February 2025 Newsletter
Black History Month is a time to celebrate and recognize the contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout history. It is an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the diverse history and culture of African Americans, and to work towards a just society for all. This year’s theme is “African Americans and Labor.” This theme highlights the profound and varied ways Black people have shaped the workforce, from the forced labor of enslaved Africans to their ongoing contributions in diverse fields. By examining the intersections between work, race, and culture, this theme sheds light on how Black workers, activists, and leaders have had a pivotal role in shaping both the economy and the social fabric of the United States.
Comments on Rule Proposal
Deadline February 13, 2025
Rule 160-4-2-.05 Middle School Program Criteria
State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.05 Middle School Program Criteria is being amended to add the requirement any school with a middle school program shall offer a Middle School Advanced Mathematics Pathway. This amendment provides information on student qualifications for automatic enrollment into the Middle School Advanced Mathematics Pathway and required information that must be provided to students and their parents and guardians about middle school mathematics course options. The rule is also being amended to add Computer Science to the list of Connections courses provided in schools with a middle school program.
Growing Readers is accepting applications
for the 2025-2027 cohort!
Contact us for support
Growing Readers: District Spotlight
Jefferson County
Louisville Academy, Carver Elementary, and Wrens Elementary have been actively implementing high-impact routines, strategy groups, and conferencing to enhance student learning. Teachers were excited to receive several new read-aloud books and have successfully incorporated innovative strategies into their sessions.
At Louisville Academy, Jessica Mole, instructional coach, supported Bree Hopper during her 1st-grade read-aloud session. Students actively participated in turn-and-talk activities, which fostered collaboration and critical thinking skills. Through this session, students expanded their vocabulary and deepened their understanding of the material.
ELA Domain Days
Domain Days at CSRA RESA
Social Studies Mini Conference
Classroom Mangement
Media Specialists
Let's Read Georgia - Early Literacy Updates
February Newsletter from Kayce Tyler
💕💕February is Read Aloud Month!💕💕
Save the dates!
Did you know about....
Georgia's K-12 Mathematics Standards Videos
Utilize the Standards Videos to explore Georgia's new K-12 Mathematics Standards. In each video, educators break down the standard and explain how it can be taught in the classroom.
Utilize the Instructional Support Videos to explore Georgia's K-12 Mathematics Standards. In each video, specific instructional supports are explained with relevant examples and helpful strategies.
These can be found in the Resource Repository within Inspire under the K-12 Mathematics tab and then Mathematics Standards Videos.
Upcoming Professional Learning
February 10: School Safety and Anti-Gang Endorsement presented by GEMA
February 11: A Domain Day: Language - Georgia K-12 ELA Standards
February 11: Emotional Poverty
February 14: Social Studies Mini Conference
February 19: GaDOE: Nuts and Bolts of the Gifted & Advanced Academics
February 24: GaDOE Modeling the Science & Engineer Practices and Building Three-Dimensional Science Lessons
February 26: Practices (New Georgia ELA Standards) Rescheduled from January 22, 2025
March 4: ELA (Grades K-2): What is Structured Literacy?
March 5: Behavior Interventions that Work: Keys to Having a Successful Classroom
March 11: A Domain Day: Instruction & Assessment Overview Georgia K-12 ELA Standards
March 17: GaDOE ELA Standards Tour - Texts and Practices for Grades K-5
March 18: GaDOE ELA Standards Tour - Texts and Practices for Grades 6-12
March 18: Youth Mental Health First Aid
March 27: Media Specialists Professional Development
To register for any of these sessions: registration.csraresa.org/PL_Session_List_Public_View.asp
Semester Long Sessions
February 3 - May 2: Dyslexia Awareness Modules
To register for this session: registration.csraresa.org/PL_Session_List_Public_View.asp
For more information about this session, contact Cindy Hoops: choops@csraresa.org
East GLRS Professional Learning
February 5: Repeat Session: Developing Well Written, Meaningful Transition Plans and Summary of Performance
February 13: Repeat Session: Developing Well Written, Meaningful Transition Plans and Summary of Performance
February 27: Repeat Session: Developing Well Written, Meaningful Transition Plans and Summary of Performance
Registration: Log In