Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School August 29th, 2024
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us minds to think and voices to speak. Thank you for the free will you give us also. Bless us, so that we may use all these gifts wisely. I ask that you bless the words that come out of our mouths; let them be words that exemplify our Catholic church and teachings and remember "To think with Christ". Help our thoughts to be positive thoughts, thoughts to help us get closer to You.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
We often equate the word “mission” with “work”, or as a going out somewhere to do great works for our God. Which all of this is true. However, we miss the more intimate detail of what mission truly is. Jesus was sent to be given.
He was sent from the Father, and given to us wholly and completely, holding nothing back. He gave Himself to us so completely, that He made Himself so vulnerable to us in the Eucharist—in the fragile appearance of bread and wine. For us to hold God Himself in our hands, on our tongues. How humbling!
Jesus’ mission was to give completely of Himself. Mission is not only about work, but about giving oneself.
However, those who don’t see gifts within themselves or others, most likely will not go on mission.... For example:
- What do you see in one another?
What do you see in yourself, a GIFT or a PROBLEM?
What do you see in your spouse, a GIFT or a PROBLEM?
What do you see in your children, a GIFT or a PROBLEM?
What do you see in your parents, a GIFT or a PROBLEM?
What do you see in someone who is poor or homeless, a GIFT or a PROBLEM?
What do you see in someone who is different than you, a GIFT or a PROBLEM?
When we begin to see ourselves and others as a GIFT, then we are ready to give of ourselves as He did—completely at the Father’s disposal to do His Will.
Mrs. Longden
We will not have school on Friday, August 30th and Monday, September 2nd!
Have a safe and blessed Labor Day Weekend!
Virtue - Prayerfulness
Saint: St. Catherine of Siena
Aspiration: Come Holy Spirit, increase in me the Gift of Piety
Meaning: Being still, listening, and being willing to talk to God as a friend
Prayer: Dear Jesus, I desire to have You as my best friend. Give me a desire to spend time with You each day, as I do with my friends. Help me always to put You first in my life, even when I am busy.
Scripture: Philippians 4:6
Opposing Trait: Entertaining distractions during prayers and Mass
Ways to Cultivate: Cultivate a spirit of prayer and recollection; maintain the proper posture (kneeling, sitting still, etc.)
Looks Like/Sounds Like: Fold your hands while you pray. "I love You, Jesus." Maintain a spirit of stillness with your body, mind, and heart while praying. make visits to the Chapel. Create a place of prayer in your home. Foster a spirit of interiority in your body, mind, and heart. Participate in the sacraments regularly.
Father Patrick has picked a theme for this year for our school:
To Jesus we go, through Mary
During our staff retreat, Father Patrick shared the theme with us and ways we can grow closer to Mary. Mary helps us to know Jesus in a deeper way. Our goal is to continue to deepen our relationship with Jesus, with the help of Mary. We want to follow Mary's example and be close to Jesus during the events in our life.
Dress Code: Students have been doing a great job with our formal dress code. Just a reminder that on Monday's it is Spirit Wear and Jeans day. If you do not wear a spirit wear top, you should come in our regular dress code. Tuesday-Friday are solid color polos and gray, khaki, navy, or black bottoms. If your child is out of dress code you will be notified and given ways to correct it.
Morning Drop Off: Thank you all for your cooperation during morning drop off. We ask that parents please drop your child off at the front door, no longer bringing them to their classrooms. Please remember that if you will be getting out of the car with your child to please pull into a parking spot to keep the line moving.
Reminder regarding safety and traffic flow on Main Street in front of school now that we will have more buses dropping off. Please be sure when you leave to turn right out of the parking lot, not left. When you do turn right, please be aware of the buses dropping off students as well. The bus company has also asked for parents to be patient and give buses the right-of-way to pull away from the curb. If a bus is leaving, please let them leave before speeding by or turning into the Peace Parking Lot. There sometimes is congestion with parents turning into Peace Church making it difficult for the buses to reenter traffic flow.
Please remember Peace Church parking lot is private property, not a public lot.
Home and School Association
Consider being a part of our Home and School organization this year!
But, what is Home & School?
In a nutshell, the mission of Home & School is to develop and foster collaboration between faculty, families, and the Parish community in order to enrich our student’s education and faith development. We plan to hold three meetings throughout the year (September, January and April) that will provide an opportunity for discussing our goals for the year and the future, volunteering for events, and getting to know fellow parents! Be on the lookout for information regarding these meetings via email and on our Facebook Family page.
On that note, please consider attending our first meeting of the year on Monday, September 16th from 5:00-6:00pm at Holy Trinity School! We will be introducing new leadership, discussing our upcoming events, presenting volunteer opportunities, and voting on allocation of funds. There will be light refreshments. We hope to meet you there!
Home and School's first event of the year is Friday, September 13th. This will be our Kindergarten Round-up. If you have a child in 3K-5K please mark this date on your calendar!
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
September 9th and 23rd
October 7th and 21st
November 4th and 18th
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Catholic Schools Glow Walk
Mark your calendars!!!
Saturday, November 2nd will be our Glow Walk.
All money raised stays right at school and the Archdiocese does a proportional match.
Watch for more details coming soon!
Safeguarding Dates
St. John XXIII, Port Washington
Thursday, September 12 from 6pm-9pm
Holy Angels School, West Bend
Saturday, September 14 from 12:30pm-3:30pm
Divine Savior School, Fredonia
Monday, October 7 from 6pm-9pm
Holy Angels School, West Bend
Saturday, October 12 from 9am-12pm
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, August 29th - Mass (Grades 1-8)
Friday, August 30th - NO SCHOOL
Monday, September 2nd - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Wednesday, September 4th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, September 6th - Mass (Grades 1-8)
Tuesday, September 10th - Band/Orchestra Parent Meeting 5:30 P.M.
Wednesday, September 11th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Friday, September 13th - Mass (Grades 1-8)
Friday, September 13th - 3K/4K/5K Round-up - 5:30-6:30 P.M.
Monday, September 16th - First Home and School Meeting - 5 P.M.
Holy Trinity Families Facebook Page
New families, if you have not already done so, please join the Holy Trinity Families Facebook Group.
See the guidelines attached.
Lunch Program News
Please see the attached information on Lunch Program Ticket policies.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603