Westview Weekly
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2025!
Important Dates
13 PTA Meeting, 7:00 in Westview Cafeteria - Zoom Link HERE
15 Marco's Pizza Night
17 End of 2nd Grade Period
17 Early Release Day - students dismissed at noon
20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
Early Release Day - Friday, January 17th
On Friday, January 17th, all elementary students in Avon Lake City Schools will be dismissed at 12:00. Our school day will begin at the regular time of 8:50 and students will be dismissed from the elementary buildings at noon. Dismissal will follow the regular process at 12:00.
Students will eat lunch in the classroom and will be held from 11:15-11:45. Students may pack or purchase a school lunch. If your child buys a school lunch, the menu is below.
Cheese and Salsa
Apple Slices
Chocolate Milk
Students that attend the Champions program after school will not go there due to the buildings closing at noon.
Kindergarten Information Night - January 28th
Eager Enginners and Artists at Westview
ALCS Food Pantry
School Attendance Matters
Westview January PTA Meeting - Monday, January 13th
Join the PTA for their monthly meeting on Monday, January 13th at 7:00 in the Westview cafeteria. If you cannot join in person, Zoom is an option by clicking HERE.