving our community on the street.
This fall the opportunity presented itself for me to return to the schools at the elementary level, and I took it. I am excited to be back in the schools and build relationships with the staff and students. I am looking forward to the new experiences elementary schools will bring.
I have been in the elementary schools for a few weeks now and have had a great experience getting to know everyone. It has been fun to go to each school, have the children excited to see me and answer all their questions. I believe this is a great opportunity to interact with the kids in a positive way.
High-fives in the cafeteria
Helping students learn
Building relationships with students
Due to the Martin Luther King holiday and the end of 1st semester, students only attend school three days: January 21 - 23.
The holiday is recognized on Monday, February 17 (no school).
School is in session on Friday, February 21.
Inclement Winter Weather
Students attend school when it is snowing and go outside in the winter unless it is below 10 degrees. Please send your children dressed for the colder weather.
As you are aware, on occasion it is necessary to cancel school because icy conditions, not snow, present a problem.
We also have the option of a 2-hour late start when it appears the weather could improve enough to safely open school for students and staff members later in the morning. Starting school later will also provide city and county road crews with more time to clear roadways, parking lots and sidewalks.The decision to keep school open, close, or delay the start by 2 hours is announced by 5:30AM.
More information about this topic can be found on the district website.
Student illness? A message from the nursing department
It's cold and flu season in Post Falls School District. The Nursing Department has answered many calls lately about when parents should keep their children home from school.
Here is the general guidance:
If your child has a fever, he/she must stay home until fever free for 24 hours without a fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol/acetaminophen or Advil/ibuprofen. If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea with or without a fever, he/she needs to stay home.
If you have any questions, please call our Nursing Office at 208-773-6976.
McKinney-Vento (Homeless) Mid-Year Residency Verification
In order to make certain all our students receive appropriate educational support, Post Falls School District 273 conducts a mid-year residency verification. Residency is defined as where your family sleeps at night. Has your residency changed since September 3, 2024?
If your residency has changed AND if any of the following statements are true for your family, please contact your school counselor or the Post Falls School District McKinney-Vento Liaison, Janelle Baker, at 208-773-0581 or janelle.baker@sd273.com for more information about educational services that may be available to your student(s) and family.
- We are doubled up with friends, grandparents, or other family due to economic hardship.
- We are living at a hotel/motel because other housing is unattainable.
- We are living in a domestic violence shelter.
- We are living in transitional housing.
- We are sleeping in public places or abandoned buildings.
- We are living in a car, trailer or campground.
- We are living in a home for pregnant or unwed mothers without another place in which to live.
- I am a student not in the physical custody of my parents or guardian.
More information about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program can also be found on the PFSD website.
Employment Opportunities with Post Falls School District
Looking for employment? We are still hiring the following positions:
- Health room assistants
- Child nutrition
- IT technician
- Classroom aide
- Duty aide
- Life Skills paraprofessional
- Substitute teachers
Click here for a full list of current job openings.
Qualifications vary depending on the position. Applicants should enjoy working with students.
We have full-time and part-time positions available. Full-time positions include health, dental and retirement benefits. Depending on the position, the starting hourly wage ranges from $15.15 to $28.89 DOE.
Applicants apply online and submit to a State Department of Education mandated criminal history/background check. The applicant pays the required $36 background check fee.
Please call the District Office at 208-773-1658 with any questions.
PFHS Recognition
Post Falls High School has been recognized as an Idaho State Board of Education FAFSA School of Excellence for 2024! Pictured are Elizabeth Jewell, Continuing Education Specialist, and Spencer Newsom, College and Career Advisor, who go above and beyond to help prepare our students for their college and career goals.
You May Qualify for the Free/Reduced Price Meal Benefit
Your child may be eligible to receive free or reduced price meals. You may qualify if your household’s annual gross income is within the limits identified by the Federal Income Eligibility Standards.
Our online application can be found on our website and paper copies are available upon request. Only one application needs to be filled out per household. Remember - each year you must submit a new application.
Please contact Becky Elmore, Child Nutrition Supervisor, at 208-773-1625 with your questions regarding the school lunch or breakfast program.
How to make online meal payments . . . .
Payments to your student(s) account may be made online at RevTrak or through Skyward Family Access, by cash or check at the school kitchen, or by mail. For information on using the RevTrak system see our help document.
Did you know that missing 10%, or one or two days every few weeks, is a strong indicator that a student is struggling? Chronic absenteeism in middle and high school students can point to a variety of issues from academic struggles to social issues.
By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
Did you know? Chronically absent students may find it more difficult to . . .
- establish solid early reading and math skills
- build and maintain social relationships
- engage with their teachers, peers and school environment
- feel secure in their daily schedule.
Contact your school for advice on whether to send a sick child to school if you are unsure.
January is National Thank You Month—a time to reflect on those who’ve made an impact in our lives and express gratitude.
We are so thankful for your dedication to our students and community. Your efforts inspire learning, growth, and compassion every day.
The practice of gratitude improves our overall mental well-being. Check out these articles to learn about the impact of gratitude on our brain:
- “Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier”, Harvard Health
- “If You Feel Thankful, Write it Down. It’s Good for Your Health”, NPR
- “When Looking for Happiness, Find Gratitude”, NAM
- 7 Surprising Benefits of Gratitude”, TIME
This month, we encourage you to reflect on the support you’ve received and take a moment to say thank you to those who’ve made a difference. If you or a family member needs extra support, remember that Post Falls School District partners with Care Solace to provide quick and confidential access to mental health resources.
- Call 888-515-0595, available 24/7 in over 50 languages.
- Visit caresolace.com/pfsd to connect with care providers.
Thank you for all you do to make Post Falls School District a strong and caring community.
NVHS Community Clothing Closet
The Community Clothing Closet at New Vision High School reopened in December and will continue to serve the community on Tuesdays! A big "THANK YOU" to the Coeur Group for building shelves and redesigning our space!
New Vision's Clothing Closet provides essential items for children, women, and men, including:
- Casual and career clothes
- Footwear
- Hygiene items
Conveniently located in a portable behind New Vision High School, you can access the closet by entering through the small gate on Catherine Street on the east side of the building.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays from 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM. If these times do not work for you, please email Richard.raynor@sd273.com to arrange a different day and time to meet.
Come and see how we can help you or someone you know.
What is Ready for Kindergarten?
Parents and caregivers of children ages 4-5 learn how to turn everyday moments into learning moments. FREE educational toys geared to your child's age are given upon completion of each workshop!
Dinner and childcare are provided.
Click here for more information and to register.
PFHS Serve Week
Post Falls High School's annual "Serve Week" was in full swing the week of December 9. Students and staff were happy to support our local community in the following ways:
- ASB Food Drive - donated to the 3rd Ave Marketplace, estimated weight - 2,450 lbs and a $100 cash donation
- LINK Blanket and Coat Drive
- Pottery class donated floral arrangements to the PF Senior Center and 3rd Ave Marketplace
Post Falls School District #273
Email: info@sd273.com
Website: https://www.pfsd.com/
Location: 206 West Mullan Avenue, Post Falls, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 773-1658