Franzen Falcon
January 2025
Happy New Year!
Hopefully you all have had time to relax and recharge over the holidays. Thank you for your continued support of your students and our school. Please read through the entire Falcon for important information about the following.
- upcoming calendar events
- pictures from around the school community
- any IPTO (parent teacher organization updates)
- and much more!!
!! Please scroll all the way to the bottom !!
- January 7 - School Resumes (Tuesday)
- January 13-27 - Iready and AimsWeb testing weeks
- January 15 - Board of Education Meeting @ Benson Primary @7:00pm
- January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 21 - Field Trip Chaperone Training - 4:30pm @Peacock
- January 22 - Early Release @1:10pm
- January 22 - District Spelling Bee @Franzen 7pm
- January 23 - IPTO Meeting @6:30pm @Peacock
- January 28 - Beginning Band Concert @Peacock 7pm
- January 29 - Battle of the Books (all teams) @Franzen 7pm
Winter Assessments - January 2025
During the month of January our students will be taking AIMSweb and iReady assessments. Students in grades 1 - 8 are assessed with our iReady diagnostic assessment.
The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motivate them to put forth their best effort.
Here are a few things you can do to help support your student:
- Make sure they get a good night’s rest before taking the Diagnostic!
- Talk to your student about why the second Diagnostic is important. You can say things like:
- The second Diagnostic helps you find out how much progress you’ve made since the beginning of the year.
- It allows your teacher and I to celebrate your accomplishments!
- Try your best, and do not rush
Like a portfolio of pictures, the above two assessments are two snapshots of your child's learning progress. It is our hope that we continue to partner with you to ensure that your child is challenged and supported in their learning throughout the school year.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your student’s learning.
Snow Gear - Cold Weather Reminders
NOW GEAR - Cold Weather Reminder
When weather permits, we will go outside with the students at noon recess.
Necessary cold weather clothing . . .
every day: winter coat, hat and gloves
on any day when it snows: winter coat, hat, gloves and boots
to play in the snow: winter coat, hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants
Extra clothes at school:
Several times this school year, there have been children who have needed their parents to bring them a change of clothes for a variety of reasons. Therefore, we are requesting that you send a change of clothes for your child to keep in his/her locker. This should include pants, shirt, socks, and underwear all placed in a plastic bag. As with other items your child brings to school, it is important that you write your child’s name in each item in case they are lost.
The temperature will be checked daily. If the temperature is 20 degrees or below factoring wind chill, the children will not go outside for recess.
If the temperature is above 20 degrees, per our student/parent handbook the children will have recess outdoors.
Library Volunteer Opportunities - We need your help!
The libraries at Peacock, Franzen and Benson are always looking for an extra hand. As a volunteer you might check out books for the students, help shelve library materials, listen to a small group of children read aloud, assist with library projects … The possibilities are endless!
Volunteers are needed each day in some capacity. Your help would be appreciated one morning or afternoon each week, once or twice a month, during your student's library time or whenever you find you have some free time to spend at the school with the children!
Please complete the form linked here to volunteer in your child's library. Training will required prior to volunteering. Volunteers will be invited on an as needed basis. The school librarian will contact you to get you started!
Thank you,
Ashley Darling - Peacock Librarian
Anita DeValk - Franzen Librarian
Jennifer Susina - Benson Librarian
8 Keys of Excellence
This school year, students will learn more about the 8 Keys to Excellence through activities that include reflection and application. We encourage all students to go beyond being "respectful, responsible, and safe" to embody the characteristics of the 8 Keys. More information about each key and it's meaning can be found here.
Attendance is important - 95% is our goal!
Update - Franzen's Average Daily Attendance currently stands at 94.8%.
Our school goal is to always be above 95%. PLEASE HELP US CONTINUE REACH OUR GOAL!! Thank you :)
Students must be in school at least half of a school day in order to participate in after school events.
In order to attend school, students must be in compliance with all DuPage County Health regulations. See the Health section for more information related to deciding when your child is too ill to be in school.
Attendance patterns are monitored regularly by school staff. If the number of days missed to school is equal to 5% of the total days that school has been in session, a referral will be made to the DuPage County Truancy Office. This means that the truancy officer will contact you for problem solving in order to improve the child’s school attendance. A student who misses 5% or more of school every year will lose ONE FULL ACADEMIC YEAR of learning before reaching high school graduation.
If your child has a medical condition that is contributing to missed school days, contact the school nurse.
IReady Lessons
We are excited to share that all Franzen students have access to individual and personalized math and reading lessons through iReady. Through this platform, students will follow an individual learning path that provides interactive lessons on specific academic skills. Grade level teachers Have taught students how to use this program. Students are welcomed and encouraged to complete these lessons outside of school as well!
Students can login with their school username and password at https://login.i-ready.com/. More information on how you can support the learning process is linked below.
News from the IPTO
IPTO Monthly Newsletters
Other IPTO News
We will include monthly newsletters from the IPTO here. The IPTO also has a website & Facebook page, please consider joining their organization.
Questions or comments, reach out to denisedicianni@hotmail.com
Before and After School Childcare/Tutoring
Attached below is additional information on childcare providers in our community.
Bus Information
As the year begins please know it is normal for your child's bus route to be delayed as students become familiar with their bus route. We have a service to help you be notified if there is a delay.
Please click the link below to sign up for BUS BULLETIN notifications.
Optional Chromebook Insurance
The district offers optional Chromebook insurance that can be purchased at the link below.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.
IPTO Spirit Wear
The IPTO is proud to announce online clothing store that will also be linked on their website. Here are some details
- Store never closes
- Items ship directly to your house
- Shop from several school stores and all items will be placed in one shopping cart
Below are links to our school stores: