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Golden Family Newsletter
November 15, 2024
Congrats to our football team for making it to the second round of playoffs! They will be playing Pueblo West tomorrow in Pueblo. Good luck, Demons!
November Parent Academy
Please join us for the November Parent Academy on Thursday, November 21 at 6 p.m. in the Golden High School Library. We will have experts discussing Safe2Tell and Restorative Justice and how these are applied in our seven Golden Schools. In addition, we will discuss alcohol abuse, recovery, and overall culture. Parents of students at all of our Golden area schools are welcome! Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about what's going on at our schools. Parent Academy is brought to you by the Golden Schools Foundation in partnership with the GHS School Resource Officer, Officer Hyde. Refreshments will be provided. Please fill out this form to RSVP.
Demon News
2025-26 Enrollment Opens on December 5
Warren Tech Open House - December 4
Warren Tech will be hosting Open Houses at all three of their campuses on Wednesday, December 4th from 5 - 8 p.m. Visit their website for more information.
Counselors' Corner
Grade Level Homeroom Lessons
Discuss with your students what they've learned about in their Homeroom on Wednesdays. Here are recent lessons by grade level:
9th Grade: Celebrating Cultural Differences. Ask about what your teen learned during the 'Culture Quiz Game' or during this week's 'Connections Bingo' activity to help students get to know their classmates.
10th Grade: 3-part series on Empathy. Ask about the difference between Sympathy and Empathy, or about the pair-up activity called 'Walking in Someone Else's Shoes'.
11th Grade: Managing Intense Emotions. Ask about strategies your teen has learned about what to do when their emotions are high (there was a lesson and a Youtube video on the topic).
12th Grade: Alcohol from a Harm Reduction Perspective. Ask your teen what binge drinking is and also what they would do if they were drinking and they needed to get home safely.
Apply for Student Council!
Interested in joining Student Council for the spring semester? Fill out this form to apply!
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Holiday Bazaar
Mark your calendars for the 10th annual GHS Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 7 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. You can get unique gifts and support local businesses!
Vintage Golden Gear
Back by popular demand, Vintage Golden Gear! Last year, over 200 items were collected and resold to make sure students and fans could represent GHS!
We want your used Golden apparel. Drop off items in the main office any time this month!
Upcoming Events
November 18 - First Day of Winter Sports
November 20 - 10th Grade Warren Tech Presentation (Homeroom)
November 21 - Parent Academy in the Library(6 p.m.)
November 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
December 5 - Thespian Conference Showcase (4:30 p.m.)
December 7 - Holiday Bazaar (10 a.m.)
December 10 - Combined Band/Orchestra/Choir Holiday Concert (7 p.m.)
December 18 - Final Exams (periods 1-4)
December 19 - Final Exams (periods 5-7)
December 20 - Final Exams Make Ups
December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break (No School)