The Starburst
Home of the Shining Stars

A Message from Principal Gallegos
MAY 17, 2024
Greetings, Barrows Families,
What a week... we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week (#1), had 5 days of MCAS testing across grades 3-5, had lunch with the Reading Police Department, went on field trips, hosted Open House, and had a visit from the Reading Public Library! Whew! After everyone's hard work and activities, staff and students will sleep well this weekend. Open House was an awesome celebration of our learning community at Barrows. I want to thank our teachers, staff, students, and families for doing their best to make Barrows what it is!
As a mom and educator, it is hard not to notice that May is the busiest month of the "school" year, and with all this business, we can fall out of important routines. Please continue to ensure your students are eating well, sleeping well, and reading daily! I will share more about my push for the importance of students reading at home. But please trust me—it is so important! If you have a student who doesn't "like to read," read to them! https://ybrecdc.org/educational-child-care-plymouth/read-aloud-tips-for-parents/
Barrows life will get busier and busier in the next few weeks as we welcome our upcoming Barrows kindergarteners next week for their screening and a parent/caregiver orientation, prepare for end of the year activities, have more field trips & assemblies and honor our fifth grade class! Please read the calendar below and your students' teachers' weekly newsletters to stay on top of the fun!
Check out the Highlights:
- Thank you familes for the amazing breakfast, thank you notes, and Jersey Mike's lunch!
- Field day for all K-5 students will be May 30th (rain date June 6th). Please see the link below if you would like to volunteer.
- MCAS Reminders: The Last two testing days for fifth grade Science & Technology are next week! Everyone else is done except for a few make-ups!
- SATURDAY (tomorrow) Reading METCO will be at the Franklin Zoo for the Kite Festival. We encourage all of our families to attend. (See the METCO section below for more details).
- SEPAC has new updates below. Check them out!
Mrs. Gallegos
RPD Served & Sat with Barrows Students for lunch!
Upcoming Dates & Lunch Menu
Barrows Upcoming Dates 2023-24 School Year
Saturday, May 18th: METCO Event- Kite Festival @ Franklin Park Zoo
Monday, May 20th: Incoming Kindergarten Parent/Guardian Orientation 6pm
Thursday, May 23rd: Incoming Kindergarten Screening
Friday, May 24th: RMHS Barrows Senior Alum Clap-out (9am-ish)
Thursday, May 30th: Field Day (rain date 6/6)
Monday, June 3rd: Middle School Move-Up Day (1-2:30)
Tuesday, June 4th: Barrows Red Sox Night (wear Red Sox Gear to School⚾)
Thursday, June 6th: Final PTO Meeting of the Year
Friday, June 7th: Talent Show (Dress Rehearsal 5/31 after school)
Monday, June 10th: FIFTH Grade Fun Day! (rain date 6/12)
Tuesday, June 11th: Fifth Grade Celebration, 8:45 am- Barrows Cafeteria
Friday, June 14th: Last Day of School & Fifth Grade Clap-Out
School Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:15 AM - 2:45 PM
Friday, 8:15 AM - 12:45 PM
*Students must be in class by 8:25 to be counted as on-time and present
MCAS Dates: Attendance is so important on these days!
School Lunches
School lunches are once again free for students in the Commonwealth. We do ask families that need financial assistance to complete this form: https://www.reading.k12.ma.us/en-US/food-services-4f8d79b4/frl-bac51fe9
We look forward to providing nutritious meals for our students!
Reading Public Schools Food Service/Lunch Menus: https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=1701802399965&page=menus
Barrows Open House!
Important PTO Updates
Barrows staff have been overwhelmed by the generosity and love shown this first week of Teacher Appreciation! The food certainly filled out bellies and the students notes and drawings have filled our hearts! We love working at Barrows and are so thankful for our caring students and parents! THANK YOU!
Recess/Lunch Duty Volunteers: We still have TWO volunteer spots to fill if you are interested to help supervise recess and lunch on May 22nd from 12:15am to 1:00pm, so staff members can have a longer lunch. Please consider donating some of your time. Your CORI must be up-to-date to volunteer for this. Sign up for 20-25 minute time slot here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0945AAAE2EA1F85-49348224-lunch
JOIN US: The final PTO meeting of the school year will take place Wednesday June 5th in the evening and will be a social gathering only. Further details will be shared as we get closer to June 5th.
REMINDER: If you have any expenses to be reimbursed by the PTO the deadline for submission is Monday June 10th. Reimbursement should be submitted using our reimbursement form as well as receipts emailed to barrowsptotreasurer@gmail.com. Reach out to Amy Koehler with any questions.
Be a Cafeteria Volunteer
Sign up to help in the cafeteria during lunch periods (11am - 12:35pm). The cafeteria is fully staffed, but can always use a couple extra hands to help with opening up packages, milk cartons, moving through lunch line efficiently. Please note that all volunteers must have a completed CORI (complete 1 week prior to volunteering) on file prior to volunteering and unfortunately non school aged children will not be allowed to join with the volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering please use the Sign Up Genius to sign up for the day or days you would like to help out.
We are now on Facebook and Instagram! Like us on Facebook – Barrows Elementary PTO and Follow Us on Instagram @BarrowsElementaryPTO
Minted Fundraiser
Do you need to order birthday, or anniversary inviations? Order from Minted and use our promo code FUNDRAISEBARROWS to help support the Barrows Elementary PTO. You'll get 20% OFF your ORDER and 15% of every purchase made using our code will be donated back to Barrows. Make sure to spread the word to family who can also use the code and support Barrows from afar.
Box Tops
Did you know you no longer need to clip Box Tops and send them into school? Box Tops now offers an app where you scan your receipts! Doing online grocery delivery these days? No problem! Box Tops also offers a way to email your online orders for credit. Find it in the app store or google play store today!
Helpsy Bin
Finally, have you been in purge mode lately? Getting rid of old, stained or ripped clothing? Drop it off in the Helpsy box in the Barrows staff parking lot (after school hours of course) and Barrows will receive a small donation for your items. Clothing, shoes and accessories are all accepted!
Many thanks,
PTO Board
Lori Barcikowski, Co-President
Meghan Dribin, Co-President
Amy Koehler, Treasurer
Alicia Curtin, Secretary
Alison Ethier, Social Media Coordinator
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook:
@barrowselementarypto & https://www.facebook.com/BarrowsPTO/
SEPAC works for the understanding of, respect for, and support of, all children with special needs in the community (including ALL children on IEPs or 504 plans and children who may require specialized support). Watch this brief introductory video to learn more!
Follow SEPAC on Facebook or Instagram
See our 2023-2024 Calendar of Events
Year-End Business Meeting:
The Reading SEPAC Board will hold an open, public business meeting and discussion on Tuesday, May 21st at 6pm via zoom. Please register to receive the zoom link.
If you attend only one SEPAC business meeting this year, this would be the one!
Tuesday, May 21, 6PM (Virtual)
Special Education Budget overview presentation by Derek Pinto (Director of Finance and Operations)
Changes between the 2023/24 and 2024/25 Special Education Budget
Special Education Budget funding priorities for the next school year
Opportunity for parents to ask questions
Student Services updates on new school positions created last year
Annual SEPAC survey results
Pre-viewing and discussing SEPAC’s plans for 2024-25
Family Leadership Program Series Overview
Please Click Here to Register for the SEPAC Business meeting. The zoom link will only be sent to registered individuals.
SEPAC Family Lunch Meetup:
Tuesday, June 11, 11-1PM (In-person at Northern Bank’s Community room or join virtually)
Come have lunch with other SEPAC families and some members of the Reading SEPAC Board. For this month’s gathering, SEPAC will organize a special afternoon tea with sandwiches, scones, hot tea, and ice tea to celebrate the end of year. If you have a favorite cup & saucer you have been dying to use, this is a great opportunity to take it out of the cupboard. But even if you don’t, we will have plenty.
Feel free to bring a festive pastry of your choice or your own brown bag lunch, especially if you or your loved one has a special diet. Please bring your own non-alcoholic beverages if you will be joining us.
A picnic blanket will be set up with toys for any kids who want to join and don’t need a chair. Feel free to bring other toys your child wouldn’t mind sharing with others.
This will be an informal monthly gathering on the 2nd Tue of the month just to hang out with other SEPAC families.
Space is limited to 8 adult seats in person and unlimited virtually.
Please Click Here to Register for the June SEPAC Lunch Meetup.
SEPAC Annual Survey - Last week to respond:
Our annual survey will be open for one more week, closing on Tuesday, May 21.
If you haven’t already done so, please share your feedback on what SEPAC events you enjoyed and what more we can do to improve Reading SEPAC. Please fill out this brief, anonymous survey to help your SEPAC Board to plan for the 2024-2025 school year. It should only take a few minutes.
Past Events:
Recorded events that’s available on the Reading SEPAC Website:
The New IEP: Recording coming soon - Please keep an eye on the Reading SEPAC website.
Transition Presentation
For parents and caregivers whose child has an IEP and will be transitioning (between schools, grades, levels, or are new to the school district)
Extended School Year (ESY) Presentation Recording
MCAS & Students with Disabilities Presentation
Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Presentation Recording Available on the Reading SEPAC Website
Review tiered system of supports and provide examples
Outline effective communication channels with your team and school
***Should you wish to reach out to Reading SEPAC anonymously, please use this form
Reading Public Schools is a METCO District
METCO unites suburban towns with Boston to engage in a reciprocal learning partnership in support of all students. Because of this, every child who attends school in Reading Public Schools is a METCO student and every parent or guardian who has a student in RPS is a part of the METCO community.
"Since its founding during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement, the METCO program has enrolled tens of thousands of Boston students of color in predominately white school districts, creating the opportunity for those districts to experience the advantages of learning and working in a racially and ethnically diverse setting."
Kite Festival
Greeting Families
Last year unfortunately rain cancelled the Boston Kite Festival. This year we are back. On Saturday May 18th from 12pm-3pm Reading METCO will be back at the Boston Kite Festival. This is a day where we host Reading in Boston at one of our many staple community events. Your child will invite their Reading resident friend, their parents, and teachers to come have fun with them at the Boston Kite Festival. We will have free kites for children, face painting, Ballon animals, pizza, Reading METCO T-shirts and more. We hope to see you all there and see attached flyer for more details.
Kurtis Martin
METCO Director
Reading Public Schools
62 Oakland Rd, Reading, Ma, 01867
(O) 781-944-8200 EXT. 19853
© 617-224-8032
Barrows Safety Reminders
- Please drive slowly up Edgemont to keep everyone safe; remember, it is a ONE-WAY during the school day.
- Do not park in the indented section by the gym. This is the "kiss & go" area for a quick drop-off.
- Doors open at 8:15 and close at 8:25. Your child needs to be in their seat by 8:25 AM. If your child arrives to school after the doors have closed, they must come to the front door and be marked tardy.
- The Staff Parking Lot is for staff only and off limits to all pedestrians from arrival-dismissal for the safety of all. Please respect this important aspect of our campus.
- At dismissal time, there is no live pick-up in the driveway except for students who take the bus. Kindergarteners exit the building at 2:40 PM. The rest of the students dismiss at 2:45 PM from the same doors they enter in the morning.
As a safety reminder, the staff parking lot is staff-only. We respectfully ask that caregivers park along the streets. With our students exiting from their external doors in the parking lot, having cars drive in and out is not safe. You need to walk around the school on the blacktop to the back. Thanks for helping us out.
Ready to Play the Best Way
Please do not have your children wear flip-flops. Sneakers are best, but flip-flops are dangerous when running at recess (and Crocs aren't great).
Dogs and Puppies on School Grounds
School Committee policy prohibits dogs on school grounds as much as we all love dogs and puppies and as much fun as it is walking them. If you'd like to walk your dog as part of your pick-up routine, the dog has to stay off school property. If you'd like your child to walk to you on the sidewalk or to the driveway entrances at dismissal so you can wait with your dog, please make that plan with them.
Updates & Links from our Service Providers
An Important Reminder from Mrs. Atwood
Dear Barrows Families,
This is a friendly reminder that kids should wear sneakers on the days that they have Physical Education. I love Crocs too, but they don’t count as sneakers…even when they’re worn in sport mode! Thanks so much for your support with this safety matter.
Sarah Atwood
Please follow Art and Physical Education on Instagram!
You must request to follow these private accounts. We post images, reels and stories that give you a quick glimpse into your child’s day during these Special class times. Mrs. Hurley for Art can be found here @mrs.hurley_art and Mrs. Atwood for Physical Education can be found here @barrowspe
*If your Instagram name does not easily identify you, please send us a separate email so we know it’s you! For safety, we are careful about who we accept.*
Check-Out Artsonia!
Dear Barrows Families,
Another way you can support your child’s art is to join Artsonia. Artsonia is the world's largest collection of student art, published by teachers and students from around the world. Through Artsonia families can view student art online and leave comments. If you would like to join Artsonia keep your eye on your inbox; email invitations will be going out shortly! Thank you! Beth HurleyAbout these Services
Helpful Links
Follow us on Instagram: @barrowselementarypto
Barrows Homepage: http://www.reading.k12.ma.us/barrows/
Reading Public Schools: http://www.reading.k12.ma.us