Middle & High School Updates
March 21- 27, 2025
Upcoming Dates and Events
Mark your calendar
March 21: 3rd Qtr Grades
March 24-27: Senior Spirit Week
March 28: Professional Development (No School)
March 31: Comp Day (No School)
April 7: Title 1 Meeting
April 10: Board Meeting
April 14-17: CMAS, PSAT, SAT Testing Week
April 25: Professional Development (No School)
April 25: CLEP Exam
April 26: Spring Carnival 12-4pm
May 5: SAC Meeting
May 5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7: Taste of Lotus 5-7pm
May 8: Board Meeting
Student Announcements
Now is the time to register for Summer programs! Ready for a new adventure? Want to gain knowledge and Experience? Click the link above for more information.
Families Mark Your Calendar
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to invite you to be a part of our upcoming Taste of Lotus event, a wonderful multicultural celebration taking place on May 7th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at our school. We would love for you to participate in planning and preparing for this special event.
Taste of Lotus is a fantastic opportunity for families to engage with the school community while sharing and celebrating cultural backgrounds. To make this event a success, we encourage you to contribute in any way that reflects your culture:
• Bring a cultural dish to share.
• Dress in traditional attire representing your heritage.
• Host a cultural station by decorating it with items that reflect your culture and traditions.
Hosting a multicultural event like Taste of Lotus fosters inclusivity, strengthens our community, and allows our students to learn about and appreciate different cultures in a meaningful way.
Please Help Us Recognize Success!
Resources For Your Family
Want to learn more about family resources at Lotus? Click here!
Counselors' Corner
Second Step Lessons with 6th graders
Lesson 22: Considering Multiple Perspectives
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to view situations from multiple perspectives so they can better avoid and resolve conflicts.
Question: Tell your child about a time when your view of a conflict changed because you were able to see it from another person’s perspective. Ask your child if they have changed their view about a conflict lately.
Lección 22: Considerar varias perspectivas
En la lección de esta semana, su hijo aprenderá cómo ver situaciones desde múltiples perspectivas para poder evitar y resolver mejor los conflictos.
Cuéntele a su hijo sobre un momento en que usted haya cambiado la forma de ver un conflicto porque pudo verlo desde la perspectiva de otra persona. Pregúntele a su hijo si últimamente ha cambiado su forma de ver un conflicto.
22: Qadarinta Dhinacyo Badan
Casharka todobaadkan, cunugaada wuxuu ku baran doonaa sida xeeladaha looga eego dhinacyo badan sifo ey si fiican uga fogaadaan una xaliyaan khilaafyada.
U sheeg cunugaada xili aragtidaada khilaaf ey isbedeshey sabab la xiriirta inaad awoodey inaad qofkale dhinaciisa ke eegtey. Waydii cunugaada haddii aragtidooda ku aadan khilaafka ey dhawaan isbedeshey.
درس 22: التفكير في وجهات النظر المتعددة
في درس هذا الأسبوع، سيتعلم طفلك كيفية استعراض المواقف من وجهات نظر متعددة حتى يتمكن من تجنب الصراعات وحلها بطريقة أفضل.
أخبر طفلك عن مرة تغيرت فيها رؤيتك لأحد الصراعات لأنك كنت قادرًا على رؤيته من وجهة نظر شخص آخر. واسأل طفلك عما إذا غير رؤيته بشأن أحد الصراعات مؤخرًا.
Lotus Highlight
Science Fair 2025
I am thrilled to announce that one of our projects secured 1st place, while another impressive project earned 2nd place! This is a testament to the creativity, perseverance, and scientific inquiry demonstrated by our students.
Congratulations to all participants and especially to our winners for their remarkable achievements. Your dedication to scientific exploration is truly inspiring.
ANIMAL & PLANT SCIENCES 1st Place: Janet Bajikijay, Nayibe Burciaga Buhaya, Mayssan Salim
Regional National History Day Contest Winners
Lotus School for Excellence middle school historians traveled to the Auraria Downtown campus to compete in the annual Aurora / East Denver Regional National History Day Contest. There were a few hundred kids there competing but that did not stop us from bringing home mass hardware. 16 Lotus students are regional winners and have qualified for the State contest in 5 weeks! Four 6th graders, seven 7th graders, and five 8th graders will be competing against 4,000 other historians to win a chance to go to Nationals in our country's state capital. To date Lotus has sent 12 students to Nationals; we plan to add more to that in a few weeks. Here are our regional winners! Congratulations!!
Congratulations Lotus Speech & Debate Team for qualifying for Nationals in June!
Congratulations to students making it to the final round of their event!
Razleen Bassra placed 5th in Informative Speaking
Sumeya Abdullahi placed 4th in Program Oral Interpretation
Hafeezat Ghaffar placed 3rd in International Extemporaneous
Women's Month 2025
Moving Forward Together
Thanks to all the women at Lotus for educating and inspiring all generations. #InternationalWomensDay