Rhino Report
February 2025

Important Dates:
Feb. 5: Global Day of play
Feb. 6: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-6:30pm
Feb. 7: No School/Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-11:40am
Feb. 10-14: Random Acts of Kindness Week (see flyer below for details)
Feb. 10-14 : Food drive
Feb. 14 Kinder Parent Activity 2:20-2:50
Feb. 21: 3rd grade Parent Activity 2:20-3:00
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Feb. 10-14
Year Book
Internet Safety Tip
Talk to your children about how sometimes we see something on the Internet that makes us feel uncomfortable. This can happen when they are playing a game or chatting with someone online. When this happens they need to tell an adult they trust; parents, grandparents, teacher, school counselor, principal, or other relatives. These people can help make things safe and fun again.
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
This unit, we will be adding and subtracting within 10 by using objects, drawings, and fingers.
Key vocabulary words include: take away, part, whole, equal, addition, subtraction, number bond, how many in all.
- What are some other words for subtraction? (Take away, take apart, minus, whole-part=part)
- What are some other words for addition? (Plus, put together, part+part=whole)
- What are some strategies to solve equations? (Draw a picture, cross out objects, draw a number bond, use my fingers, use a number line)
- Create adding and subtracting word problems or simple equations (with or without drawings) to practice.
ELA Update
- This month, please focus on retelling a story including key details. Work on identifying character, setting, and major events of a story. Work on identifying beginning & middle sounds of words. Examples...
- Dog begins with /d/
- Middle sound is /o/
- Please continue to practice sight words at home.
- Sight words: are, that, do, one, two, three, four, five, here, go, from
Quarterly Reading Goal
Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
- Place Value-add/subtract multiples of 10
- Place Value-add/subtract within 40
- Use tape diagrams to solve word problems
- Place Value-add two-digit numbers
ELA Update
- Compare informational texts
- Writing explanatory stories- understanding how details give more information
Quarterly Reading Goal
Read two books this month.
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Miss Loera, Ms. Montes
- Module 6-Arrays (foundation of multiplication/division)
- Continue working on mental math facts.
- Review what a column and a row is. What is an equal group?
ELA Update
- ELA focus: Students will be working on describing story structure, and compare and contrast.
- Writing- informational text- which includes: using facts and definitions to explain a topic.
- Phonics- er,est, le, oo, u
Reading Goal
February reading goal sent home. Read a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Reading goals due March 1st.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Miss. Vargas, Mrs. Kaszuba, Miss. Phelps , Miss. Martinez
- Please continue practicing your multiplication facts.
- We will continue our investigation of fractions.
- Lily needs ⅓ cup of oil and ¼ cup of water to make muffins. Will Lily use more oil or water?
ELA Update
- We will create an informative essay in the form of a magazine article about how weather affects people. To help the students with this magazine article, we will be learning about weather patterns worldwide. To help your child at home, talk with them about how weather has impacted you. Look at magazine articles with your child to expand their background knowledge about how magazine articles are written.
Quarterly Reading Goal
This quarter, students will complete a reading goal that will be communicated to you by your child’s teacher.
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Ms. Albright, Ms. Hager, Mrs. Knight, Miss Murillo
We are still working on our fraction unit. Continue to visit with your children about fractions and using them in real life.
Multiplication and division is still important. Continue having students practice multiplication and division problems at home to keep their skills strong.
This link will help you better understand what your child is learning.
ELA Update
- We will be working on Unit 3 Module A. Students will be exploring impact and effect. We will read a few different stories about Earthquakes.
- For the end of module writing piece referred to as Performance-Based Assessment (PBA), students will state and support an opinion about which text more effectively portrays the impact of earthquakes on human beings.
Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Ibarra, Mrs. Cook , Ms. Juel
- Students are working on fraction multiplication and division in Module 4.
ELA Update
Within the next month, we will explore science fiction, analyzing the structures, comparing characters and scenes, analyzing vocabulary and figurative language. To match the genre of the studied novel, we will also be writing our own science fiction narratives using all the elements of a narrative story. Elements of space will be continued throughout the module across multiple texts.
Quarterly Reading Goal
Students will fill out the February Reading Bingo sheet. A weekly reading passage with comprehension questions will be sent home every Monday.
Home Connection
As a family, look at the moon and discuss the phase or phases of the moon as you observe throughout the week.
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
Physical Education- Coach Applegate and Coach Burkhard
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
Want to learn more about a topic? Just research it! Our students can utilize World Book Online for all their research needs.
Login: usd443 Password: student https://www.worldbookonline.com
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Hello Ross Families,
We will focus on resiliency, perseverance, kindness, and explore careers in February. Students will understand the importance and ways to be resilient, persevere, be kind to themselves and others, and explore different career paths. Below is a list of books you can read with your child that focuses on these topics.
- Little Spot of Perseverance
- Giraffes Can’t Dance
- I choose to Try Again
- Kindness is my Superpower
- Kindness Starts with You
- When I Grow Up
- Whose Hands Are These?
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
Alarcon.erica@usd443.org or via Talking Points.
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
Calm Down Tools for Older Children
- Puzzles
- Drawing
- Legos
- Look and Find Books
- Rubik’s Cube
- Hand Weights
- Weighted Blanket
Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org & medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474