Important Announcement from KISD
February 27th, 2023

Killeen ISD Family,
I wanted to take time to provide you with an update on the district’s activity as it pertains to the recruitment and selection of the next superintendent to lead Killeen Independent School District. We are hosting a press conference today within the Central Administration Building updating the entire community, but I wanted our parents and employees to hear it first.
The Board of Trustees has entered into a contract with JG Consulting to conduct our search for the next superintendent of schools. Although we have hired a firm to facilitate the search, it is the Board of Trustees that will ultimately have the final decision on who is interviewed and ultimately selected to lead our district.
The Board of Trustees wants to ensure that the community is actively involved in the process. A key component of the process is the compilation of the Candidate Profile. This is what prospective applicants will review and will provide them with insight as to what OUR community wants to see in the next superintendent.
In order to ensure we get as much input from YOU as possible, we are doing a series of town hall meetings that will allow the community to provide input. In addition, we will launch an online survey to collect input. Last but not least, we will be meeting with numerous community focus groups to obtain information.
Below you will find more detailed information about the town hall meetings and survey. To keep all the information and projected milestones in a central location, we will be launching a Superintendent Search website. This will be the dedicated location that the community can access to ensure everyone can remain up to date with developments.
I want you to share this information with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. This task is BIG. It is one that EVERYONE should take to heart and participate in. The survey can be completed in less than five minutes. Your attendance at a town hall meeting does wonders for community engagement.
Below you will find a preliminary outline of our course of actions.
Brett E. Williams
Killeen ISD Board President
Please take a few minutes to participate in the Superintendent Candidate Profile Survey. The survey will be open until April 14, 2023, and is available in four languages, English, Spanish, Korean, and German. You can easily change the language of the survey by clicking the black bar on the top of the webpage.
Survey Link:
Town Hall #1
The meeting will be streamed on KISDTV and on KISD Facebook
Monday, Apr 3, 2023, 06:00 PM
Roy J Smith Middle School Cafeteria, Brushy Creek Drive, Killeen, TX, USA
Town Hall #2
Thursday, Apr 6, 2023, 06:00 PM
Manor Middle School Cafeteria, S W.S. Young Dr, Killeen, TX, USA
Town Hall #3
Meeting will be in person. If you would like to join us virtually, you can register online: