Barrington Weekly Update
September 4, 2023
Barrington Elementary 9/1/24
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A Message From the Principals
What an incredible second full week of school we've had! Our Bobcats are settling into their routines, and it's truly amazing to witness the excitement and energy in the classrooms and hallways each day. From engaging lessons to collaborative projects, our students are embracing every moment.
As we head into the long weekend, we encourage everyone to take time to relax, recharge, and enjoy these last days of summer. We look forward to seeing everyone back next week, ready for more adventures and learning!
Wishing you all a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
With appreciation,
Nichole Cooper and Heather Markward
Nichole Cooper, Principal
Heather Markward, Assistant Principal
Read A Loud With The Principals
This week Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Markward spent time in classrooms reading the book, We Believe In You! During this time we shared more about our families, the things we like to do outside of school, and answered questions that students had. It was a fun way to connect with our Bobcats! We will continue to do more classrooms next week.
Important Back to School Reminders
Attendance Procedures:
Please see the Student Handbook, which is attached, for details concerning attendance procedures. These procedures are Central Office/ Board of Education directives and approved. A few highlights:
Parents must notify the school of their student’s absence by calling the school attendance line (614) 487-5180, ext. 5045, or emailing the attendance secretary, Debbie Schadek, at by 9am. Please use the Pre-Planned Absence Excuse Form and return to Debbie Schadek if your child has a pre-planned absence.
- Students who arrive at school at or after 8:15am, must check in at the attendance office prior to going to class.
- Students who are being picked up for lunch/appointments MUST be picked up by their own parents. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds with parents of other students.
Bikes and Scooters
Please be sure to walk your bikes and scooters during arrival and dismissal until you are further away from the building and foot traffic of other students and families.
Explorations Beginning Soon!
The Elementary Explorations program will begin September 4th and September 11th here at Barrington. We can't wait to begin working with your amazing students. Here is a link to the first issue of the Elementary Explorations newsletter.
District Updates
iPad Parent Control Information
The UACS Technology department provides 2 ways for caregivers to manage screen time, review web history, manage apps and internet access after school hours. The typical built-in Apple ScreenTime and Parental controls do not work because the district manages iPads for school use at a district level - the typical consumer level settings are not available. Caregivers can review web activity and disable internet access through the Lightspeed Relay Parent Portal. Additionally, caregivers can control app access and set rules through the JAMF Parent app. Questions may be directed to
UA+Ed Golden Bear Bash information
Save The Date
Tuesday August 27th: Positive T-Shirt Tuesday
Sunday September 1: Golden Bear Bash, 6-10 p.m., Amelito Mirolo Barn
Monday September 2nd: Labor Day, No School
Wednesday September 18th: Early Release, 1:00pm
Thursday September 26th: Picture Day
Friday October 4th: Making Tracks for Bobcats
District Calendars
PTO Updates
TODAY is the LAST DAY for our mini-fundraiser with Piada Italian Street Food! Order online from ANY PIADA LOCATION using code: XWD9KF. 20% of all orders will be donated to Barrington. Thanks in advance for your support of our first mini fundraiser this year!
Making Tracks for Bobcats
Barrington's 2024 Making Tracks for Bobcats is happening Friday, October 4th at the Jones Middle School Track. Please visit our website for more information on sponsorships, volunteer opportunities & more. If you would like to get involved or have questions about this annual fall fundraiser, please contact our MTFB Chairs, Katie Wilkinson at and Maria Piersall at
After School Enrichment
Thank you to everyone who has already registered for Fall ASE. While some classes are full, there are still some classes available. Registration will close on September 4th at 7:00pm and classes will begin the week of September 16th. Be sure to check out our website for the course catalog, FAQs and registration link. If you have additional questions, please email
Meals On Wheels
Did you know that Barrington delivers a Meals on Wheels route providing food to neighbors in Upper Arlington? It's a great way to get kids involved in community service. Contact our MOW Chair, Meredith Pyers at, for more information.
Cafeteria Volunteers
Barrington cafeteria helpers are back and volunteer shifts start the week of September 9th. Sign up here as there are still open opportunities for September/October. Get ready to help students navigate the line to buy lunch, help children open containers from their lunches, keep them (mostly) quiet, and help them throw their items away. Please see detailed instructions in sign up OR reach out to Cameron Smith at with any questions. We hope to have your help with this important volunteer role!
Note: Our November/December sign up will launch mid-September.
Room Parents
Room Parents need to stay in touch with you! If you have not already, please make sure you fill out your contact information here. As a reminder, if you have multiple children, you will need to fill out this form for each child. Thank you for helping us connect you to your child's room parents!
Join the PTO
Be sure to join the PTO to support Barrington Elementary staff and students. Membership in the PTO allows you access to the directory and e-newsletters. If you have not already joined for the 2024-2025 school year, please do so today!
Reminder to pay for School Supplies
Thank you to the many families who have completed their student(s) school supply payment. As a reminder, for the convenient price of $35 per student, the PTO ordered school supplies and delivered them right to your child’s classroom. In addition to the tremendous cost savings to Barrington families, this process creates equity among our students and ensures everyone has just what they need this school year. If you have not already paid for this year's school supplies, please be sure to complete this important task ASAP!
Check Out Our Website!
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