2016 All Write Summer Institute
Finding Joy in the Journey
Be Inspired.
Build Knowledge.
Meet Authors.
(Email: mhoffar@eastnoble.net;
Twitter: @MindyHoffar)
Warsaw High School
6/22 -- 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
6/23 -- 7:30 am - 8:15 am
Send Payment To:
Mindy Hoffar
East Noble School Corporation
126 W. Rush St.
Kendallville, IN 46755
Thursday, Jun 23, 2016, 08:30 AM
Warsaw Community High School, Tiger Lane, Warsaw, IN, United States
Conference Schedule
8:30 Keynote: Ralph Fletcher
9:30-11:30: Morning Sessions
11:30 - 1:00: Lunch Break*
*12:00 - 1:00: Optional Lunch Sessions
1:00 - 3:30: Afternoon Sessions
Friday (6/24/2016)
8:00 - 11:20: Morning Sessions
11:20 - 12:50: Lunch Break*
*12:00 - 1:00: Optional Lunch Sessions
1:00 - 2:00: Afternoon Sessions
2:10 - 3:10: Closing Keynote
3:10 - 3:30: Give Aways (10 Free Registrations are up for grabs! You must be present to win.)
Thursday Speakers (More to Come)
Jeff Anderson
For the past 25 years, Jeff has worked with writers and teachers of grades, K-12, inspiring them about the power and joy of the writing process. He has written four books for Stenhouse Publishers: Mechanically Inclined, Everyday Editing, 10 Things Every Writer Needs to Know and his latest book with Dr. Deborah Dean of BYU Revision Decisions: Talking Through Sentences and Beyond (November 2014). He also has a middle grade novel, Luke Veracruz Stand Up,which debuted in the fall of 2015 (Sterling Publishers).Website: http://www.writeguy.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/writeguynet/137198859659876
Twitter: @writeguyjeff
Ruth Ayres
Website: http://www.discoverplaybuild.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthayreswrites
Twitter: @ruth_ayres
Ralph Fletcher
Ralph Fletcher is a friend of writing teachers everywhere. A former member of the Teachers College Writing Project, he is currently an author and consultant. He is the author or coauthor with his wife, JoAnnn Portalupi, of numerous professional books and videos.
"It has been said that a writer needs to specialize. Alas, I never did that," says Ralph about his prolific writing career. He has written all kinds of books for kids, including poetry, picture books, and chapter books.
Website: http://ralphfletcher.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ralph-Fletcher/103996396302709
Twitter: @FletcherRalph
Linda Hoyt
Linda Hoyt has had a rich array of experiences in education ranging from classroom teaching to working as a reading specialist, curriculum developer, Title I teacher, staff developer, and Title I District Coordinator. She is the author of twenty-four powerful professional books, six video programs, and instructional resources published with National Geographic School Publishing and Rigby Education. A special thanks to Scholastic for sponsoring Linda.
Website: http://lindahoyt.com/
Twitter: @lindavhoty
Penny Kittle
Website: http://booklovefoundation.org/
Twitter: @pennykittle
Allison Marchetti
Website: http://movingwriters.org/
Twitter: @AllisonMarchett
Katie Muhtaris
Website: https://innovateigniteinspire.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @KatieMuhtaris
Rebekah O'Dell
Website: http://movingwriters.org
Twitter: @RebekahOdell1
Terry Thompson
Terry Thompson is an author, teacher, and consultant living in San Antonio, Texas. He provides staff development for teachers of readers and writers in grades K–8. Currently a reading interventionist, Terry has served as a classroom teacher, basic skills teacher, Reading Recovery teacher, and literacy coach. He holds a master’s degree in psychotherapy and cognitive coaching and travels throughout the country consulting with classroom teachers and literacy specialists. Terry is the author of The Construction Zone: Building Scaffolds for Readers and Writers and Adventures in Graphica: Using Comics and Graphic Novels to Teach Comprehension.
Website: http://www.terrythompsononline.com/
Twitter: @terrytreads
Dinner with an Author
Location is Champagne Jam, next to Wyndam Gardens.
(Linda will be offering a session on Friday.)
Thursday, Jun 23, 2016, 06:30 PM
Champagne Jam, Warsaw, IN, United States
Linda Urban
Linda Urban's debut novel, A Crooked Kind of Perfect, was selected for many best books lists and was nominated for twenty state awards. She is also the author of Hound Dog True, a Kirkus Best Book of 2011, the acclaimed The Center of Everything, picture books Mouse was Mad and Little Red Henry, and the fantasy-adventure Milo Speck, Accidental Agent. A former bookseller, she lives in Vermont.
Website: http://lindaurbanbooks.com/
Twitter: @lindaurbanbooks
Friday Speakers (More to Come)
Patrick Allen
He teaches fourth grade in Parker, Colorado where he opens his classroom for observation as a Lab Classroom Host for the Denver-based Public Education and Business Coalition. "I am always trying to hone my craft and welcome the challenges that professional inquiry brings to my learning and the classroom." Patrick received his bachelor's degree in communication disorders and his graduate certification in elementary education from the University of Northern Colorado. He received his master's degre in curriculum, instruction, and pedagogy with a mathematics and science emphasis from the University of Colorado at Denver.
Website: http://all-en-a-days-work.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @coloreader
Jim Burke
Website: http://englishcompanion.com/
Twitter: @englishcomp
Steve Leinwand
Steve Leinwand is a Principal Research Analyst at AIR and has over 35 years of leadership positions in mathematics education. Before joining AIR in 2002, Leinwand spent 22 years as Mathematics Consultant with the Connecticut Department of Education. Steve is also an author of several mathematics textbooks and has written numerous articles. His books, Sensible Mathematics: A Guide for School Leaders and Accessible Mathematics: 10 Instructional Shifts That Raise Student Achievement were published by Heinemann.
Website: http://steveleinwand.com/
Marjorie Martinelli
Website: https://chartchums.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @Marjorie_Writes
JoEllen McCarthy
JoEllen McCarthy is a lifelong learner, passionate about teaching and learning. As a staff developer, she spends her days collaborating with students, teachers and administrators to facilitate Common *Care* Standards. A Book Ambassador and consultant with the Educator Collaborative, she is a proud nerd, obsessed with finding and sharing mentor texts.
Website: http://www.alwayslearningll.com/
Twitter: @JoEllenMcCarthy
Kristine Mraz
Kristine Mraz is coauthor—with Alison Porceli and Cheryl Tyler—of the new Purposeful Play, the book that helps you make play an powerful part of your teaching. Her previous title is the bestselling A Mindset for Learning (coauthored with Christine Hertz), which provides practical and powerful strategies for cultivating optimism, flexibility, and empathy alongside traditional academic skills. She is also coauthor—with Marjorie Martinelli—of Smarter Charts and Smarter Charts for Math, Science, and Social Studies. Kristi teaches Kindergarten in the New York City Public schools. In addition to writing and teaching, she consults in schools across the country and as far away as Taiwan. She primarily supports teachers in early literacy, play, and inquiry based learning. On the off chance she has free time, you'll find Kristi reading on a couch in Brooklyn with her dog and her husband.
Website: https://kinderconfidential.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @MrazKristine
Mark Overmeyer
Website: https://markovermeyer.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @MarkOvermeyer
Register Now!
All-Write Members -- $135
Non-Members -- $195
Pre-Service Teachers -- $40
After May 13
All-Write Members -- $170
Non-Members -- $230
Pre-Service Teachers -- $40
One day options are available. Pricing information is on the registration form.
Please contact Mindy Hoffar.
Email: mhoffar@eastnoble.net
Twitter: @MindyHoffar
Send Payment To:
Mindy Hoffar
East Noble School Corporation
126 W. Rush St.
Kendallville, IN 46755
Keep an eye out...more speakers will be added!